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League one forever

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Everything posted by League one forever

  1. I know all the games are important in the run in, but Alty feels a real six pointer now.
  2. Not like you to focus on the negative. He had a great game. He’s played every game under 4 different managers. (I’m sure you’re a better judge though ) He is last seasons player of the year, and this season he’s our third top goal scorer. But yeah, he’s rubbish.
  3. That was the best 90 minute performance at home all season, we looked a quality side. We could and should have scored at least 4, and bar their goal and a very dubious penalty- Hudson only made one other save. We definitely deserved the 3 points on the balance of play. Pro’s. To a man every player worked their bollocks off, and was strong in tackle. We played much further up the pitch and pressed well. The passing was much, much, better and a lot of them proved today that can actually play the game. We didn’t panic in possession and played through the lines. Magehy had a great game at right back. Kitching had best game in about 2 months. Conlon,& Dallas had their best game in a Latics shirt. The shape (433) suited us much better. Norwood got frustrated at times - but the big difference today was, he didn’t sulk and his workrate was brilliant. That’s the type of performance I want him, yes bollock people but lead by example as well. Quality. Cons. Where is that performance against lesser teams at home?????
  4. It’s owtb tradition - absolutely slate everything about us before the game, then if we win come on later and say - I’ll take it, but winning isn’t everything.
  5. Thought similar myself. It does have typical Latics written all over it. (In a good way)
  6. We really need some kind of performance on Saturday. Something. Anything.
  7. Hope you’re on the mend pal. Mind you, I think I’d prefer a spell in a hospital than go to home games, so every cloud.
  8. I could be wrong- but I don’t think we’ll see much of him again this season, and I don’t think we’ll try for him in the summer.
  9. Great post Ed. I don’t believe for one second that this football is what got him promotion elsewhere. I think you’re spot on with the stick or twist. Do you enforce a style (risking writing this season off while the players adapt) or do you stay pragmatic and try and find a way to win games with what you’ve got. He knows that he can’t say- ‘we’re losing because I want to play another way and I need time.’ He was brought in to win. I also think this explains walkers absence and Sav not playing every game, and Conlon being so poor. We don’t play with width, we don’t pass through the lines. I think he choosing to play the percentages. Which as we know, is not great to watch. But its needs must. With the above in mind, the criticism I have of him is this, for someone of his experience he really shouldn’t have been trying to change style mid season, and he definitely shouldn’t haven’t signed players in January that don’t fit into a preferred formation or he can’t get the best out of because it doesn’t suit their game. Those signings should have waited until summer, and we should have brought in a few warriors on loan in Jan to see us through.
  10. If we don’t get the playoffs, then I agree it’s a disappointing return given the signings he’s been allowed and the players already on the books. He would still get the summer to mould things, but if we start poorly next season- then he’s under big pressure. If we get in the playoffs, then that’s credit in the bank- and he gets all next season to see if he build on it. (Barring an awful run)
  11. Quite. We have the double bubble of Unsworth signings largely not being good enough, and their replacements being largely poor as well. Recruitment has to improve dramatically.
  12. Be honest- are you hoping he fails (which means hoping we lose) so that he goes and you get someone more to your liking?
  13. I see you have enough interest to come on a forum to tell us your Latics relationship might be over. If we ‘fluke’ Wembley- (which by the way will the first time in history of football that a team has fluked a 49 game season) then I will be there singing my heart out and very likely a bit emotional at seeing them walk out. If you find that a new low - then I don’t know what to say, only- maybe you’re right and following Latics isn’t for you. Mellon is going nowhere, and nor should he.
  14. 100% mate. I know we are really poor at home. I know the squad isn’t right. But we’ve got Frank and his family, and we’re having our best season for years results wise. (despite the football) The overall picture is good.
  15. Im only questioning what you type. When you post utter nonsense like - and I quote again, ‘if we go up and this carries on , I’m out.’ don’t get upset when someone challenges that view. By the way if that happened ‘this’ would be a promotion but let’s forget that to concentrate on the following season. The reality is, you would never be out. Because you’re a lifelong fan, and we’re there through all the shit. (Which you then went onto say by saying you’re not actually out- you’re still getting a season ticket.) Posting- I’m out, because of the style of football it’s over reactive nonsense- in my opinion. We’re shit- well I never, what’s new.
  16. Not what you just said one post ago, but hey ho. If the above is now the case. That’s perfectly understandable.
  17. Aye, fair point. It was still very unfair at the time in my view. Given his results.
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