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League one forever

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Everything posted by League one forever

  1. Great post Ack. What I’m struggling with, is the absolute fixation from some people with how their personal struggle to watch home games. . trumps the overall picture of how well the team are doing. Some are coming across as, the good stuff is irrelevant because I’m really struggling with not being entertained. It’s becoming fan enjoyment over the club doing well- which I can’t get my head around. This isn’t aimed at anyone, but the club doing well is far more important to me, than if any fan feels entertained during the game.
  2. It’s just bizarre. I know we all disagree sometimes, but this is off the scale. It’s literally arguing black is white. ‘Yeah, I know we’re second best team away from home and we won again last week, and yeah yeah, we might be 5th. . . but that doesn’t mean anything. I’m bored when I go to home games.
  3. So what? We’re 5th. We’re 5th because we are the second best team away from home. I couldn’t care less where we win. Or are home wins more valuable than away wins? Do they mean more? If we were second best team at home but shit away and still 5th- what’s the difference?? You can dress it up how you want, but you being entertained at home is more important than your team doing well overall. Which is completely bizarre.
  4. Wondered how long it would be before this got trotted out. He won his first 3, (after Kidderminster away I seem to remember you coming on and saying how dreadful we played despite winning. . . where have I heard that before. . ) in the following 3 draws a lot claimed they couldn’t see the difference between him and Unsworth and we were going backwards. (Despite being unbeaten, and completely turning the form around) Point is- everything was shit under ST despite being unbeaten. Everything is shit under Mellon despite being in the playoffs.
  5. Except for the part where we played well for half hour and created two great chances. The only embarrassing thing is rubbish like this Yardy. Literally no one is celebrating, you’re just making stuff up there for you rant. Yet again, you are concentrating solely on home games. His progress isn’t measured by home games only it’s measured by Home and away. The fact this constantly needs repeating is utterly mind blowing. No one said MaGahey is the answer, we’ve said he’s a stop gap. People wanted the oppo to stop waltzing through the midfield, Mellon sorts that- and then gets slated for it. Lastly. I genuinely don’t know why you and BP go to home games- all you do is absolutely slate everything about us. You offer no balance on the away games. Or acknowledge the bigger picture. All while knowing full well the manager has openly said he wants to play this way, and has a proven track record of success doing it. I don’t understand why anybody would do something that gives them so much displeasure. We’re 5th, have great owners and all some want to do is moan moan moan.
  6. It’s no good ignoring the league table and points gained, his record so far in that department is good.
  7. Great post. Who else is there to break up play and sit in front of the back four. Lundy Conlon Sheron None of them can do it. MaGahey isn’t playing because he’s pirlo in disguise he’s playing because there’s no one else.
  8. Anyone else sick of progressing as a club? All this relegation then 12th then 5th bollocks?
  9. Mental strength in the run in! I knew I’d forget one.
  10. Things that don’t count. 2nd in the league not rolling over. Chances actually created. Draws. Moving up in the league. Clean sheet. Adapting to who you’re playing. (Southend some good spells, Bromley a dogfight) Anything else?
  11. If we do get in the playoffs, and get a home game- do you think the club will arrange a massive screen in the car park to alleviate the pressure on the players. With perhaps cheers being filtered in through the tannoys (if they work)
  12. RWB is an obvious one with Sutton coming back. CM- I feel like Conlon is being shoe horned into the deeper lying midfielder - but I don’t think that’s what he was bought for/ is his best position? I’d stick with MaGahey, he’s done ok the last two games. ST - I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts Garner and Fondop again with Nors off the bench.
  13. This is a tough game- which usually bodes well for us.
  14. I was going off his past playing position BD. Sure he’s a left winger/left forward. If we play 433 you can get him in, but not in a 352.
  15. Just had a look. We’ve played 8 games since he’s arrived and he’s made 4 sub appearances. (All in the second half) Two early appearances against Woking at home and Ebbsfleet away. I think you’re right about him picking up a knock, because there is a gap after that. Then two more sub appearances against Kiddy and Eastleigh. So either side of the knock he’s not done enough for a start. (And to be honest I’ve watched of those 3 games and couldn’t remember him playing. . )
  16. I don’t see Sav or Walker playing at all. Sav- because as you say, he isn’t better than Sutton. Walker- because where is he playing in our system? He’s no left wing back, and won’t get a game in front of the current strikers. Dallas is a mystery. When Mellon signed him he said he was going to have to nurse him back in due to a lack of minutes. Even so, for a signing of his reputed calibre to get so few minutes isn’t a good sign. I can only assume Mellon has seen something he doesn’t like in his attitude, or doesn’t think he’s working hard enough to get match fit?
  17. Things that don’t count. Away wins. Playing poorly and winning. Draws. Form. (Only the last game counts) League position. Am I missing anything?
  18. Seems to be the lazy generalised response when that doesn’t happen all the time. We’ve been absolutely woeful on about 6 occasions. (All at home) We’ve played well (certainly in spells) in at least double that.
  19. It’s shitness fatigue. People used to say under AL -relegation to league two will be a disaster for the attendance! Crowds went up in the first season. Relegation to non league will be a disaster for the attendance! Crowds went back up to league one level. Here’s the rub- When any club goes down, you get a surge of hope for one season possibly two and crowds go up living on the hope. If nothing happens then the crowds start to dwindle. The fans are always there, but a lot won’t come until there’s a consistent winning team at home. That has been very evident on here recently, where people seem wilfully blind to the away form because they don’t go, and the games they watch at home are very patchy to say the least. If we don’t go up this year, and want the crowds back- we need to reverse this seasons form. Great at home, patchy away. (Hopefully both)
  20. None. But we played quite well yesterday and everyone’s bored. . so we’re pulling the arse out of something that nobody really cares about.
  21. Very true. The absolute lack of any balance is comical. Let’s take Hammond. He’s shit. Or Cons - He’s lightweight and gets knocked off the ball too easily. (A summer in the gym can will sort this) -He gets a bit panicky in possession at times. (Composure will come with more game time) Pro’s - He worked his bollocks off yesterday and gives much needed energy/legs to the midfield. - He seems to find pockets of space quite frequently- that isn’t a coincidence. - He’s a positive player who shows for the ball and doesn’t hide.
  22. Yep. We sold 3800 season tickets, and we’ve had plenty of 7k plus gates this season- with little or no away fans there. 2k potd is low from what it has been at times this season.
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