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  1. So, did jenny confirm that they will not be sending the data? That is what she has told me, but you appear to be suggesting I'm wrong?
  2. You posted a summary of the key points of the meeting. There was nothing at all that I saw about membership. Therefore I assumed (quite reasonably) that it wasn't discussed. Therefore it looked to have been avoided. I didn't "insist" that you avoid things, I drew a conclusion from the evidence provided. And if you really class that as a personal attack, rather that what seems to be your attitude of ignoring the informative posts I have put about dpa and what the clubs fan rep has told me, then I'm astounded. So, did jenny confirm that they will not be sending the data? That is what she has told me, but you appear to be suggesting I'm wrong?
  3. The clubs fan rep has told me that the club will not be sending you ANY data. You still appear to think they are. Either you haven't checked (why would you bother) or the club have lied to me. Can anyone clarify? Surely baz with feet in both mouths camps could do something to confirm? Or is he too busy being a director to do anything for the fans? Let's wait for another meeting where it won't be discussed though. That way you can stall, stall, stall.
  4. Simple questions:- How much has the trust raised over the last 5 years - let's go with up to the end of the last accounting period, just for clarity. How much of that money has been spent on things that DIRECTLY impact on supporters And how much of that has been spent on things that could / should have been funded by the club. Is the trust just a fund raising arm of the club and if so, what is the point of a trust? What initiatives, which are not part of the club's remit, has the trust chairman seen delivered over the past 5 years which have directly improved supporters match-day experience? I think the trust is a waste of time as baz has stopped doing anything for fans other than the odd outburst. The trust just passes money to the club as baz says "we all want the team to do well, so we support the club" - well baz, that's not what you should be there for. That's what the clubs marketing team is there for. If you have no separate goals (do you have any) then you are just a pointless duplication. Discuss (but don't involve me, I don't really care what you do, but hopefully others might) (here's some suggestions - RRE - some sort of roofing / cover from the elements ; some benches / tables under the cover ; at least some shelves on the walls so you can put your beer / pie on them. Cost would be jack all, but instead the trust hands money over to the club).
  5. or if you'd listened to people who suggested you couldn't get the data, you might have been able to start other action sooner, but "those of you who deal with dpa daily know what you're doing". The club have told me you won't be getting the data. It took me 48 hours to get that. What has the trust chairman - who spends huge amounts of time on trust issues - been doing? As for being personal,I'm not sure what you're on about?
  6. Oh dear, what a mess this seems to be. As I'd asked on here what info the trust thought they'd be getting from the club (i'd earlier raised concerns on the trust site), but no-one would reply with any clarification, I also emailed the club and got a response to say that the club has not sent any data to the trust. I replied asking if it intended to send any data and have been told it will not be sending any data to the trust. I raised my concerns about DPA a long time ago and received an unconvincing assurance, and on here, we've gone back to the days of "can't tell you on here" you have to ask face to face (done that, got refused by one board member, then given made up stuff by barry). it seems I'm wasting my time asking questions, or even raising concerns - the trust think they know better, but won't explain why. This is the end of my interest. Ignored, brushed off and finally told I'd removed myself; I have now. Please delete any data you hold on me. I'm out. i don't think those of you who calim to know what you are doing, actually have any idea, even when people are pointing it out to you. ps Lookers - I take it that the club shared my email to them with you. Perhaps you know if it's a breach for one data holder to pass on emails to an un-connected party. I think it is. pps. Barry came up with this plan, and the data transfer has been mooted for many months, but the club have no intention of sharing it. Yet Barry (as a club director) hasn't joined up the dots. nb. this was not a direct response to / aimed at you tracy
  7. how many members does the trust have? It shouldbe simple - there are records of those who were members before the ST holder thing - that is the answer. why can't data protection issues be discussed here? we are talking about people's data. Surely this is an ideal place to be open and honest about what's being done - where more people can read it than can hear it through a chat in the chaddy end? my stance has always been that unless the trust can fully engage on-line, there is no way it can claim to represent 2000+ fans. That's why i don't attaned meetings, that's why i post questions through this site / facebook.
  8. what info are the club intending to pass on to the trust about st holders?
  9. what info are the club intending to pass on to the trust about st holders?
  10. "Is it ever acceptable to disclose personal data to other organisations for them to use for their own purposes? It depends. You may be approached by a third party seeking personal data about one of your employees or customers. For example, the police may want information in connection with an investigation, or an individual may want information to pursue legal action. In such cases, you may choose to disclose the information if the conditions of a relevant exemption are satisfied. Unless one of these specific exemptions applies, individuals should generally be able to choose whether or not their personal data is disclosed to another organisation. If your intention to disclose information in this way was not made absolutely clear at the outset, at a time when the individual had the option not to proceed in their business relationship with you, then you will usually have to get the individual’s consent before making such disclosures." I'm not sure how those of you who work with data protection can get past this requirement. The club did not get advance consent to share the data. And I'll take it that we have no-one who actually knows how many members there are?
  11. Lookers, when i asked rick how many members I got told - can't tell you. When I asked barry he said "no one has resigned, we've got 700" (let's be honest, that wasn't 700 real members is it - not actual paying members?) Now, when I've asked you, you've said "we don't know until we get the data" 3 evasions. So, can you tell me - how many members does the trust actually have - that's people whose names they have received, saying they want to be part of it, or people who are actually paying. Right now, at this moment in time. And why haven't the club sent the data? Is it a data protection issue? The club did not get permission to pass data on to the trust on ST applications. Any why do people need to be at a meeting? If you're going to have 2000+ members, you need a system that allows them all access and opprtunity to have a say. How are you going to arrange voting? Or will it be 12 people behind closed doors?
  12. If the trust doesn't have ST holders details from the club, how can people have become members? The trust launched this idea, but doesn't seem to know how to deliver. What exactly is the problem? How many members does the club actually have, and how is the trust arriving at that number?
  13. I looked before posting and couldn't find them on there. When did they get put on? And did any leaflets get handed out with STs? I didn't get one. Also, have the Trust been given ST holders details by the club? And if so, what details have been passed on?
  14. Did this meeting happen? Not seen any minutes, no details of next meeting. I asked on the facebook page over a month ago but nothing happened.
  15. Maybe we shouldn't have started the idea of travelling overseas to make lots of money? Maybe we should get the spanish to send all the ex-pats home? And the portuguese? and the cypriots....etc...ect Maybe, just maybe, if (some) of the unemployed were as hard working as some of the foreign nationals, they would be able to get jobs? And where did you start with all this, saying that "foreigners" are given a helping hand into work? Which isn't true, but if it makes you feel better to pretend you are hard done to and that it's not your fault you can't get a job, then maybe you should carry on believing it.
  16. Like what? That people can save the state system from having to educate a child whilst the parent still pays the same tax to support state education? That people are actually allowed to choose how they spend their money? That those who value education for their children have an opportunity to effectively increase their own tax rate and have that money directly benefit their own children?
  17. That's a fair shout (prep only I think?) - but it's a bit different to say that his kids go to a private school, rather than saying they go to school in Chadderton. Not that there's anything wrong with Private schools mind.
  18. His kids do not go to school in Chadderton, not sure why you think they do, but I know for a fact that his eldest lad doesn't.
  19. They move stuff between bars to balance the demand. From what I hear all the RRE bars sold out of pies yesterday, but on Tuesday there were loads left over, as there were the previous home game on a saturday.
  20. I saw him play on Saturday v Halifax - getting rave reviews and played ok, but it goes to show that "promise" is often worth less than cash. Trotman, Spencer, Eaves, Philliskirk. Over £1m of capital received, but have any of these made the grade? Philli's back here in League 1, 2 are non-league and the last hasn't played above league 1 in the 4 seasons since he moved. There will be a player that will go on to better things, and it might be JCH, but overall taking the cash seems a sensible policy. If we'd waited 2 years with eacj of these we'd be £1m down.
  21. Yeah, I often go overbudget 'cos I'm stupid and easily influenced. And I don't end up with anything better, just spend the extra to avoid "problems" - Sc hasn't said he's getting a BMW instead of a Ford, he's avoiding "problems" - presumably like only having 3 wheels and no brakes? - hey ho, that's what happens. Keep on believing this stuff. I don't suppose anyone should criticise a chairman and an accountant CEO and a board member who's a surveyor, just because none of them acknowledge that (according to you) they didn't have the right experience, and coupled with that they then appointed a builder who (according to you) also didn't have the right experience. Keep finding ways to avoid the fact that a 44% overspend should actually be considered a problem and tell yourself it's all ok. Let's hope any further development only goes 40% over - that'll be really, really good progress won't it?
  22. I don't suppose you know anyone who'd let me quote a selling price of £17k for a new Ford but then end up charging them £25k do you? It seems some are happy with this sort of thing, so it's probably a good way to do business. And what's more, I can delay delivery and blame it on...erm... the mildest winter in the last 10 years. You seem to be up for the deal. Whilst some people clearly try to find fault with the club at every turn, some seem to be unable to find fault with the club whatever they do.
  23. Club announces shop will shut, but not anything about how they will sell merchandise after this. A number of fans say it's not bad news because the club will sell via:- SD / online / popup shop When did the club announce these options? It seems that some fans, in the face of announcements that leave more questins than answers, prefer to pretend that there is a clear plan by making one up themselves. "no, no, it's all fine 'cos even though the club hasn't said ANYTHING to explain what will happen / has happened, I will make up the reasons for myself and therefore will convince my self with my own reasons". At best, it's an amateur way to communicate. But then that's typical of the current board.
  24. Maybe if they'd known the full cost of build, or maybe if they had any sense, they'd have determined the price and announced what it will be when the stand is due to open. But maybe they haven't been able to work it out yet?
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