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Everything posted by redlion

  1. I'd love to know what's going through Franks's mind right now. He's obviously a shrewd bloke and he knows we are shit and he knows if we carry on at this rate we will be relegated. He can also see that the players are just not putting in the effort. I can't believe he will let this continue beyond the new year.
  2. I can't think of any reason why you would want to do that ?
  3. Think he must have chained himself to a floodlight. There should have been an announcement by now.
  4. And Paul Simpson is manager at C U or was.
  5. It was pretty dis-heartening to hear the names of the subs as they came on, Luamba, Burgess, Cooper. My heart sank as I thought "what the ^%&* are they going to do" ? Well ^%&* all as expected.
  6. I liked Warney as a player, I'm really glad he's doing well.
  7. I'm afraid Bam was a waste of a place, much like the rest. As much as I despise Colin, he knew Bam was a waster.
  8. It's a long time since i've watched Latics play at Bradford Park Avenue, must be fifty years. I remember Ian Wood punching one of their players in the guts who had just brought him down from behind. The ref just had a quiet word and restarted play. Imagine all the drama and theatre that would happen with todays spoilt brats, especially in the PL.
  9. Yes all ticket. Tickets on sale only on Mondays between 06:00 and 06:15. No alcohol. Everyone to be searched and no banners.
  10. Maybe anyone with a bit of common sense would have done a better job than the muppets who have been in charge.
  11. You can't resist having a dig can you ? Can you ? How about you and I meet ? Just you and moi for a civil conversation. Then you can judge if I really do have a distinct lack of natural intelligence. Yes or no ?
  12. I really wish you would disappear from this forum. Go back to Blackpool and build sandcastles or something.
  13. Lewis Alessandra scores the deciding goal in a 2 -1 for Carlisle against Stevenage. Had a quick look on the Carlisle website, it looks like they recruited nine players in January. I bet Shez would have given his right arm to be able to have done that. Well almost.
  14. Agreed. New owners must be the first step. Talk about budgets is silly at this stage if the club is really up for sale.
  15. I've had the dubious pleasure of working for TMBC in the past. Self importance on the part of the council prompts the use of "Tameside" in the address I think. However, the correct address for council buildings would be Lancashire or Cheshire depending on where they are situated.
  16. Tameside isn't a postal address though so you're ok.
  17. Bear in mind he's in the IOM. They're a lot tougher on penalties than our courts. See this https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/former-footballer-handed-suspended-sentence/
  18. No idea but I think he was close to doing time.
  19. I hear Ricky got a five year driving ban on the IOM. At least he didn't get jail, they're pretty strict over there. Naughty boy.
  20. I have fond memories of going to watch Latics at Darlington about fifty years ago. We were walking around town when we came across a small group of "skins" walking in the opposite direction, I eyeballed one of them. We passed each other, no aggro. Seconds later something hit me in the centre of my back. I turned around, it looked like a piece of ceramic toilet which hit me, fell to the pavement and broke into pieces. It hurt but I carried on walking, unflinching. Those were the days eh ? when football was played by men.
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