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Public Opinion - Sheridan Out Poll

Guest sheridans_world

Do you want Sheridan sacked?  

210 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes or no

    • Yes, he should be sacked
    • No he shouldnt be sacked
  2. 2. If Yes, how about timescales, Shez should be sacked

    • Now
    • at the end of the season if we dont reach the playoffs
    • before Christmas is results dont pick up and we have inadequate players
    • after the January transfer window if there are no moves or we are doing nothing in the league
    • at the end of next season if we dont get playoffs/promotion

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True but Chris Day, Terrible Forbes, Guy Branston, Rob Scott, Richie Wellens, Andy Liddel, Paul Warne and Luke Beckett will all have had a nice wedge.


Not sure what your point is but we can trade lists all day if you want.


The fact remains that our wage bill has increased year on year including under Shez. While the initial budget was cut for Sheridan, it was later increased significantly to enable the capture of Gregan and others.


You seem to think that only Moore spent money which is not true.

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Guest sheridans_world
You seem to think that only Moore spent money which is not true.


No i dont. My point is that Shez has spent it better, IMO.


Anyway, in summary! Shez stays :lol:

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i voted no he shouldn't be sacked but then yes if things haven't improved by Christmas and i think thats pretty fair. his first season he took over a good squad of players, brought in a couple of others and had an excellent first six months in charge. Since then he has struggled and that is in no small part due to limited experience for all the back room staff. I understand we have had a lot of injuries but you have to expect injuries during a season and he had money that the board were ready to give him in Jan, they wanted him to bring in players, yes we were unlucky on the last day of the transfer window but why wait that long, other clubs in our league managed to get players in.

Everyone points to Wenger/Royle/Frizzle etc of managers who are successful after being given time but that doesn't go for all managers Some people seem to think its automatic that if you give a manager time then he will come good, it doesn't work like that, some people you can give all the time in the world and they won't come good (im not saying that Shez comes under this category)

At the end of the day its up to TTA when they think its right to get rid of the manager. I do think that we need some consistancy within the management team and the playing squad and hopefully Shez will prove that he is the man to take us forward

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1) Wtf, who the hell are you to tell people what they can and cant do at a bleeding football .. unless you pay them in pipe down!


2) Well, the booing and a Shez rollocking didnt seem to harm them second half did it ... so that point kinda goes down the drain.


I dont really like booing during the match, after a bad pass etc as that singles people out and affects performances, however if the team as a whole are playing poorly, or just arent fighting why cant people tell them ... its only a boo for christ sake.


Ohhhhh Johnny Johnny!! :grin:


bloody hell, im starting to see what some people mean by other posters seeing their ar*e when someone has the temerity to disagree with them. i have never ever told anyone what to do at the football, and would never dream of doing so. i was just offering an opinion. i dont think the booing made them perform 2nd half, it was probably a combination of a rollicking and (hopefully) some tactical adjustments, so that point doesnt go down the drain, i am sure it wasnt a result of people booing.


its only a boo? yes, it is only 1 boo if its just you, or a.n.other, or maybe its only a handful, but if its a large minority/majority, players are not going to want to do anything for fear of someone getting on their back straight away for not landing a 60 yard pass on a specific blade of grass. then before you know it, you have the majority of the crowd booing if the side is behind at half time, whats that all about? football is entertainment, anybody putting themselves on the verge of a thrombie needs a look at their priorities, in my opinion.


on a seperate note, whats with all the "wtf" and "who the hell are you", chill, i have have sworn the 1000+ members of this board are on the same side, you wouldnt have thought so reading the rantings of some people.

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There's no getting away from the fact that this season is a bit of a damp squib after last.


Nearly Always the case after missing out via Play offs,as our last and only 2 attempts.As long as we dont do a Hartlepool!

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its only a boo? yes, it is only 1 boo if its just you, or a.n.other, or maybe its only a handful, but if its a large minority/majority, players are not going to want to do anything for fear of someone getting on their back straight away for not landing a 60 yard pass on a specific blade of grass. then before you know it, you have the majority of the crowd booing if the side is behind at half time, whats that all about? football is entertainment, anybody putting themselves on the verge of a thrombie needs a look at their priorities, in my opinion.


Like i said i dont like booing and moaning during the game, encouragement is needed. But at HT-FT i dont see a problem ... there going to get alot worse from Shez,

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I can't really see how upsetting the side at this stage of the season by getting rid of Sheridan would make any sense, at all.


As long as it is still mathematically possible, we can make the hallowed top six and to break up the squad by removing the manager would kill off our chances, in the short term.


In the long term, we'd be back to the beginning with a new manager who would want to put his own stamp on the squad, getting rid of players and bringing in his own when currently we have the makings of a very accomplished side.


No manager wants to use another's squad, as we've seen each time the manager come in and spent the first 12 months chopping and changing the playing staff.


This is only the first proper season that Sheridan has had with his own choice of players, some have worked (Davies, Allott, Hazell), and some haven't (Ricketts).


We all expected (rightfully so!) that we would be challenging for the play-offs this season, and at times we've threatened to become a frightfully good side, some of the stuff we've played has been simply brilliant, while at other times it's just been rubbish.


Consistency, as always, is the key. If we'd had the core 14-15 outfield players fit all season, we could easily be up there with Doncaster and Swansea, the talent is in this squad.


Next season (provided we don't end up in the Championship :grin: ) I want us to pick up 4 or 5 good signings to fill in the gaps in the squad and progress, challenging the top 3 or 4 sides and sitting at the top for most of the season.


IF, and that's a big if, we haven't made any serious progression by this time next season then maybe we could look at moving towards a replacement for Shez. I'm fully confident, however, that if we don't go up this season then next season will be our last in League One.


Keep the Faith

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Another Shez stays.


Reasons in my opinion:


1) Quality of football (sometimes only attempted rather than pulled off I'd have to agree) is watchable fair. Especially comapred to the dross served up by previous manager.


2) Not at risk of relegation - so at least the club is on a stable footing whilst off the field activities take place (fingers crossed anyway).


3) New manger learning trade - as many say key to success is experience and time.


4) Loss of many key players from last seasons (semi) successful season - best midfielder, best striker etc


5) Who do we think we are going to get in his place? Jose / Bobby Robson etc. Lets be honest we are unlikely to get a 100% nailed on success story in his palce are we?



For me, until the off the field side of the club is crying out for Championship football and shez has still not delivered OR we actually get relegated. He says.

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True but Chris Day, Terrible Forbes, Guy Branston, Rob Scott, Richie Wellens, Andy Liddel, Paul Warne and Luke Beckett will all have had a nice wedge.


Lol...again SW goes on an Anti-Ronnie rant...like Inspiral says we can all trade lists of players if we want....as for 2 of your comments....


1st one - Brought half of Rotherham and achieved nothing with them


First of all, you missed Swailes off your above list who sadly got injured pre-season and showed glimpses of being a cracking addition had he been fit. Warne also was a cracking additition. Scott failed however. Branston was already here at the club so he didn't bring him here from Rotherham.


2nd one - Shez has spent it better compared to Ronnie (I'm summising that's what you've said)


Going off your list, already comment on Branston, Scott and Warne. As for the rest....


Day - Ronnie realised he'd dropped a bollock and acted on it by axing him after Uddersfield away, never to play him again

Forbes - High wage? Doubt it. Also, sadly was played out of position most of the season due to Branston and Haining being the main back 2. Good player at CB and has proven it at Yeovil.

Wellens - money well spent....Sadly Shez put us on the back burner this season by not paying his worth....I've absolutely no doubt whatsoever we'd be highed up the table this season had he not fannied about with KK and had paid for Wellens to stay

Beckett - Not worth the wedge he was given? Afraid he was!


Totally agree with Inspiral that Shez would have his head on a chopping board now but for his past player status with us. I'd say more than 50% would be after it too!


PS Only just realised you missed Porter off your list....lol....was that to suit your point being made? Also, ironically, I disagreed that we should've paid that for Porter originally.....sadly, I was wrong. Money well spent but sadly hindsight saw us without being rewarded with the money Ronnie's cracking signing should've brought us!

Edited by boundaryblue80
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Guest sheridans_world
Get rid of this stupid poll then and get behind the manager.


Dont spit yer dummy out, if you'd have taken the time to read the rest of the thread you would have realised that I am 100% behind Shez.

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