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..... anything from twisted ankle, strained/snapped ligaments or broken ankle!


...it could be that he's broke the bottom of his tibia (the big shin bone) (with a possible break of the other shin bone as well) with a twisting injury.


...and OS saying suspected broken femur.


They reckon he may have broken his fibula...


One of the stewards that carried him off, said that he had dislocated his knee


I heard his head came clean off his shoulders and Gregan booted it into row Z.



Get well soon Jon... :chubb:

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Physio update


Nothing broken but could be ligaments.


Sounds to me from the Physio that it could be an evulsion fracture of his ankle. Essentially, what happens is that on twisting the ankle, the ligaments that are attached to the lower fibula (I think) can tear off. They can do this and take bone with them leaving small hairline fractures (hence the reference to small bones nearby). I have done this before (drunkenly not through sports) and it can be very painful. It's a good 3-6 months out if this turns out to be the case.


Is it the same ankle that was previously injured? If so, did we do enough to strengthen the ankle before he came back?

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Sounds to me from the Physio that it could be an evulsion fracture of his ankle. Essentially, what happens is that on twisting the ankle, the ligaments that are attached to the lower fibula (I think) can tear off. They can do this and take bone with them leaving small hairline fractures (hence the reference to small bones nearby). I have done this before (drunkenly not through sports) and it can be very painful. It's a good 3-6 months out if this turns out to be the case.


Is it the same ankle that was previously injured? If so, did we do enough to strengthen the ankle before he came back?


This is what it sounded like to me from the report but it may be that translating the X-ray and other reports into layman's terms has lost soemthing in the translation. I'd be surprised if Worthy is back before xmas at any rate.


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