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Replace the yellow STFC seats with white seats that spell OAFC and that (pitches included probably) and I would put a large amount of money that this will be a very close representation of what we will have to settle for.


Depressing isnt it (give me a carbon copy of the keepmoat but in blue and white anyday over this)





I like that, to my thats the dogs bollocks :grin:

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5k fans in a 12k stadium....id say there is more intention there than you can see


its gonna look pretty stupid with only 5k of us in it so how bloody embarrassing do you want it to look if it was 16k capacity.





No more embarrassing than when we had 5k in the 30000 capacity stadium that BP was when I started going. No more than when Bolton started with14-15k in a 27000 capacity stadium. No more embarrassing than any number of Championship clubs whose vast banks of empty seats are seen by millions on telly every week.


People seem to have forgotten that when it was announced only a short time ago that the capacity for the reveloped BP was to be 16000 nobody screamed that it was too big. Absolutely nobody.


It's amazing how people can fool themsleves into believing what they want to believe.


God help me.

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We haven't got new owners. They've been here since 2004. In that time we have stood still in terms of league position, lost 2000 regular fans, wasted hundreds of thousands on inept managers that they appointed and on a series of mediocre journeymen, demolished a stand with no prospect of replacement in sight, and the ground has started to deteriorate at an accelerating rate.


I agree that they're being practical-but it's definitely going to lead us towards being another Rochdale, Stockport or Bury. And, as I say, the public of Oldham has already demonstrated that it isn't interested in that. In fact, it seems that much of the Oldham public won't regard the club as belonging to Oldham anymore anyway, rightly or wrongly.


Apart from that everything's ok.


who was in charge 15 years ago or in fact in 1990 19 years ago when we started to hit it big....????


so in terms of that we have new owners.


stoodstill??? we was on our arses with administration and no future in sight......so compared to when they took over we have moved forward....at present we are treading water,but there is no saying once the new ground is built we wont progress.


dont forget once the new ground is built and working we start to see an increase in revenue streams so there for will be able to adjust a budget accordingly.


do me a fav corp on the run up to christmas and during the festive season can you change your name to ebeneezer corp or corporal scrooge.just to add effect.

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:lol: Good thing we're moving towards the manchester border then. Glad you've found a positive from the move. :grin:




Yes-the fans of the richest club in the world and of the recent European champions are set to come flocking to the Legoland arena to watch a bunch of cast-offs, mediocre kids and loanees unwanted at bigger clubs. Rooney and Adebayor just won't get a look-in.

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who was in charge 15 years ago or in fact in 1990 19 years ago when we started to hit it big....????


so in terms of that we have new owners.


stoodstill??? we was on our arses with administration and no future in sight......so compared to when they took over we have moved forward....at present we are treading water,but there is no saying once the new ground is built we wont progress.


dont forget once the new ground is built and working we start to see an increase in revenue streams so there for will be able to adjust a budget accordingly.


do me a fav corp on the run up to christmas and during the festive season can you change your name to ebeneezer corp or corporal scrooge.just to add effect.




No-we have different owners. In football terms, five years is a long time, especially when no progress has been made.


If you want to call the situation I so concisely outlined above as progress, though, you go right ahead. I hear things are getting better in Iraq, too.

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Right I'm going to throw 1 in the mix. It's all speculation becasue no one has seen any plans yet and the club have not released any details of whats included, although, 1 or 2 on here have said they have seen some things for real.


But lets look at 2 points here.


First would be the stadium design and the second is the additional income streams from the new stadium.


So taking the stadium design 1st Some don't want a 4 sided separate stands ground and would prefer a joined up bowl type development ala the Keepmoat. Others say they would prefer a 4 sided ground as it would enable easier expansion in the future by filling in the 4 corners. Then there are those in the camp of they couldn't give a flying fig what the ground looks like because all they are bothered about is sitting in the stadium every other saturday and the odd midweek game to watch the mighty tics. Personlly, I'd like a bit of a mix of those options. I'd prefer to see a staium where 3 sides are joined up with 2 corners left to be filled in at a later date. That would also at least leave the away fans with a full stand of their own.


In terms of additional income streams, that for me is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of the re-location. Ask 100 Latics fans if, all things being equal, they would rather stay at BP or move to Failsworth and 99% would say stay at BP myself included. If we accept that all things are no longer equal and we need to move then 80-90% would say they would then be prepared to leave BP.


So what is in it for us the fans, what difference will these additional income streams make to us. I'll try and summarise to give an indication where they could take us, but remember these are estimates of what could happen and are not based on anything solid as nothing has yet been announced. Current losses stand at around £500,000 a year or £40K a month as reported in various reports. So to make us self sufficient, we need at least an additional £500K income from the new stadium based on current crowds. How is that going to be produced?


1st Private Boxes. Before we reached the premier league we had these at BP and they were always sold out. The redevelopment of BP had 20 new boxes in the new Lookers stand. So 20 new boxes each holding 10 people would raise us what? Shrewsbury charge £1,000 per seat per season. No food or drink included. They freely admit that they have made a mistake by not including enough boxes in their stadium and have a waiting list. So potentially, £200K there.


2nd Banqueting and conferencing. It's been reported elswhere on this or one of the related threads that Stockport raise £500K per year from the new stand behind the goal at Edgley park. Being on the edge of Manchester, It would be hard to argue that we would not have a more attractive venue than Stockport so potentially £500K or more there.


3rd Hotel. Now this new development will not be the Rebok or Old Trafford cricket ground. Boltons accounts last year showed that income form the hotel was £3 million, There is no breakdown of that figure, but it is undoubtedly profitable as is the Old Trafford Lodge at Lancashire Cricket, so lets say an income of £100 -£200K.


4th Community pitches, 5-a side and 3G full size and indoor arenas. When BP had the Plastic pitch, the club made over £50k profit in each of the last 2 years. Thats nearly 20 years ago. No matter what the pros and cons they generate income. 8 five a side pitches let out say 4 hours a day 6 days a week at £25 per hour. A full side pitch at £69 per hour (same as Chapel Road and Failsworth school pitches) same number of hours and an indoor arena at the same rate as the full size pitch so around £400K a year. Allow say £100K maintenance and running costs per year and you are left with an income of £300K per year.


5th Car parking. We all know that metrolink is going to run through or close by the stadium and there could be 600-800 spaces at the ground. Maybe these could be let on a park and ride basis to someone like GMPTE. Another income stream. Could potentially generate another £250K annually.


7th Other. We have had no mention of offices, but the redeveoped BP had between 60,000 and 80,000 square foot of offices. Lets say 20,000 square feet were included in the new ground. The going rate in Oldham at the moment is around £10-£12 per sqaure foot. so potentially £200k there. There is also potential for things like an improved club shop, cafe or other food outlet so potentially further income streams. You also have the concourse bars for Alcohol sales etc that we don't have now. Shrewsbury Supporters Club for e.g raised £40K to put flat screen TV's on the concourses (NOW THERES AN IDEA FOR OUR TRUST TO CONSIDER) and people come to the ground earlier and stay later spending more money in the ground bringing in even more income.


What does all that come to? Well it looks to be around £1.5 to £1.75 million. The big question will be what can practically be included?


Take that a step further and where does that leave us? It actually would leave us more than self sufficient and a much more attractive proposition to any potential new owner if TTA do decide to move on.


All the above are taken from what other grounds have incorporarted or what was being proposed at BP.


All I would say at this stage is don't let the current negatitivity drag you down until the plans are announced, because a at least a number of the above will have to be included to make it viable.


Right thats my imput into the debate. I'm off out to the Thursday quia in Ashton and will let you lot debate that little lot.


Well its either that or :peepwall:







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Right I'm going to throw 1 in the mix. It's all speculation becasue no one has seen any plans yet and the club have not released any details of whats included, although, 1 or 2 on here have said they have seen some things for real.


But lets look at 2 points here.


First would be the stadium design and the second is the additional income streams from the new stadium.


So taking the stadium design 1st Some don't want a 4 sided separate stands ground and would prefer a joined up bowl type development ala the Keepmoat. Others say they would prefer a 4 sided ground as it would enable easier expansion in the future by filling in the 4 corners. Then there are those in the camp of they couldn't give a flying fig what the ground looks like because all they are bothered about is sitting in the stadium every other saturday and the odd midweek game to watch the mighty tics. Personlly, I'd like a bit of a mix of those options. I'd prefer to see a staium where 3 sides are joined up with 2 corners left to be filled in at a later date. That would also at least leave the away fans with a full stand of their own.


In terms of additional income streams, that for me is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of the re-location. Ask 100 Latics fans if, all things being equal, they would rather stay at BP or move to Failsworth and 99% would say stay at BP myself included. If we accept that all things are no longer equal and we need to move then 80-90% would say they would then be prepared to leave BP.


So what is in it for us the fans, what difference will these additional income streams make to us. I'll try and summarise to give an indication where they could take us, but remember these are estimates of what could happen and are not based on anything solid as nothing has yet been announced. Current losses stand at around £500,000 a year or £40K a month as reported in various reports. So to make us self sufficient, we need at least an additional £500K income from the new stadium based on current crowds. How is that going to be produced?


1st Private Boxes. Before we reached the premier league we had these at BP and they were always sold out. The redevelopment of BP had 20 new boxes in the new Lookers stand. So 20 new boxes each holding 10 people would raise us what? Shrewsbury charge £1,000 per seat per season. No food or drink included. They freely admit that they have made a mistake by not including enough boxes in their stadium and have a waiting list. So potentially, £200K there.


2nd Banqueting and conferencing. It's been reported elswhere on this or one of the related threads that Stockport raise £500K per year from the new stand behind the goal at Edgley park. Being on the edge of Manchester, It would be hard to argue that we would not have a more attractive venue than Stockport so potentially £500K or more there.


3rd Hotel. Now this new development will not be the Rebok or Old Trafford cricket ground. Boltons accounts last year showed that income form the hotel was £3 million, There is no breakdown of that figure, but it is undoubtedly profitable as is the Old Trafford Lodge at Lancashire Cricket, so lets say an income of £100 -£200K.


4th Community pitches, 5-a side and 3G full size and indoor arenas. When BP had the Plastic pitch, the club made over £50k profit in each of the last 2 years. Thats nearly 20 years ago. No matter what the pros and cons they generate income. 8 five a side pitches let out say 4 hours a day 6 days a week at £25 per hour. A full side pitch at £69 per hour (same as Chapel Road and Failsworth school pitches) same number of hours and an indoor arena at the same rate as the full size pitch so around £400K a year. Allow say £100K maintenance and running costs per year and you are left with an income of £300K per year.


5th Car parking. We all know that metrolink is going to run through or close by the stadium and there could be 600-800 spaces at the ground. Maybe these could be let on a park and ride basis to someone like GMPTE. Another income stream. Could potentially generate another £250K annually.


7th Other. We have had no mention of offices, but the redeveoped BP had between 60,000 and 80,000 square foot of offices. Lets say 20,000 square feet were included in the new ground. The going rate in Oldham at the moment is around £10-£12 per sqaure foot. so potentially £200k there. There is also potential for things like an improved club shop, cafe or other food outlet so potentially further income streams. You also have the concourse bars for Alcohol sales etc that we don't have now. Shrewsbury Supporters Club for e.g raised £40K to put flat screen TV's on the concourses (NOW THERES AN IDEA FOR OUR TRUST TO CONSIDER) and people come to the ground earlier and stay later spending more money in the ground bringing in even more income.


What does all that come to? Well it looks to be around £1.5 to £1.75 million. The big question will be what can practically be included?


Take that a step further and where does that leave us? It actually would leave us more than self sufficient and a much more attractive proposition to any potential new owner if TTA do decide to move on.


All the above are taken from what other grounds have incorporarted or what was being proposed at BP.


All I would say at this stage is don't let the current negatitivity drag you down until the plans are announced, because a at least a number of the above will have to be included to make it viable.


Right thats my imput into the debate. I'm off out to the Thursday quia in Ashton and will let you lot debate that little lot.


Well its either that or :peepwall:










I, for one, am not arguing over the details of a plan that we haven't, as yet, seen. All I'm saying is that the 12000 limit on capacity means that all you describe will be geared towards becoming self-sufficient at this level or below.


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there not interested at the moment


there is no saying that if and when the new ground is built there isnt the desire there then,people may well decide to give it another go as the club has decided to move forward with a new ground and it is seen by many of a statement of intent to secure our future and once again move forward.


im sure we will attract some new fans simply by location,and im sure we may attract a few lapsed fans who happen to live in that area because it simply on there doorstep.




As I said, Adebayor and Rooney just won't be able to compete.


How is building a ground that's smaller than the one we had in the first place 'moving forward?' Moving sideways, yes. Forward no.

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For the nth time, Blackpool never intended building a small ground. They ran out of money and have to extend as and when.




Good job we're not making the same mistake then. :grin:


I'd love to see a 25k stadium, but if I was aksed to pay double the price of my ST to fund it, I wouldn't do it. It's easy to suggest that "we" spend more when "we" are not actually paying.

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Good job we're not making the same mistake then. :grin:


I'd love to see a 25k stadium, but if I was aksed to pay double the price of my ST to fund it, I wouldn't do it. It's easy to suggest that "we" spend more when "we" are not actually paying.




I wouldn't like to see a 25k stadium. It's a step too far. What I want is the respectable 16000 seats that indicated Championship intentions. Possibly with opportunities to extend to 18-20000.


We're not getting it, however. I understanad the reasons why. Ultimately, it's because successive regimes let the club slip so far behind (as an Huddersfield fan on here recently noticed) that we can never recover the lost ground.

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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As I said, Adebayor and Rooney just won't be able to compete.


How is building a ground that's smaller than the one we had in the first place 'moving forward?' Moving sideways, yes. Forward no.


Although we will be 3 miles closer, in reality it doesn't make a difference. If someone is going to support or watch either of those 3 miles is nothing......especially if you live in Brighton.

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Although we will be 3 miles closer, in reality it doesn't make a difference. If someone is going to support or watch either of those 3 miles is nothing......especially if you live in Brighton.




I'm not saying Latics fans won't follow the club to Broadway, although there is evidence to say that some clearly won't. I'm saying that the number of new fans from outside the usual catchment area, and the area surrounding the new ground will be minimal. Hence the comments about Roo...oh never mind.

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I wouldn't like to see a 25k stadium. It's a step too far. What I want is the respectable 16000 seats that indicated Championship intentions. Possible with possibilities to extend to 18-20000.


We're not getting it, however. I undertsnad the reasons why. It's because successive regimes let the club slip so far behind (as an Huddersfield fan on here recently noticed) that we can never recover the lost ground.

ur takin the piss now arent you


so lets say everything is fine we move things look up we get promoted have stability in the championship then start to move forward again and have to subsequently expand and expand again,we then start to live the dream and attain a lofty level of promotion to the premier league again....your telling me you wouldnt be happy seeing 25 to 30k a week watching latics????


that i guess would be because your prophecy hadnt come true and we had achieved the according to you unachievable.youd be proper peed off wouldnt you.

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Right I'm going to throw 1 in the mix. It's all speculation becasue no one has seen any plans yet and the club have not released any details of whats included, although, 1 or 2 on here have said they have seen some things for real.


But lets look at 2 points here.


First would be the stadium design and the second is the additional income streams from the new stadium.


So taking the stadium design 1st Some don't want a 4 sided separate stands ground and would prefer a joined up bowl type development ala the Keepmoat. Others say they would prefer a 4 sided ground as it would enable easier expansion in the future by filling in the 4 corners. Then there are those in the camp of they couldn't give a flying fig what the ground looks like because all they are bothered about is sitting in the stadium every other saturday and the odd midweek game to watch the mighty tics. Personlly, I'd like a bit of a mix of those options. I'd prefer to see a staium where 3 sides are joined up with 2 corners left to be filled in at a later date. That would also at least leave the away fans with a full stand of their own.


In terms of additional income streams, that for me is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of the re-location. Ask 100 Latics fans if, all things being equal, they would rather stay at BP or move to Failsworth and 99% would say stay at BP myself included. If we accept that all things are no longer equal and we need to move then 80-90% would say they would then be prepared to leave BP.


So what is in it for us the fans, what difference will these additional income streams make to us. I'll try and summarise to give an indication where they could take us, but remember these are estimates of what could happen and are not based on anything solid as nothing has yet been announced. Current losses stand at around £500,000 a year or £40K a month as reported in various reports. So to make us self sufficient, we need at least an additional £500K income from the new stadium based on current crowds. How is that going to be produced?


1st Private Boxes. Before we reached the premier league we had these at BP and they were always sold out. The redevelopment of BP had 20 new boxes in the new Lookers stand. So 20 new boxes each holding 10 people would raise us what? Shrewsbury charge £1,000 per seat per season. No food or drink included. They freely admit that they have made a mistake by not including enough boxes in their stadium and have a waiting list. So potentially, £200K there.


2nd Banqueting and conferencing. It's been reported elswhere on this or one of the related threads that Stockport raise £500K per year from the new stand behind the goal at Edgley park. Being on the edge of Manchester, It would be hard to argue that we would not have a more attractive venue than Stockport so potentially £500K or more there.


3rd Hotel. Now this new development will not be the Rebok or Old Trafford cricket ground. Boltons accounts last year showed that income form the hotel was £3 million, There is no breakdown of that figure, but it is undoubtedly profitable as is the Old Trafford Lodge at Lancashire Cricket, so lets say an income of £100 -£200K.


4th Community pitches, 5-a side and 3G full size and indoor arenas. When BP had the Plastic pitch, the club made over £50k profit in each of the last 2 years. Thats nearly 20 years ago. No matter what the pros and cons they generate income. 8 five a side pitches let out say 4 hours a day 6 days a week at £25 per hour. A full side pitch at £69 per hour (same as Chapel Road and Failsworth school pitches) same number of hours and an indoor arena at the same rate as the full size pitch so around £400K a year. Allow say £100K maintenance and running costs per year and you are left with an income of £300K per year.


5th Car parking. We all know that metrolink is going to run through or close by the stadium and there could be 600-800 spaces at the ground. Maybe these could be let on a park and ride basis to someone like GMPTE. Another income stream. Could potentially generate another £250K annually.


7th Other. We have had no mention of offices, but the redeveoped BP had between 60,000 and 80,000 square foot of offices. Lets say 20,000 square feet were included in the new ground. The going rate in Oldham at the moment is around £10-£12 per sqaure foot. so potentially £200k there. There is also potential for things like an improved club shop, cafe or other food outlet so potentially further income streams. You also have the concourse bars for Alcohol sales etc that we don't have now. Shrewsbury Supporters Club for e.g raised £40K to put flat screen TV's on the concourses (NOW THERES AN IDEA FOR OUR TRUST TO CONSIDER) and people come to the ground earlier and stay later spending more money in the ground bringing in even more income.


What does all that come to? Well it looks to be around £1.5 to £1.75 million. The big question will be what can practically be included?


Take that a step further and where does that leave us? It actually would leave us more than self sufficient and a much more attractive proposition to any potential new owner if TTA do decide to move on.


All the above are taken from what other grounds have incorporarted or what was being proposed at BP.


All I would say at this stage is don't let the current negatitivity drag you down until the plans are announced, because a at least a number of the above will have to be included to make it viable.


Right thats my imput into the debate. I'm off out to the Thursday quia in Ashton and will let you lot debate that little lot.


Well its either that or :peepwall:








excellent post very well put.....and i hope your not far off the mark with what you have said.....

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I wouldn't like to see a 25k stadium. It's a step too far. What I want is the respectable 16000 seats that indicated Championship intentions. Possibly with opportunities to extend to 18-20000.


I'll settle for a new 12000 seat stadium with intentions of future expandment when needed which will help us become self sufficient and hopefully take us into the championship and maybe even beyond.


Think what you want Corps but it beats the current BP or the future one that was never going to happen.

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For the nth time, Blackpool never intended building a small ground. They ran out of money and have to extend as and when.



So the (not outlandish) amounts of money they spent on loanees to suppliment their kids and journeymen in their promotion season would no doubt have been better on building a new stand, to show ambition? Would they have got promoted earlier if they had spent less on players but more on the ground? You reduce yourself into an absurdity. All this about the psychic energy waves given off by the perception of ambition are only as strong as any other fanatics' beliefs, they seem to come true if people belive them.


Supposing, people BELIEVED that the plan was actually for a relatively modest stadium which COULD and WOULD be extended easily at need, with the help of extra income flows and without the pointless burden of spending millions extra before there was the need, would it be a sensible plan? Because that might just be what's happening, only miserable twats like you are determined to force people to see past the common sense that we would use if it was our own money and search for treachery and disaster round every corner.

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ur takin the piss now arent you


so lets say everything is fine we move things look up we get promoted have stability in the championship then start to move forward again and have to subsequently expand and expand again,we then start to live the dream and attain a lofty level of promotion to the premier league again....your telling me you wouldnt be happy seeing 25 to 30k a week watching latics????


that i guess would be because your prophecy hadnt come true and we had achieved the according to you unachievable.youd be proper peed off wouldnt you.




We wouldn't get 25000 to 30000; we haven't got the catchment area. Established in the Championship and looking towards play-off campaigns and so on (the very things that would bring back lapsed fans), I estimate that we'd average around 9-10000. The extra 6000 seats would be needed (whether we'd fill all of them or not) for when we play the bigger clubs, especially the northern ones-particularly if the game was viewed as crucial. If we managed, by some miracle to claw our way into the PL we'd certainly have to look at filling 16000 seats every home game.


I realise that, the first season up and promotion season aside, we didn't average 10000 last time we were in the second-tier, but it was an era when attendances were lower right across football. So, too, were they still relatively low across the board when we made it into the PL.


It's a curious thing that you seem to think 30000 is a possibility but are happy with a 12000 capacity stadium, by the way.

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So the (not outlandish) amounts of money they spent on loanees to suppliment their kids and journeymen in their promotion season would no doubt have been better on building a new stand, to show ambition? Would they have got promoted earlier if they had spent less on players but more on the ground? You reduce yourself into an absurdity. All this about the psychic energy waves given off by the perception of ambition are only as strong as any other fanatics' beliefs, they seem to come true if people belive them.


Supposing, people BELIEVED that the plan was actually for a relatively modest stadium which COULD and WOULD be extended easily at need, with the help of extra income flows and without the pointless burden of spending millions extra before there was the need, would it be a sensible plan? Because that might just be what's happening, only miserable twats like you are determined to force people to see past the common sense that we would use if it was our own money and search for treachery and disaster round every corner.



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So the (not outlandish) amounts of money they spent on loanees to suppliment their kids and journeymen in their promotion season would no doubt have been better on building a new stand, to show ambition? Would they have got promoted earlier if they had spent less on players but more on the ground? You reduce yourself into an absurdity. All this about the psychic energy waves given off by the perception of ambition are only as strong as any other fanatics' beliefs, they seem to come true if people belive them.


Supposing, people BELIEVED that the plan was actually for a relatively modest stadium which COULD and WOULD be extended easily at need, with the help of extra income flows and without the pointless burden of spending millions extra before there was the need, would it be a sensible plan? Because that might just be what's happening, only miserable twats like you are determined to force people to see past the common sense that we would use if it was our own money and search for treachery and disaster round every corner.




Nobody has argued that any stand should be built outside of the plan to redevelop BP. Don't be so silly.


Aside from that, all these points have been answered many times over, including is thread. As I say, go ahead and believe it will unfold in this way, if that's what pleases you. Only time will tell...


I can, by the way, understand from the sentiments you express here why you adhere to your outlandish and unworkable cargo-cult free market fundamentalism.

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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We wouldn't get 25000 to 30000; we haven't got the catchment area. Established in the Championship and looking towards play-off campaigns and so on (the very things that would bring back lapsed fans), I estimate that we'd average around 9-10000. The extra 6000 seats would be needed (whether we'd fill all of them or not) for when we play the bigger clubs, especially the northern ones-particularly if the game was viewed as crucial. If we managed, by some miracle to claw our way into the PL we'd certainly have to look at filling 16000 seats every home game.


I realise that, the first season up and promotion season aside, we didn't average 10000 last time we were in the second-tier, but it was an era when attendances were lower right across football. So, too, were they still relatively low across the board when we made it into the PL.


It's a curious thing that you seem to think 30000 is a possibility but are happy with a 12000 capacity stadium, by the way.


did i say i was happy with a 12k stadium???? did i say i was unhappy with a 12k stadium?????


of course 30k is a possibility..nobody knows whats around the corner or what the future holds


i sincerely hope you will be ready to eat huge portions of humble pie when your prophecys of doom dont appear.

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did i say i was happy with a 12k stadium???? did i say i was unhappy with a 12k stadium?????


of course 30k is a possibility..nobody knows whats around the corner or what the future holds


i sincerely hope you will be ready to eat huge portions of humble pie when your prophecys of doom dont appear.




My God, it isn't, ed matie. It really isn't.

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Nobody has argued that any stand should be built outside of the plan to redevelop BP. Don't be so silly.


Aside from that, all these points have been answered many times over, including is thread. As I say, go ahead and believe it will unfold in this way, if that's what pleases you. Only time will tell...


I can, by the way, understand from the sentiments you express here why you adhere to your outlandish and unworkable cargo-cult free market fundamentalism.

Erm, the comparison was with Blackpool spending money on a squad first and ground later, when they needed more seats. Or did you see that and duck it?


And will you address my suggestion that it precisely your sort of determination to see disaster rather than progressive common sense into the plan that is likely to convince fans that we are going nowhere just at the moment when we MAY have a quite cunning plan to take us forward? So far as I can see the only problem that you, "ambition," line hinges on is PERCEPTIONS -and you are the biggest hawker of negative PERCEPTIONS that I know of associated with the club.

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