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Owners deny we're going into Administration?

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I gathered that they often struggle to meet payroll, it is a cse of whether some money they are due gets there in time or Mr Blitz or Mr Gazal need to get their hands on enough ready cash to cover it. When L & E and I were in there the were sorting it out and Corney suggested to Joy that they hold fire on a couple of salaries (at a guess Joy and Hardy's) for a day or two until the got funds in, it could just be something like that. Bear in mind that in a typical month we donlt have enough to pay the bills, that's why we make a loss.




Anyway, HR are a set of bellends, all companies, all over the world, without a single exception. Most of them are queer too. I didn't get paid last month until the expiry of two days of people in London being too busy to sign a piece of paper, and then had to get through the combined Western and Islamic weeks and the UK Bank Holiday. And then wait another, "cockhead," day while they sorted it. Obviously my bank had also blocked my account as the thought it a bit odd that my card hadn't been used in England for ten days but someone was trying to draw cash in a foreign land every ten minutes, but then Natwest are tossbags as well.

I tis interesting that the Head of HR prides herself on getting everything right, and everything has to go through due process.

Yet going through due process causes everything to pile up and be late!



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So Zorrro, are you a People HR person, or a Process HR person?!!!



I blame Labour, they made everything about forms, process, checklists, and tick boxes.


Process. Reporting & Analysis.




My HRD hates processes. We're not allowed to use the word in earshot of her. (She's a Lib Dem supporter, incidentally.)

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(She's a Lib Dem supporter, incidentally.)

You work with lesbians too?


What really got me was that the reason given that I wasn't paid was I was wrongly classed as a leaver. Given I'd worked 2/3 of the month in my old role you would have thought that they would still have paid me that anyway? Bastards.

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I also know of a player, that didn't receive his full wage slip, with additional extras that he was due, not there.



Which is exactly as it should be.


I bet he'd have been upset if he HAD received his payslip, with the addtional extras that he was due, not there.


Did he get his additional extra add-on supplmentary payments though?

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Anyway, HR are a set of bellends, all companies, all over the world, without a single exception.

They're still not as crap as IT support. When i phoned our IT helpdesk yesterday to ask why my account had been deleted, from my work phone, quoting my workstation number, their response was 'Have you not left the Trust? We've got you down as having left. Do you still work here?"


Although HR did get my date of birth wrong. And lost my references. And sent my contract to my old address in Manchester.

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Everybody blames IT support for things they don't understand. Invariably the problem is BCAK (Between Chair And Keyboard).


Indeed, but it is probably the same for HR too.


It must be my fault in some way that they sent my contract which I had to chase up after four months of working (for the new Council) to my neighbour instead of my address. I'm so glad that they now probably know my wage details and work conditions.


Over six months now. Still no contract.

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