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Sell On Clause to be SOLD for M Richards.

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I think one or two are being a tad to defensive. I think it's you yourselves that are questioning yourselves really.

Not necessarily questioning or defensive, but I'm certainly not claiming to be any kind of superfan while I can't even be bothered going... and I'm happy to take the stick.


I guess it's natural for the die hards to resent the waverers in some ways, but it isn't in the club's best interests to drive us away altogether.

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The thing is, I'm speaking as someone who, were I still living in the area, would be one of those people still paying on the day between 15 and 20 times a season. And even if I were, I'd appreciate that there were people who didn't go but still loved the club. As I've alluded to previously, I find it quite disappointing that people think so black and white.

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I could go tomorrow...but I'd rather go out tonight, see some mates, have a sing song on karaoke and have some cold ones.


Something which is more enjoyable than Latics. Even if it is a big game. I wouldn't say it doesn't make me a supporter, I could stay in tonight and go Latics instead. I don't have the money to do both 'cause I'm going to the M.E.N to watch boxing tomorrow night, so that will wipe my finances out. So out of the two remaining options, mates, beer and karaoke wins everytime.


Different situations for different people.


I do see Diego's P.O.V and it holds a lot of water.

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A supporter is something permanent without which an entity will generally collapse.

A fan is something that simply re-distributes hot air, has little influence on stability but your glad of them when you need them. Anyone who comes on this site is more than a fan, whether they believe it or not - they wouldn't be on here otherwise. Being an exile I have tried to convince myself and others that I don't care if we win, lose or draw anymore - but I know I do.

We have either contributed or are contributing to a club that means a lot to us. Even those that do not go as regularly as they once did, for whatever reason, have played their part in the history of this club so stop the pi**ing competion. Unbeknown to many of us we have probably grabbed each other in the past and jumped up and down in moments of celebration or random homo-sexuality. I haven't celebrated goals with such passion for years but I still look forward to a future where I can.

Due to work and distance I can't travel to many matches anymore but I am now prepared to support the club financially in whatever way I can. I miss the old days of a packed chaddy end with the springy boards, the banter between left and right side, being crushed against barriers, being frog-marched down the touchline by the police and my dad shouting from the paddocks that the he can assure me that the copper won't beat me up as much as he was gonna do when I got home. It won't ever be the same again for me but Oldham have given me some memories that are worth some payback. Keep the dream alive and do what you can.


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A supporter is someone who helps support the club with a financial commitment, or a commitment in some kind which actually aids the club.


A fan is someone who likes the club and follows them without directly adding an input either financially or in some other way.

/\ This


Not black & white.......just how I happen to see it too.


It actually winds me up when people I know well say they "Support Oldham"; but in reality haven't been to a game since; like 1993! In that case; you used to support Oldham or you're now just a fan of the club; but view from afar and no long go.......

Edited by slystallone
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A supporter is something permanent without which an entity will generally collapse.

A fan is something that simply re-distributes hot air, has little influence on stability but your glad of them when you need them. Anyone who comes on this site is more than a fan, whether they believe it or not - they wouldn't be on here otherwise. Being an exile I have tried to convince myself and others that I don't care if we win, lose or draw anymore - but I know I do.

We have either contributed or are contributing to a club that means a lot to us. Even those that do not go as regularly as they once did, for whatever reason, have played their part in the history of this club so stop the pi**ing competion. Unbeknown to many of us we have probably grabbed each other in the past and jumped up and down in moments of celebration or random homo-sexuality. I haven't celebrated goals with such passion for years but I still look forward to a future where I can.

Due to work and distance I can't travel to many matches anymore but I am now prepared to support the club financially in whatever way I can. I miss the old days of a packed chaddy end with the springy boards, the banter between left and right side, being crushed against barriers, being frog-marched down the touchline by the police and my dad shouting from the paddocks that the he can assure me that the copper won't beat me up as much as he was gonna do when I got home. It won't ever be the same again for me but Oldham have given me some memories that are worth some payback. Keep the dream alive and do what you can.




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I've just had a thought. OWTB generates income for the club via click-thrus etc.


*looks at oafc0000's post count*


I think your supporter status is good value for a few years yet. :grin:



It all matters nothing really. The ones who want to make a point of all this just seem to need a security blanket and reassurance that they are some sort of "real" fan/supporter... Leave them to it if it makes them feel better about themselves I say :wink:


I am very comfortable in what I do and what I stand for and I think the likes of Garcon are as well.

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If a supporter is soneone who financially supports the club, is there a benchmark.

I don;t get to home games, I live too far away, and ha ve 3 year old.

I do support the club.

I teravelled up from Kent, stayed in a pub, rattled a bucket for the whole of the build up to the All stars game and raised hundereds of pounds.

This season I have bought a 9.99 tshirt from visually/club and subscribe to Latics Player.

Am I Fan or supporter?


You could easily argue that all the log ons on here 0000 is directly contributing to Latics, and therefore a supporter.

EDIT did not see Zorr's post amking the same point

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I aint no super fan. I am just a Latics supporter and don't need any blanket. I care not a jot who is a fan or a supporter, I purely entired the fray to give my take on the debate. I'll be there tomorrow because I want to be. Those that don't want to be wont, so why dress it up.

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