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I've actually managed to watch it half a dozen times now and I can't blame Amos for any but the 2nd, but how many times have you seen keepers make that very simple mistake? It's happened to the best of them and it's how he reacts now that's important. Step forward Paul Gerrard and help the kid through it.


I agree with the foul on Lee as well, but it doesn't alter the fact that we were outplayed, outthought, outfought and outmuscled by a team that had more value on the bench than we could dream of. Is that what administration does for you?


No excuses, we maybe gave them more than they deserved, but it's gone, finished with and now it's about how we react on Saturday.


Come on lads, let's show Plymuff we're not really a pushover.

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Defensively it was an horror show, we had lost all shape.

Southamptons pace and movement left us bewildered.

As most have said though, that match has gone now, the big test will be how we respond. Let's hope no permanent scars were inflicted and the players want to redeem themselves with a fully commited performance on saturday.

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I still can't bring myself to watch it. Don't think I ever will.


The only other game I've had the opportunity to watch after the event and couldn't bring myself to do it was the FA Cup Semi Final replay. I erased the tape. Pity I can't erase the memory :(

Edited by laticsrblue
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