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Corney still fully committed to Latics

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After last Saturday’s result, reinforcing the current slump in form, which if continued will lead to relegation, and the continuing drop in the Club’s income with no investor in sight, I’ve been desperate for a glimmer of hope that the Club can survive.


For my 16,000th post I think I’ve found the “dramatic” part of the ‘Golden Ticket’ announcement. It’s the bit that reads:

Mr Corney added that the size of the turnout for the FA Cup tie at Liverpool reinforced his belief that there is still potential and he remains fully committed to the club. He says "This gesture is done for the club and for the fans. It is of no benefit to me personally as I will take a big hit financially".


On the basis of the devil you know, I’m clinging onto that desperately as my glimmer of hope. :pray:

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After last Saturday's result, reinforcing the current slump in form, which if continued will lead to relegation, and the continuing drop in the Club's income with no investor in sight, I've been desperate for a glimmer of hope that the Club can survive.


For my 16,000th post I think I've found the "dramatic" part of the 'Golden Ticket' announcement. It's the bit that reads:

Mr Corney added that the size of the turnout for the FA Cup tie at Liverpool reinforced his belief that there is still potential and he remains fully committed to the club. He says "This gesture is done for the club and for the fans. It is of no benefit to me personally as I will take a big hit financially".


On the basis of the devil you know, I'm clinging onto that desperately as my glimmer of hope. :pray:



He's hanging on to get his money back, that's all. Wake up.

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He's hanging on to get his money back, that's all. Wake up.


He's said repeatedly "we would never put the Club into administration or anything like that. I think that people are upset that we’ve been down this road before”.


He's also said “A financial genius could not get out of this deal level. I don’t ever see us taking money out of the Club. The Club doesn’t have a burden of debt, it’s all personal and that’s a pretty good safeguard to have.


Without making this a sob story - we are never going to get our money back. It’s bizarre how anyone can come up with figures to suggest we can make money. The only way to break even would be to sell Boundary Park and go back to America. We stay because we like it. If we wanted to we could walk away, sell Boundary Park and there’s nothing could be done to stop us and if we’re supposedly trying to make money from this why would we not do that now and walk away?"


We await news of investment and the plans for the redevelopment of BP. It's looking like we'll be waiting a long time, but BP hasn't been sold yet and SC is still here. Where there's life there's hope, even if the hope proves to be forlorn. Better to be frightened of shadows and living in hope than to conclude that doom is the only future.


Anyone with questions for him can ask them tomorrow at BP between 10:00am and noon or email him:


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He's said repeatedly "we would never put the Club into administration or anything like that. I think that people are upset that we’ve been down this road before”.


He's also said “A financial genius could not get out of this deal level. I don’t ever see us taking money out of the Club. The Club doesn’t have a burden of debt, it’s all personal and that’s a pretty good safeguard to have.


Without making this a sob story - we are never going to get our money back. It’s bizarre how anyone can come up with figures to suggest we can make money. The only way to break even would be to sell Boundary Park and go back to America. We stay because we like it. If we wanted to we could walk away, sell Boundary Park and there’s nothing could be done to stop us and if we’re supposedly trying to make money from this why would we not do that now and walk away?"


We await news of investment and the plans for the redevelopment of BP. It's looking like we'll be waiting a long time, but BP hasn't been sold yet and SC is still here. Where there's life there's hope, even if the hope proves to be forlorn. Better to be frightened of shadows and living in hope than to conclude that doom is the only future.


Anyone with questions for him can ask them tomorrow at BP between 10:00am and noon or email him:



Er what's with the we business- haven't the other two already done that and aren't they the ones who will make money (back), as they own the land.

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If you're the last one Diego turn the light out. Do you really think he's not looking to get as much of his money back as he can? Really?


I simply remind readers of what he's said and he's been true to his word so far.


When it comes to what I think, I think Latics will be relegated and there will be nobody daft enough to invest in the Club. Without investment, and with totally inadequate support, the Club will die and BP will be sold for housing development.


As I said, he's still fully committed and where there's life, there's hope.

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He's hanging on to get his money back, that's all. Wake up.


That's total crap. How the hell is he ever going to get his money back, no matter how long he hangs on? The club (and SC) is losing shedloads of money every week. The crowds are poor, the ground costs a fortune to maintain, but you think he's going to hang around until it all suddenly becomes a profitable business.


The only way it will be profitable for him personally is if Roman Abramovich's brother (or some such luminary) buys the club, pays off SC and the other two Amigos plus a big golden handshake. The alternative to that is if Billy Abramovich just gives SC and the club the money and says, "There you goski. Carry onski." At which point SC says, "Ta very much. I have my money back, so I'll sell the club and bugger off".


Oh, hang on, no bugger wants it.



Now who's dreaming.

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That's total crap. How the hell is he ever going to get his money back, no matter how long he hangs on? The club (and SC) is losing shedloads of money every week. The crowds are poor, the ground costs a fortune to maintain, but you think he's going to hang around until it all suddenly becomes a profitable business.


The only way it will be profitable for him personally is if Roman Abramovich's brother (or some such luminary) buys the club, pays off SC and the other two Amigos plus a big golden handshake. The alternative to that is if Billy Abramovich just gives SC and the club the money and says, "There you goski. Carry onski." At which point SC says, "Ta very much. I have my money back, so I'll sell the club and bugger off".


Oh, hang on, no bugger wants it.



Now who's dreaming.


The Land. It will be worth something. That's not crap. How else do you explain a continuing desire to lose money, eh?



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The Land. It will be worth something. That's not crap. How else do you explain a continuing desire to lose money, eh?




I doubt very much that many club chairmen in the lower leagues go into it with the expectation of making money. It's not an actual desire to lose money, more an acceptance that it will most likely happen, unless something spectacular occurs. Like Billy Abramovich pitching up with a wad of dosh in his arse pocket to buy the whole thing and the promise of paying top dollar to any player who signs for the club. It's how the likes of MK Dongs can attract Alan Smith, for example, who won't be on peanuts.


Your post suggests that SC simply wants to sell the whole shooting match; club, players, ground, car park and ride off into the sunset without a care in the world that the club has died. Well, if that's the case. it's taking him a bloody long time to do it. Could be summat to do with the fact that those buyers ain't out there. Plus, of course, that he actually wants to keep the club.


As Diego says, SC has not done anything yet but back up all he has said. And that, I am pleased to say, is my final word on the subject.


Of course, if you (or anyone else) can get to BP between 10:00 & 12:00 tomorrow, you can ask him yourself.

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The Land. It will be worth something. That's not crap. How else do you explain a continuing desire to lose money, eh?




When they bought the club yes, but the whole world has gone to the pot since then. The land is not worth anywhere near what it was, and why wouldn't he have sole the land in the summer? Or any other time for that matter, he may sell and then you can stick out your chest and shout from the hilltops how you were right. Until then have a little more faith, what else would he have to do to prove he isn't out to make money from Latics? Fund £500,000 a year to keep a stadium going he could sell? Oh wait......

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The Land. It will be worth something. That's not crap. How else do you explain a continuing desire to lose money, eh?



lol who do you think you are?ME?

I agree with your opinion by the way,wholeheartedly.

tick tock,tick tock,tick tock...

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The Land. It will be worth something. That's not crap. How else do you explain a continuing desire to lose money, eh?



The OS report on the second Radcliffe School Forum held in December 2009, quotes SC as saying:


…a financial genius could not get out of this level

£5m on land

£6m on Club and interest

£3m on Lancaster Club land

Assume a new stadium costs £15m

Making around £30m – the latest offer for Boundary Park was a value of £18m two years ago [2007] about half that now at £9m.


For "new stadium" now read redevelopment of BP. The figures are out of date but the principle remains the same.

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When they bought the club yes, but the whole world has gone to the pot since then. The land is not worth anywhere near what it was, and why wouldn't he have sole the land in the summer? Or any other time for that matter, he may sell and then you can stick out your chest and shout from the hilltops how you were right. Until then have a little more faith, what else would he have to do to prove he isn't out to make money from Latics? Fund £500,000 a year to keep a stadium going he could sell? Oh wait......



And property prices will never go back up eh? Part of me hopes you're all right but I reckon even if he turns out to be an ongoing nutter who will continue to "show faith and keep losing money" the club will still continue to diminish. The truth is Oldham doesn't deserve a team. This will be my last season ticket; after 37 years of support I really didn't care if the penalty against Walsall went in or not, I just wanted to go home. I've had enough, good luck you you all.

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And property prices will never go back up eh? Part of me hopes you're all right but I reckon even if he turns out to be an ongoing nutter who will continue to "show faith and keep losing money" the club will still continue to diminish. The truth is Oldham doesn't deserve a team. This will be my last season ticket; after 37 years of support I really didn't care if the penalty against Walsall went in or not, I just wanted to go home. I've had enough, good luck you you all.

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That's a pathetic opinion to have? Oldham don't deserve a team? You can't just throw your toys out of the pram when times are hard, surely a fan of latics for 37 Years would know better than alot that there's more gloom than pleasure to being a latics fan. I for one would never turn my back on my club. KEEP THE FAITH

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And property prices will never go back up eh? Part of me hopes you're all right but I reckon even if he turns out to be an ongoing nutter who will continue to "show faith and keep losing money" the club will still continue to diminish. The truth is Oldham doesn't deserve a team. This will be my last season ticket; after 37 years of support I really didn't care if the penalty against Walsall went in or not, I just wanted to go home. I've had enough, good luck you you all.


Just watch the door doesn't hit you on the arse on the way out...

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And property prices will never go back up eh? Part of me hopes you're all right but I reckon even if he turns out to be an ongoing nutter who will continue to "show faith and keep losing money" the club will still continue to diminish. The truth is Oldham doesn't deserve a team. This will be my last season ticket; after 37 years of support I really didn't care if the penalty against Walsall went in or not, I just wanted to go home. I've had enough, good luck you you all.

How long will it take for the property prices to incerease for SC to make barrowfuls of money. A very long time.

Why should he not aspire to make some money, part of what is wroing with this country is how bitter people have become about those that do try. North Korea might be worth a look.


I cannot beleive of all the bad times we have had, that you have decided to bail out now. It has to be one of the last worst bad times, and all because you still believe Sion Corney is sitting on a gold mine.

Unbeliveable Jeff.

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How long will it take for the property prices to incerease for SC to make barrowfuls of money. A very long time.

Why should he not aspire to make some money, part of what is wroing with this country is how bitter people have become about those that do try. North Korea might be worth a look.


I cannot beleive of all the bad times we have had, that you have decided to bail out now. It has to be one of the last worst bad times, and all because you still believe Sion Corney is sitting on a gold mine.

Unbeliveable Jeff.



Last comments - I thought you might pipe up Singe. If you care to read what I said my reasoning for not buying a season ticket next year is nothing to do with Corney and his investment - he deserves a good return given his patience. I was merely pointing out to Diego that in my opinion he has reasons for staying, not just to keep a few people who post on here happy! I've had enough and will pick and choose my games as is my privelege, as was yours when you moved down south for a job or loved one probably - and yet you see yourself auhorised to sit in judgement of others? I stand by my comments about the town not deserving a club - it grates a bit when people from afar seem keen to judge the situation with perpetual sniping.

As for the 23 year old who insisted I should "keep the faith" - trust me I was like you once. You're probably one of the Ultras! - better be careful.


Finally, yes I will :censored: off, as I said in a private message I don't call a few messages in one day, the first time in almost 12 months attention seeking!


Live and let live


PS - By the way, i know you're a Bruce fan, they're releasing a track per day from the new Springsteen album - see his site for details. It's an angry album apparently - enjoy!

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