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Colchester - Oldham Highlights

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The FL highlights didn't do Derbyshire/OG/Baxter goal justice. The LP highlights show that the move started with Latics breaking up a Colchester attack on the edge of our penalty area and within a few seconds and 4 or 5 passes it was in the goal. Excellent move.


Who edits these LP highlights though, from the goal attempts that were shown you would think it was an even game, whereas the stats show Colchester were mauled.

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I love the pantomime style, "It's behind you," think the defender does! It was definitely his OG.


I was meant to plus 1 this but accidentally pressed the downboat


That split second when he doesn't know where the ball is is hilarious quite appropriate as its Pantomine season

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I love the pantomime style, "It's behind you," think the defender does! It was definitely his OG.


I was meant to plus 1 this but accidentally pressed the downboat


That split second when he doesn't know where the ball is is hilarious quite appropriate as its Pantomine season

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