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What a season of incredible highs and desperate lows

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Kidderminster was a regulation, professional performance but ever since Reece Wabara's equaliser in the Second Round at home to Doncaster this FA Cup run has been brilliant, surreal and every moment has got better than the last one!


Matt Derbyshire's quick fire double was two great moments - there was under 3,000 in Boundary Park but the place was rocking. Forest away was dismal, abject downright terrible until the smallest of tactical switches saw us run riot in a seven minute spell unmatched since the Pinch Me days. What can I say about Liverpool? It was the day when everything went right, coupled with a blood thirsty determination to get over the line. And as for yesterday? We all love a last minute goal, but wow! Just before we scored I looked to the sky and pleaded to my Grandad - wherever he is to smile down on us and give us what we deserved. I'm not sure if he heard but you can see me on the tv going mental when that equaliser goes in and i'm thanking someone up there!


How can a team that has achieved the above time and again in the Cup, have been so abject in the League? It's one of football's great mysteries, we need Matt Smith to play like a trojan in the league now, we need Robbie Simpson to barnstorm his way through the Stevenage and Pompey defences like he's done in the cup. Time to stand up and be counted lads, the cup has been magnificent and it's not over yet but let's start getting some points on the board.


Special mention to my fellow fans, Liverpool was a great atmosphere, but last night was electric - the best atmosphere probably since we beat Manchester United almost 20 years ago.


I'm still walking on air from Liverpool, last night I think I entered the stratosphere. It's why we do it, I can take three years of :censored: simply to experience moments like yesterday once in a while. The best moment was after we'd got home, I had a quiet moment of reflection, emotional that my dad was not well enough to be there last night, then I saw my kids faces, that was my moment of the season - they were absolutely buzzing.


My 14 year old boy said to me, "Dad, I understand now, I understand why you go and watch the rubbish year in year out - you watch it hoping for moments like that Matt Smith goal."


Smart kid…..and another diehard was born yesterday…….


I moan, I whinge i'm as fickle as the next man at times. I tell it like it is but rather than walk away citing the board, the manager, three stands - blah, blah blah I turn up every week, no matter how :censored: we are. Why? Because Oldham Athletic are my team and for every 100 games of abject :censored:e - we get moments like that yesterday and I wouldn't miss any of it for the world. I hope some that have decided to return for the big games get the bug again. The proof I suppose will be next week v Pompey….

Edited by oafcprozac
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My 14 year old boy said to me, "Dad, I understand now, I understand why you go and watch the rubbish year in year out - you watch it hoping for moments like that Matt Smith goal."


I had similar yesterday. I had to attend a family party yesterday so couldn't attend in person. It was touch and go - divorce mentioned in jest - but when it was confirmed as being televised then the wife won. Condition was I watched the match in another room and only joined the party afterwards.


I got the usual "why do you support a :censored: team like Oldham?" from those who didn't know me as I'm not from Oldham and should be supporting the likes of Villa, Birmingham City even Wolves. I then had to explain why I started supporting us 27 years ago, which was backed up by close family explaining how passionate I am despite being born and bred down here with no connection whatsoever.


We went 1-0 up and some drifted into my room when I almost brought the house down. They drifted back out towards the end of first half and we then decided to have the large TV on in background of the party room so I could join them for the 2nd half. As the excitement built up more and more started to watch the TV.


When Smith scored and I exploded someone said "that's why someone sticks with a team through thick and thin!"


I'm really proud to support OAFC and despite continually justifying not being a glory hunter when we reached the Prem, most recognise how much of a diehard I am when I continued paying thousands each season watching them despite dropping to League 1with the likes of the McNiven twins, Dudley and the like and we got battered by Cardiff, Luton even Wycombe.


I get messages following events - mostly mockery when were at the bottom of the league - but littered with congratulatory comments when over the seasons we beat Derby, West Ham, Wolves, Forest and recently Liverpool in the cup.


27 years on and I'm devoted as ever - converted a few midlanders along the way including my wife and 2 girls too.


I consider myself a chosen one for falling in love with an unfashionable team from Lancashire in the shadows of United and City. Days like yesterday make me even prouder for making that decision.

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I moan, I whinge i'm as fickle as the next man at times. I tell it like it is but rather than walk away citing the board, the manager, three stands - blah, blah blah I turn up every week, no matter how :censored: we are. Why? Because Oldham Athletic are my team and for every 100 games of abject :censored:e - we get moments like that yesterday and I wouldn't miss any of it for the world. I hope some that have decided to return for the big games get the bug again. The proof I suppose will be next week v Pompey….

:censored:, we've beat Forest, we've beat Liverpool and we will have had two games against Everton. That makes it 400 games before we have another :P

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Have an upboat from me Prozac - absolutely spot on.


Fans of Premier League clubs will never experience anything like our cup run this season. Its the months of abject :censored:e and the financial gulf between the sides which makes it all the more sweet. It shows that with a bit of heart and desire, we can match the PL players who might earn 100x more than our boys.


Its also bloody frustrating when I think what this side could do to League 1 if they performed consistently well!

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The Sunday Mirror today on Obita's goal _ "if there had still been a roof on the derelict Broadway stand it would have been taken off by the joy that erupted around the old ground".


Joy. More than celebration, more than exhultation. that sense of absolute happiness, of feeling that at that moment nothing could be better. Joy - you saw it and felt it against Liverpool, and yesterday.

Edited by LaticsPete
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I wrote this the day before the match (yes I know I effed up the date of the everton win) http://www.sabotagetimes.com/reportage/oldhams-fa-cup-run-reminds-us-that-football-is-about-having-fun/


- I almost lost my voice as I wasn't used to singing in the main stand

- I'm sure I'm converting back my cousin who left us after we got relegated and started supporting man ure

- I have been able to take the piss out of all my scouse mates continuously for the last few weeks and strut around Liverpool

- I had to go and DJ for a mate of mine straight after the match which consisted of mainly Everton fans and a few reds and played Don't you want me baby whilst singing the chant to the room wearing my Oldham top (my Everton mate thought it was hilarious)


The start of this year has been one of the funnest times I've had in ages, my missus questioned me getting a season ticket last summer now, even though she's a p/t Liverpool fan, she's been made up for me and my 2 yr old wants to come to Oldham with me. Thankyou Latics, thankyou!

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