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Interview with Bruce Grobbelaar

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Evening everyone,


Our latest ex-Oldham player to feature on the website is Bruce Grobbelaar. Only made a handful of appearances for Oldham but a few Oldham fans submitted questions so there is a bit of content at the end.


The rest of the interview is quite interesting anyway, with Bruce talking about winning the European Cup for Liverpool as well as loads of other stuff.



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When you were warming up before the game, I remember you taking penalties to try and hit the crossbar. Did you do that at all of your clubs or just for us? (Gary, Oldham Athletic fan)

It was just at Oldham. They used to say "Hold 'em Oldham" so I just tried to hit the crossbar.



Apart from it's obviously "Told" rather than "Hold", does that make any sense whatsoever?

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I remember the first time he took a penalty pre match into an open goal and hit the bar and everybody laughed. they didn't when he repeated the trick

I remember watching a clip of him in Liverpool's dressing room in the 80s, where he was doing keep-ups against the wall, hitting the lightswitch and turning the lights on and off with every kick.

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I thought exactly the same. Bruce chuckled to himself after he gave us the answer, though. And he definitely said: "Hold' em!"


Didn't make any sense to me but I thought I'd chuck it in anyway!

I think he may have blended "Give us T... Give us an I... Give us a T..." into Cannon and Ball there, and come up with an answer all of his own.

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