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The Oldham West & Royton Parliamentary By-Election 3.12.15

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I see a country free to trade with the whole world, rather than locked into the sick man of the world economy and pushed towards making ourselves as sick as them so as not to be unfair.


I suspect he talked about immigration.

I haven't read Cameron's demands in full but I gather his standpoint on free trade is geared entirely at protecting the City of London's competitive advantages, which is fair enough but just a bit :censored:ing dull and limited.


I also gather that the ancient ambition to close the democratic deficit is expressed as a wish to remove the phrase "ever closer union" from the treaties. Also :censored:ing dull and limited.


Like Paul Nuttall, Cameron is also deeply concerned about preserving his share of the racist Little England vote and wants to limit EU freedom of movement. His thinking gets smaller and smaller with each passing day.

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I see a country free to trade with the whole world, rather than locked into the sick man of the world economy and pushed towards making ourselves as sick as them so as not to be unfair.



There was a Huddersfield greengrocer on 5 live the other day who said we won't be able to import fruit anymore if we leave the EU.

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I am amazed at how limited Cameron's demands are. Not only from an ambition and negotiating point of view but tactically. He's almost ruled out the option of flipping and leading the Leave campaign. I see trouble ahead.


I thought that about the Scottish independence referendum and look how that turned out. Makes me wary of understimating maybe not Cameron but definitely Osborne. Labour reckon that the referendum plus the fear of a Labour-SNP coalition cost them 50 seats in England on top of the 40-odd they lost in Scotland.

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There was a Huddersfield greengrocer on 5 live the other day who said we won't be able to import fruit anymore if we leave the EU.

We wouldn't be banned from buying from some former colonies I favour of former French ones.


I was reading just yesterday about a plan to harmonise turds across the EU, although I'm not sure how well Viz researched it.

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:censored: all, as per. I genuinely don't know.



It's defo not my view. He's a local man who's too smart to get involved in all that London-based nonsense. He's interested in what works rather than faithfulness to the doctrine. He's probably going for the wrong job. He'd achieve more as Mayor of Manchester.


The Blairite parliamentary Labour party will claim him as one of their own and a sign that Corbyn is weak, defeated etc. The Corbynistas will claim it doesn't matter, which is probably nearer the truth of the position. What the Blairites don't want is a resounding victory being taken as a vote of confidence in Corbyn, which is also fair enough because it's a vote of confidence in Labour as a whole and McMahon personally.


Having moved to Tameside, my MP is Andrew Gwynne (who I note is doing loads of campaigning for Jim Mc). He's very much a local lad and formerly a Tameside Councillor, though now he's Shadow Health Minister for Public Health. Despite his national role, he still does loads locally, runs his own local business awards and replies on Twitter when you ask him questions. If Jim is anything like Mr Gwynne, it will be very good for Oldham.

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Such a minging bunch of knuckledraggers. People thinking about voting UKIP for decent reasons (the democratic deficit, EU profligacy, free trade etc) should think twice because, however you dress it up, a vote for UKIP is also a vote for racism.

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Such a minging bunch of knuckledraggers. People thinking about voting UKIP for decent reasons (the democratic deficit, EU profligacy, free trade etc) should think twice because, however you dress it up, a vote for UKIP is also a vote for racism.

I agree with Mr Tulsehill.


Their campaign has been exactly what I thought it would be. They are the new Lib Dems, the national party says whatever and locally they run whatever works. I hope the EU referendum is based on a more sensible look at the world.

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Just had a chat with a Labour door knocker. The leaflet is one side about McMahon as the can-do local guy (including a pic of the North Stand under construction) and one side saying the UKIP guy is a carpet bagging tosser. The bloke said they reckon it's very close, although I suppose he would do.

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Can-do what?


Mr Tulsehill says that, like Meacher before him, he can't do much as an MP.


McMahon can represent his constituents. By saying he's currently the can-do local guy, he's saying (theoretically) that he understands the punters and what they need and is therefore the best person to represent them. As an MP, he will be unable to build you a road or a bridge or deal with the dog turd and lighting problem in Seville Street, but he can represent the community in Parliament because he has second-to-none knowledge of the community and its politics.


I know that, but it's the strongest message Labour could have on the doorstep. Better to keep it local rather than talk about giving the Falklands back and so on.


Interesting that they're saying it's close. There are only two potential knobblers: the time of year and the short campaign. The current betting is Labour 2/7...UKIP 5/2 and 100-1 bar. Don't think McMahon can win a 14,000 majority like Meacher did but my bet is it won't be far off proportionately. Perhaps Labour's answer to UKIP is get the local man / woman with the profile to beat them up.


I'm :censored:ed if I'm putting any money on it mind you. I have absolutely no clue about politics.

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McMahon can represent his constituents. By saying he's currently the can-do local guy, he's saying (theoretically) that he understands the punters and what they need and is therefore the best person to represent them. As an MP, he will be unable to build you a road or a bridge or deal with the dog turd and lighting problem in Seville Street, but he can represent the community in Parliament because he has second-to-none knowledge of the community and its politics.



He can also campaign locally to much greater effect as an MP than as a Councillor, as the media pay more attention to MP's. Then get his mates at the council to do something about it. As I said earlier, that's exactly what Andrew Gwynne does.

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The amount of :censored: corbin is spouting about whats going on around Europe is playing into ukips hands


Such as? I know Corbyn spouts a lot of :censored: and isn't to everyone's taste but lots of people are spouting lots of :censored: recently about Paris and this and that, and I'm not exactly sure what Corbyn is supposed to have said. What would UKIP do about Syria, incidentally? Has anyone asked Farage?

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2 min 55 - pure gold :lol:


Our very own Gillian Duffy on steroids :grin:


I had to turn this off and walk away from the computer about halfway through this. Couldn't bear the thought of Farage even in Oldham, promising people that a vote for UKIP means the end of the British Asian community in the town. Anyone passing by my office at the time would've heard someone letting out a heartfelt cry of a bad c word.

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