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Speaking of cars - The bad news from last night was that I accidentally cracked my flatmate’s wing mirror last night. :jailed: The good news is that she is a rank, thieving, gobby cow. :lol: And that I did it whilst carrying the last of my things out to go to my new place. :D And, she doesn’t have a forwarding address. B) I do feel guilty for the bloke in my local corner shop though. I should have given him a months notice to allow him to adjust his ordering accordingly. :bigcry:

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Wouldn't some of them nice scented tea light things work Mads, stick em on the dash board.


Nice smell, clear your windscreen and when travelling at night would create a fine ambience.


Well its been an incredibly busy week fer me, which in many ways I'm glad about cos on the odd occasion I've surfed in looking at the threads made me nervous just thinking about tomorrow.


Thanks to LL too, I noticed a thread about the big flag and you mentioned nikwaxing it to make it a waterproof cover, which reminded me I needed to do me coat which I just done, ta :)

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Wouldn't some of them nice scented tea light things work Mads, stick em on the dash board.


Nice smell, clear your windscreen and when travelling at night would create a fine ambience.


Well its been an incredibly busy week fer me, which in many ways I'm glad about cos on the odd occasion I've surfed in looking at the threads made me nervous just thinking about tomorrow.


Thanks to LL too, I noticed a thread about the big flag and you mentioned nikwaxing it to make it a waterproof cover, which reminded me I needed to do me coat which I just done, ta :)


Is this turning into some sort of Buddhist Countryfile thing this 'ere thread,scented tea lights and wax jackets.


It's always nice to hear your neighbours threatening each other at top pitch through the wall at half six on a Friday neet,kinda makes you glad your single.


Could be a looong night if she gets the baseball bat out again :wink:

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Guest sheridans_world

Here Starteth the most pointless post in this big thread:





Thus Endeth the most pointless post in this big thread.

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Phew, I successfully managed not to get a job I applied for. I went for an internal one, but only as part of my scheme to get a pay rise as my only colleague who has a clue what I do is about to leave the firm. Trouble was that I gave a really good interview so I was worried for a while, the job would have involved managing a team of muppets, not for me if I can avoid it. Urgh, people.

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Guest sheridans_world
Phew, I successfully managed not to get a job I applied for. I went for an internal one, but only as part of my scheme to get a pay rise as my only colleague who has a clue what I do is about to leave the firm. Trouble was that I gave a really good interview so I was worried for a while, the job would have involved managing a team of muppets, not for me if I can avoid it. Urgh, people.


Nice to know you are a people person!


Just think if you were the boss you could go to meetings all day!


You know, meetings about when the next meeting will take place and what happened in the last meeting!

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Well, I finished the 10k. Final time of 57.38.


My legs are very, very sore though. Celebrating this (and consoling myself for Saturday) with a load of Guinness tonight, gotta be done.


Well done mate,although i should drop in at this point that when i did my 10k i did 54 minutes summat (It was about 20 years ago though and there was a following wind) :grin:


Competitive,me,never. B)

Edited by inspectormorose
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Guest sheridans_world
Well done mate,although i should drop in at this point that when i did my 10k i did 54 minutes summat (It was about 20 years ago though and there was a following wind) :grin:


Competitive,me,never. B)


Did they have a 10k race 20 years ago?

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Did they have a 10k race 20 years ago?


Aye Latics organised one,still got my medal upstairs somewhere,in fact it was just over 20 years ago now i think about it.Was working at St Peters House for the Health Authority back when i did it which places it Summer 1986.Everyone in our office volunteered and one by one dropped out except me and another lad who was a runner anyway.


Started on Broadway then along into Shaw,piece of cake,then it turned up Rochdale bar steward Road (those of you who know Shaw will know what that means!!).There were wheelchairs overtaking me going uphill.No fecker told me there would be hills involved. :grin:


Never did one again.

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Guest sheridans_world
Aye Latics organised one,still got my medal upstairs somewhere,in fact it was just over 20 years ago now i think about it.Was working at St Peters House for the Health Authority back when i did it which places it Summer 1986.Everyone in our office volunteered and one by one dropped out except me and another lad who was a runner anyway.


Started on Broadway then along into Shaw,piece of cake,then it turned up Rochdale bar steward Road (those of you who know Shaw will know what that means!!).There were wheelchairs overtaking me going uphill.No fecker told me there would be hills involved. :grin:


Never did one again.


I was more hinting at it would be 7 or so miles back then!


As for Rochdale Road, i have seen cars struggle to get up there, including my old one!

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I was more hinting at it would be 7 or so miles back then!


As for Rochdale Road, i have seen cars struggle to get up there, including my old one!


I know,you would think so but it was billed as a 10k,Latics ahead of their time eh who'd have thought that. :wink:


Rochdale Rd was a "surprise" i can tell you.


Following wind all my own doing Stipe,quite possibly,my training regime consisted of no beer for 4 weeks drinking only Appletize (I am sure i thought it had some sort of mystic isotonic property even before isotonic properties were heard of) and ever lengthening nightly runs but on the flat,didn't make me run faster but i didn't half burp a lot. :grin:

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I know,you would think so but it was billed as a 10k,Latics ahead of their time eh who'd have thought that. :wink:


Rochdale Rd was a "surprise" i can tell you.


Following wind all my own doing Stipe,quite possibly,my training regime consisted of no beer for 4 weeks drinking only Appletize (I am sure i thought it had some sort of mystic isotonic property even before isotonic properties were heard of) and ever lengthening nightly runs but on the flat,didn't make me run faster but i didn't half burp a lot. :grin:

Just goes to show how wise the people of Thornham were to put that hill there in the 1920s. Before that the Gawbies could run along the road and arrive fresh for looting and pillage, afterwards they would be exhausted and easily repelled.

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Speaking of which, I've been trying to find the best way to walk into work from my new place, there are loads of leafy little alleyways I can go along rather than going down main roads, which is nice. It's a bit tricky matching the reality to the map though. One way I will not be taking again is a road called Steep Hill. There is nothing complex about how it got it's name, five minutes after leaving the house I was panting and drenched in sweat, lovely. There's another one called Water Tower Hill which should be equally direct, maybe I'll try that out tomorrow

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I win! So ner ner ne ner ner etc!



Well done!


Aye gerra bike LL, and the full outfit, luminous lime and pink I think :)


There was a programme on C4 about 6 weeks ago about OCD (dunno if its been mentioned, was it in a separate thread, apologies if so) finally watched it about 2 weeks ago, I’ve been meaning to say something since, eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww there was a bloke that collected rubbish by night to take home, got his food from what take aways and restaurants had chucked out, but worse of all saved all his no 1's and 2's, the vile minger, in his shed.

Edited by StipeTripe
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mogsysherrflick ? Blast from the not so distant past?


Ah, so thats where he went when Tranmere started losing... went to count the T*rds in the garden... well we always said what he watched was a pile of the proverbial...


I miss the tranmere fans, hope we get them early in the season again.... may actually go back on 606 then, to start a few new battles....! (obviously never neglecting owtb!!)


As for walking to work.... on most day i cycle... and have some very glamourous attire...


LL - maye you should start walking/cycling to games - would be a lot cheaper

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Guest sheridans_world
LL - maye you should start walking/cycling to games - would be a lot cheaper


Hey yes LL, you wouldnt get distracted the night before then, you would already be on your way!




Ahh Trampmere, heard one of the fans just got a patch of Hampstead Heath for free, obviously a roaming bindipper!

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