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Well, I just sent a mildly shirty, “Has anything happened in the month since this issue was last raised?” type mail to one of our IT contractors. The more senior one of them wrote back asking quite bluntly whether I could have raised it with him yesterday when he was on site. Must…..resist…..temptation……to……..reply……..that…..I………….don’t…..talk…….to…….Scou


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Guest oa_exile
Well, I just sent a mildly shirty, “Has anything happened in the month since this issue was last raised?” type mail to one of our IT contractors. The more senior one of them wrote back asking quite bluntly whether I could have raised it with him yesterday when he was on site. Must…..resist…..temptation……to……..reply……..that…..I………….don’t…..talk…….to…….Scou





But you talk to me ^_^

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Funny old day, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on me hands.


Should've had a shipment in but it turns out me American chums didn't ship it when they should have on Monday, because "Shawn, our warehouse manager, threw out his back", does anybody out there speak American? :) Oh and Shawn??

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So, I get a couple of text messages this morning, before I had woken up. Both from friends, seemingly replying to random texts I had sent them at 7.43 in the morning. I have no recollection of this, and there is nothing in my Sent folder. They aren’t really the practical joking type (at least not that sort. One of them did once put my unconscious body on the last train North from York, but that is another story). Incidentally, I had rather a lot of beer to drink yesterday evening, but that is irrelevant.


Am I being wound up, am I losing my marbles, and should I take to sleeping wearing boxing gloves?

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So, I get a couple of text messages this morning, before I had woken up. Both from friends, seemingly replying to random texts I had sent them at 7.43 in the morning. I have no recollection of this, and there is nothing in my Sent folder. They aren’t really the practical joking type (at least not that sort. One of them did once put my unconscious body on the last train North from York, but that is another story). Incidentally, I had rather a lot of beer to drink yesterday evening, but that is irrelevant.


Am I being wound up, am I losing my marbles, and should I take to sleeping wearing boxing gloves?


Which moblie network are you on LL,strangely enough i got a text yesterday afternoon saying wtf are you on about.Someone out of the blue had just received a text i had sent on August 13th and dated as such that i had long since deleted.Curiouser and curiouser!

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Which moblie network are you on LL,strangely enough i got a text yesterday afternoon saying wtf are you on about.Someone out of the blue had just received a text i had sent on August 13th and dated as such that i had long since deleted.Curiouser and curiouser!

I'm on Vodaphone. Incidentally, it was saying summat about the SIM playing up not long after the incident. I just can’t believe that I would have managed to type a coherent message out while asleep. It takes me back to when my then flatmate went through my mobile list and sent a message to every girl on it informing them that I wished to perform a special act of love-making with them. I wouldn’t have minded the horror and disgust it generated, only none of them were up for it.

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As this is a thread about nothing in particular I shall if I may change the subject


Just reading an excellent article about research being done at USC in California. You know how sometimes you get that spooky feeling when you visit somewhere you've never ever been too yet it feels like you have? Well the folks there reckon after years of intensive work that they have discovered the source of deja vu within the brain and can actually see it in action as it were with these fancy scanners they put you in.


What they don't say is if they think they'll find a way to prevent it happening, don't know about you but it seriously freaks me out sometimes. Went to see a customer the other day, whose office was in a really old Victorian building in Manchester. It was so familiar, unnervingly so yet I'd never been there before. I even checked with me Ma and Pa see if they'd taken me there when I was little, but no.


I have a link but its on me computer at home meant to mail it to work after reading it last night but forgot, I'll do it later.

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What should greet me as I turn my PC on, but an email from our, “Process and Continuous Improvement Officer,” (who supports Crystal Palace, not that that makes him a bad person) who sits across from me, “making me aware,” that I am meant to sign on a piece of paper every time I enter or leave the office. He said that I have to do this, “without being prompt.” So I did it 10 minutes after I came in, and asked him if I had been tardy enough. He then sent me an update, copying my manager and my manager’s manager, clarifying that I had to sign in and out without delay, and that it could be a disciplinary matter if I didn’t. I pointed out that he had achieved an improvement already and asked for my share of the credit for this. I’m somewhat hungover and not in the mood for doing much work. He might be in for a very long day.

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Just got back from seeing a mortgage advisor. I'm really quite disappointed. I think I may be renting for some time still to come :mad::(:disappointed::angry:

As it happens I was just going to post that there is a queue of anxious looking people going round the block from the Northern Rock, which just went to the Bank of England for a bail out. This could be the moment when the housing market finally turns. Good news for those of us yet to buy, not so good for them who planned their financial future in ever increasing property prices.

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As it happens I was just going to post that there is a queue of anxious looking people going round the block from the Northern Rock, which just went to the Bank of England for a bail out. This could be the moment when the housing market finally turns. Good news for those of us yet to buy, not so good for them who planned their financial future in ever increasing property prices.


Unlucky sun-shieen, I win!

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As it happens I was just going to post that there is a queue of anxious looking people going round the block from the Northern Rock, which just went to the Bank of England for a bail out. This could be the moment when the housing market finally turns. Good news for those of us yet to buy, not so good for them who planned their financial future in ever increasing property prices.

Does that mean the housing market is collapsing? Someone who understands money, please explain it to me!

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Does that mean the housing market is collapsing? Someone who understands money, please explain it to me!


In a Hazell nut shell I think it means that the house opposite the main entrance of BP will go to the highest bidding NIMBY, but the amount bid could be less than it would have been a few days ago.

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Does that mean the housing market is collapsing? Someone who understands money, please explain it to me!

Potentially yes, we might be following the US path, their house prices have been falling for years. Put simply, fear of an economic slowdown makes banks and building societies scared of lending money, as they realise that they have been pushing the boundaries of what is sensible to lend to people. It becomes harder to get the big mortgages that fuel the market, people who already have big mortgages struggle when their income is reduced, people who have been living off equity release are no longer able to do so, people panic about negative equity, and it all leads to a decrease in prices. Either a viscious circle or a benevolent one depending on your circumstances. It's a good time to have a secure job and to have savings.

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