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Rick Holden

Rick Holden (9/15)



  1. Great Post O4U, come to expect that though so I shouldn't be surprised. I've already stated my views on this whole sorry debarcle already. I have outright anger towards the senior people pertaining to run the club, the owner, the board of directors, the chief ex and, importantly also, the manager; as - similar to you O4U, I too have very real reservations that Lee Johnson is not fully part of this decision making process and is behind this move also. I have outright anger towards these people. They've dragged our club through the mire, and shown themselves to be idiotic, amateurish, out of touch morons in my opinon. This was a situation that did not need bringing to our door, but they have brought it; with scant regard for the fans of the club. I have anger towards them because through their idiotic decision; they have made me have to make a choice I didn't think i'd have to make: namely to continue to watch my club as a supporter or to withdraw my support. I cannot, nor will not, continue to offer my support when we have a convicted rapist attached and associated with the club. Nor will I continue to offer my support when the people in charge show such contempt for their fans, in outright lying to them; and then in failing to undertake any form of consultation in an overall decison making process. Once CE is no longer at the club, and once we have a new owner and thus with it a new look board, I will be able to then attempt to rekindle the passion and love for the club I used to have; and see about returning to games. I'm a season ticket holder. I attended my first game in 1986. I've followed the team up and down the country across countless away trips, as well as obviously all home games for years & years. My decision has not been taken lightly, far from it in fact. I've agonised over the various options as I see them, but I simply cannot nor will not continue to support in light of what has come about since Sunday. On another interlinked point to my stance on this; I have also been appalled in discovering a certain section of OAFC fans; who have come to light or been 'outed' if you will, a group that condone CE's actions, seek to trivialise rape, offer up abuse to anyone who does not share their abhorrent views and are actually; as we speak, coming up with pro-CE chants and songs to start to sign at game on Saturday, all in a 'ladz bantz' style. I would find it difficult to now actively associate myself with them by standing on an away terrace near them, or be having a pre-match drink in the same pub as them. At home games, I cannot be sat in & around fellow fans who will be actively supporting and cheering CE. Someone posted on one of the many threads that they are proud of the club in the way they're going about this; and It wasn't from what I could tell, a post that was a fish / troll / whatever you want to call it. Proud is about the last thing I am. I'm ashamed and disgusted at the club, the people who run it and towards a certain section of fellow fans. I'm angry at Simon Corney, his yes men Board of Directors, Neil Joy, Lee Johnson and his backroom team for creating this situation, and I'm gutted - genuninely gutted that I will not be attending games for the forseeable future. No grand gesture from me on Saturday; no throwing my ticket onto the pitch, no protest before the game on a picket-style gathering. I will just not be attending anymore. And I hate that I feel my hand has been forced into that decision. Old habits die hard, and you can't cut feelings off overnight, so I would imagine I will possibly be still checking in on here from time to time, but my posting will be drastically down on current levels (i can imagine small cheers starting in certain living rooms as i type that!). 29 years is a bloody long time, and Its going to be really hard to just 'flip a switch' so to speak and go Oldham Athletic cold-turkey I think. I was proud to call myself an Oldham Athletic fan. I was proud of my club. After this sorry debarcle, I no longer am. Each & everyone of us has their own individual decision to make in regards to this development at our club. We shouldn't have to, but we do. I don't agree with the views that are the exact opposite to mine, but - you have to respect the fact that everyone has their own views and thus makes their own individual decisons from that. Good luck to those who can compartmentalise their feelings and still continue to go, I wish you luck for the :censored: storm that is to come. I'm going to miss my pre game & post game beers in the Rifle Range, meeting up with football mates and following a club I was proud to support. So, :censored: you Simon Corney. :censored: you Barry Owen. :censored: you Neil Joy. :censored: you Ian Hill. :censored: you Lee Johnson. :censored: all of those others involved in making this decision. You've made me come to this, and I hate for you for it. But most of all? :censored: You Ched Evans; you absolute and utter scum bag.
  2. I'm running with a plethora of varied emotions over this whole debarcle: being proud is most certainly not one of them...
  3. Football, of all things, should not be the trigger for you to have had to do that.
  4. Emails sent to Corney, Joy, and Johnson. No replies. I got the Post Master delievered and read receipts though. I didn't write the emails for replies anyway, it was simply so they could read my own, individual view point and opinion; I wasn't pertaining to speaking for anyone else other than myself.
  5. Well said. It truly is an embarrassing and appalling byproduct of the whole sorry mess. This is a cluster:censored: of the highest order...
  6. I keep reading this I'm not on twatter or arsebook so i can only go off here and fellow Latics fans I know. Everyone one of them I've text or spoken to are against it; with most of them having come to the same decision as I have should the awful but now it seem inevitable happen and CE is signed. We move in different circles obviously...
  7. Because we don't matter. They can plug the financial gap with monies from CE's wealthy girlfriends father. Money talks obviously. :censored: years of support, :censored: years of association and passionate following: as long as the club isnt out of pocket eh?
  8. Yes, and I think it will. But i'm not sure in this case. He said when he arrived he was here to build his experience, play games and improve further, with a view to getting as high up the football pyramid as he could. The Chron piece echoes that too. So, he's aiming Championship or higher. Bigger than us; and it's for that reason i'd say we wont be seeing him again. (Nice to post something unrelated to CE for a change.....damm it, still mentioned him)
  9. Yeah. Come on. Pretend that absolutely nothing has happened. Yeah. Can't wait....
  10. I think victim is an exceptionally poor term to use considering the circumstances, don't you?
  11. You couldn't make it up could you? The club is a shambles. I'm embarrassed by it frankly
  12. Well that article you posted the link to suggests said father-in-law could well be covering the wages.Journo doing a 2 + 2 = 93 maybe? But maybe not. Put it this way; surely - surely someone at board level was able to forsee that the club may lose some sponsors or investors, and the shortfall would need to plugged short term. He is by all accounts a rich man. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he does indeed turn out to become a new investor shoud his daughters convicted rapist boyfriend be signed up.
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