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Everything posted by GKing521

  1. Another team coming to BP and playing out their skins. When are we going to figure out how to fucking deal with it?
  2. Reinforces my belief they can't do it when expectations rise.
  3. They just can't do it consistently, can they?
  4. Unsure what the game plan is here. Don't think the players know what it is as well.
  5. It's not rocket science. The last time Hogan was suspended, he picked McGahey, and if my memory serves me correctly, McGahey stepped in at CB at Woking. He played pretty well, I seem to recall as well. I still maintain the belief that he's a fairly decent CB, and him being panned for his appearances in midfield is slightly harsh
  6. *IF* (and it's a big *IF*) we got to Wembley, how many do you think we would take? 20k?
  7. Scored a few for Vale. I don't think it will be long before he gets one for us with the way we keep winning fouls in dangerous areas.
  8. I'm seriously impressed with what 5PM and Brabin have done. Brought in real quality and have set us up superbly. I'll be honest I thought the season was a write-off after Ebbsfleet put 4 past us but now I'm hoping for at least a top 3 finish. Still worried about a potential play off game at BP but last night showed we can step up and beat those near us in the league at home.
  9. Wouldn't mind a winger that can beat a man and deliver. Did Walker show that against the Hendon mafia? I'd send Green to whoever will have him. Maybe Stalybridge are a man short.
  10. Would have been nice to have a new face or two in before the game tomorrow. With Norwood rumoured to be out for a while as well it could be a struggle.
  11. Is there anyone we have on the books that can do what Berry did at the end there?
  12. Struggling to remember when we last played like this.
  13. Hmm. Fair point. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I fully expect us to finish inside the playoff places.
  14. That's the thing, we can't. They don't have the bottle.
  15. 15/1 atm to go up. If they get in, they win it.
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