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Everything posted by danoafc

  1. Nah! I can only remeber one or two games which was lost due to the areas surrounding the ground being deemed unsafe. The vast majority have been due to a frozen pitch. Edit: typo
  2. Time to get the club shop opened and stocked up on the new shirts etc. Maybe have some samples of the new away shirt for people to have a butchers at to place pre-orders. Maybe even offer a small discount if you pre-order & pay for a new away shirt on Saturday?
  3. Mine too, it would seem :-) http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=37868&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  4. QE having a direct effect on projected returns on government bonds, which many UK pension funds have invested heavily in due to their (supposed) low risk/ stable returns. Thanks for making the point much better than I could Dave.
  5. It's not just the Football League Scheme which in deficit. The combined deficit of schemes across the UK is in excess of £200bn, and has jumped sharply during the economic downturn. I don't fully understand the exact reasons, but it has something to do with the way that schemes calculate what needs to be paid out to their members v investment income which funds the scheme from things like investment bonds. Final Salary schemes are, by and large, unsustainable for almost any/every company, which is why only a handful are still open to new entrants, many are closed to further accrual, and more and more are trying to be accepted by the Pension Protection Fund. The club can't do anything to control this unfortunately.
  6. And like a bad smell.................. I'm assuiming you mean Mr Hardy, or was your spelling mistake so that you couldn't be held to account shold somebody take exception to the allegations you make? Lets just remember that Alan worked for the current club in it's current guise for the thick end of 10 years, and has only just retired (very reluctanctly) due to ill heatlh. I'd say if any of the previous administration deserved to have their pension rights protected it would be him. But lets not let that stop us from having a pop at anybody who the masses deem to be 'fair game' for the day eh?
  7. Fook that! Imagine going to PP needing a win to stay up against Freddie Boswell?! No Ta!
  8. Just went to renew mine online, but there's not a chance I'm paying a £6.56 booking fee to pay by debit card. Talk about money for old rope! So, I'll be sending her indoors down to BP on Thursday!
  9. Bingo, good sir! Sing your hearts out for the lads.……
  10. Would their (the fans) energy have been better expended by getting behind the team tonight? Yes or no?
  11. Getting what they deserve tonight. If they'd expended even half of the energy they have tonight chanting Kean out on actually backing their team, it could have been a different story.
  12. Over 75% of voters so far have indicated they like it, though along comes Mr Negative to piss on the parade.
  13. Totally agree with this. 100% the best way to utilise him IMO.
  14. Not sure but I'd guess the end of July, just in time for the season to start. That way they'll have had the maximum impact from sales of the new home shirt (which I really like btw) for the maximum amount of time, and then be able to capitalise on the growing anticipation of a brand new season starting within a week or so if the shirt launch.
  15. They certainly look to be much better value than ours at present!
  16. No, I appreciate it wont be our mods who set the content, but I can promise you, hand on heart, I've never even entertained the prospect of buying a ticket for Blackburn Rovers, much less done internet searches for such a purchase!
  17. Can anybody tell me why OWTB is carrying banner ads at the top of the page for discount season tickets to Blackburn Rovers?! Surely we'll have enough trouble shifting our own without advertising other teams STs for them!!
  18. I'd argue that the loss of the Lookers and the lack of a replacement have had a negative impact on the club in ways the average punter wouldn;t even think about. As an example, the Boundary Blues lounge used to be housed in the Lookers and was always full on matchdays. There was a tuck shop, board games, playstations etc all for the kids to use, and it was hugely popular. The membership of BB has steadily declined since the loss of the lounge as there is no 'extra' experience for the kids. Those 7-16 year olds who used to meet up every fortnight and drink fizzy pop and eat sweets together were the same groups of lads who would likely then start going in tha bar together before a game when they got old enough. It kept them 'in the habit'. The club were good enough to let BB have the tuck shop in the CRE which has proved since very popular, and they have tried to make the best of the situation, but for me, the club scored a massive OG on so many levels then the flattened the Broadway Stand.
  19. Come on T, you know as well as I do that knocking down the Lookers has knocked a fair old wedge off the crowd, and effectively killed home matches as a 'social event'. The Lookers was more or less always full, and the bar was always packed pre and post match, and for me that's what has gone from the 'matchday experience'. The social element was one of the key things which kept people going particularly when performances were well below par. I was speaking to a regular 'floater' on Monday this week, who said that he had thought about attending a few times this season but had ultimately beenput off cos the facilities were so bad. I know that it's performances which will ultimatley increase crowds, but when people aren't willing to come and spend their cash in a cold, ramshackle 3 sided dinosaur of a stadium, how do we afford to put the quality back on the pitch?
  20. Perhaps fans are beginning to realise that you can't keep sacking and appointing managers as we have in the past. That said, it doesn;t mean he is the right man for the job. For what it's worth, I agree with Prozac, that an experienced head like Horton to help him out would be ideal.
  21. I'm not even sure he's talking a good game at the minute. Post match comments will be the same old :censored:e he trots out after every game. "we deserved better, didn't get the luck, the boys worked ever so hard". It's becoming tedious!!
  22. I'm not going to blame the referee for yesterdays failings, BUT he was an absolute Wayne Kerr of epic proportions!!!!
  23. How many times did we work the keeper in those 15 attempts?! Oh and hurry back Alex Cisak!
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