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Everything posted by danoafc

  1. I posted this in another thread but had meant to post it in here: Interesting post on that thread from one of their fans claiming to have been sat close to the incident. "Have to agree, it's all a load of bollox. I was directly behind the incident and half a dozen idiots took it upon themselves to wind the lad up after the whistle. So many fans were watching the incident unfold my grandson and I could't get out of the ground. That said Croft only has himself to blame by walking towards the lad so aggressively. Agree with Foxy, looked worse in real time than on tv. Fans were just upset by an inept (understatement) non performance by the Blades."
  2. Interesting post on that thread from one of their fans claiming to have been sat close to the incident. "Have to agree, it's all a load of bollox. I was directly behind the incident and half a dozen idiots took it upon themselves to wind the lad up after the whistle. So many fans were watching the incident unfold my grandson and I could't get out of the ground. That said Croft only has himself to blame by walking towards the lad so aggressively. Agree with Foxy, looked worse in real time than on tv. Fans were just upset by an inept (understatement) non performance by the Blades."
  3. Hmmmmm. I do wonder whether this allegation would have been made at all had we not scored an injury time equaliser.
  4. You didn't. I was basically reflecting on the fact that I don't remember the last time we put in a 90 minute performance, particularly at BP, and on that basis I'm not sure I can see us doing it again. We have showed that were are capable of playing good football under PD, but only sporadically at best, and most definitely not on a consistent basis for the full 90 minutes. I just don't see how that is going to change, though I will say I was encouraged by the changes PD made during the 2nd half last night. Let's hope that's a sign of him finally beginning to learn from the mistakes he's been making for the last 2 years.
  5. Can think of one in the first half which was fired in early which was just a bit to high for Smith who ended up heading awkwardly over.
  6. The football has been tedious by and large for the last 4 or 5 seasons!
  7. Allegedly. The club kept putting his return back due to the injury he sustained early doors that season (may have even been in preseason, I can't remeber), but I spoke to him before the Leyton Orient game in the October just prior to him being released and he told me he'd been fit for weeks and the reason he wasn't getting games was nothing to do with his injury/fitness levels. He didn't explicitly come out with it but he made it failry clear that PD and in particular GT simply didn't fancy him.
  8. Try using Chrome or Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
  9. On hols at minute so missed the game, but followed on BBC text, and got the odd text update from the game. Sounds as though PD worked his half time magic again? :-(
  10. Come on Matt, you and I both know plenty of lads that used to go week in week out, come rain, hail or shine who don't bother anymore. They've all bailed for their own reasons, but I'm sure many would refer to having the piss taken out of them or being taken for mugs by the club on an ongoing basis. The pricing of this game may well be the straw that breaks the camels back for some. This game might be the first one they've missed for years, but I know from experience, once you miss one, it themn becomes much easier to miss 2, and 3 , and 4. I don't understand how you fail to even acknowledge that this is a very realistic prospect?
  11. I'd guess neil.joy@oldhamathletic.co.uk £15?! hahahahahahahaha! Not in my lifetime!
  12. I didn't mean you specifically Sly, I just happened to reply to your post rather than hollandspies (who used the words 1st CLASS liar). Yes, yes it was used perhaps in a dubious attempt at humour, but he also accused Matt of talking bollocks. No over-reactions here, just pointing out that if his source was incorrect, it doesn't make him a liar. #knickerscompletelyuntwistedasusual
  13. Doesn't make him a liar though does it? All he did was tell us what he'd been told. No need for the sniping as far as I can see. People on here get far too precious
  14. I've stopped reading about it Paul. The article on the BBC site reduced me to tears. It's all just so close to home, especially with having a boy of a similar age who is at home with his mum on certain days of the week. Makes you realise just how fragile life really is :-(
  15. Whatever the circumstances, it's truly heartbreaking that a little boy of 2 has been lost. Its just too sad for words. :-( RIP Little 'un x
  16. Was it not Taiwo who GT was supposed to have snotted during that touch line fracas in the 10/11 season?
  17. Edit - Read to the end of the thread before adding a post! Dur!
  18. This was the rumour I heard about a week ago too.
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