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Everything posted by laticsrblue

  1. If it isn't a straight swap though then according to the email a tribunal is not needed to determine the value of the players and therefore it doesn't need to be at market price so long as it is agreed between the parties involved " ...the fee would be agreed between the parties and not subject to a tribunal." So as Singe says we would be screwed, unless Latics can claim to be an involved party seeing as we have an interest in the outcome?
  2. Wouldn't wish that on them, especially not for a measly £5K.
  3. Gordon Lawton might be able to help you. He goes to all the away games and seeing as he was on the Latics Pie Panel a couple of yrs ago he's obviously a BIG pie fan.
  4. Forget all this talk about KK. Lets get back to the topic. Leeds :laught16: :laught16: :laught16: :laught16: :laught16: :laught16:
  5. He was probably also away when the 3 loads of sand were delivered to the training ground.
  6. I would think a large number of the LW subscribers are also season ticket holders. They want to generate more money for the club, not less.
  7. Agree shocking goal keeping, but Latics missed out on the Blues RB Harrison 2 great crosses.
  8. Birmingham want to buy a player for the Premiership who is a goal scorer and can play on both wings for 600K hahahahahahahahahahahaha More like £3M
  9. I didn't need to ask him in the end, worked it all out by myself.
  10. No. Is it something paper boys get up to regularly then?
  11. Ahhhhh I see..... but there's one 2 many balls in that cradle. BTW my son's 25. The Penney's dropped now.
  12. Must be naive or something, I haven't a clue what your on about. I'll have to ask my son.
  13. Robins, Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  14. Told you . As ever, another positive comment from Mr Scotland on today's news: "Why can't they tell the truth, Joe was willing to stay but he has been told the paltry sum he will have to work with for next season and perform miracles, basically he has seen the light and thought time to go. I would put money on the position going to some one in house. as for moving forward quickly thats the biggest load of tosh i have heard concidering their recent actions. be prepared for relegation football next season. By OLDHAM SCOTLAND @ 28/04/2009 13:35:07"
  15. Andy Ritchie minus 20yrs on the pitch, YES. Andy Ritchie manager, NO WAY.
  16. Scrap the houses and flats development plan lets build a Prison there. That would really get the nimbys going
  17. All clubs outside the Prem and some in it are struggling ATM so player's contracts will be generally lower than previous yrs so we should still stand a chance of getting decent player or 2 in and a few average ones.
  18. He seems to have some axe to grind against TTA for some reason. Every post of his is down on them. I only hope they don't bother to read the online Chron as his is often the only comment on the Latics news. I can guarantee he will be on there today putting his boot into TTA. I don't care if he does spend over £100 to watch home games his comments in the Chron don't help.
  19. True, no way he can have him seen when playing for Stockport, after all it's a long walk.
  20. Who are the players that don't listen then? He praised Allot, Maher, Gregan and Hazell, Westlake seems to be his golden boy, Lee hasn't played enough to be a regular culprit and the goalie doesn't count so that leaves Smalley, Alessandra, Jones, Whitaker, Wolfenden and Eardley.
  21. But the club don't own the land, it belongs to a company that TTA set up, can't remember the name ATM, not to OAAFC2004Ltd. On the plus side a failing club is much cheaper to buy then a successful one
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