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Everything posted by nzlatic

  1. He plays, doesn't score many goals, conviction stands, we finish 12th, no one wants to buy him. In the process the club loses loyal fans and gains a huge amount of negative publicity. What then? Still worth the dirty gamble? Which out of yours and my scenario is the most likely?
  2. I voted yes to the boycott but then I rarely go to home games anyway with living down south. so no great impact on the club in the short term. What would be a good poll to gauge opinion (if it could be answered by season ticket holders only) would be whether they'd renew or not if we signed him.
  3. Bingo. Yet he's the one that's been "hounded" according to one poster. Incredible.
  4. If this goes ahead, how is it our club? Despite Barry saying otherwise in his BBC interview in October there has been zero discussion with fans about signing him.
  5. Ex-:censored:ing-actly. It's absolutely mind boggling that people are still going after this 2nd chance thing and claiming it's the same as Hughes. Evans could also try pleading for his followers to leave the :censored:ing victim alone rather than exposing her identity repeatedly. Instead of that his website bemoans not being able to use her sexual history against her in court. How are we still involved in all this? Disgusting.
  6. Sat in a hotel in Queenstown, NZ and it's just come on CNN sport in between stories about Real Madrid and Torres going back to Spain. Embarrassing.
  7. Excellently written article. It sums up too where I am on this. Very much agree to on the "Oldham fan" part. My dad used to tell me about his old forces buddies and how they were all referred to by the team they supported. I'm used to people talking to me about the prem days and cup runs when they find out I'm an oldham fan. Now we'll be the team that signed the rapist. I've no interest in being associated with that irrespective of him possibly scoring goals and winning us promotion. There are some things more important than winning football games.
  8. Just had my message to update. Fingers crossed this means I can now listen from kick off rather than restarting every 5 seconds til it finally kicks in about 10 mins into the match.
  9. If there's one thing I hate more than losing 7-0 it's the phrase "lost the dressing room". Totally meaningless.
  10. I'd say the biggest mistake in going for a back 3 was not having players in it that could move forward if it wasn't working. ie having Dieng in the 3 so he can go central mid if we go back to a back 4. Or Jones at RWB so he can move forward and then Kusunga to RB. Obviously wouldn't have been the best place to start Jones, that was just an example, but we had 5 defenders starting with none of them capable of playing in midfield should a change be required.
  11. Good point. If he listened to message boards last week he'd have changed from the diamond because we've been "found out" and make sure he started kusunga and Dieng because they'd made themselves undroppable!
  12. Went to the game and it was dreadful. Tactically LJ got it wrong but the defending errors were criminal. Kusunga getting a lot of justified stick but having seen the goals on FLS this morning the first one is absolutely criminal. Johnson left marking their giant centre back who he then didn't follow and the guy had a free header. And a free follow up. Despite kenny and George playing there was no leadership at the back throughout. Other points, it looked like Jabo should have been clean through early on but had a heavy touch and ballsed it up. Plus it looked like a clear studs up over the ball challenge on mills that only got a yellow. Anyway, my first home game of the season. Great choice. But still in the hunt and there's no need to chuck the toys out of the pram yet. Unlike some of the fans in the chaddy. Some of the bile screamed in the first half was shocking. You'd think we started 2nd bottom rather than play offs the way some people were talking.
  13. Do wingers even exist in the modern game? I'm not talking players who play out wide in a front 3 but actual wide men in a 4 man midfield who get to the byline and cross etc. The current style is largely through the middle either on the floor or in the air. I can't really think of any traditional touchline-hugging winger at any level.
  14. What did he do in the first half he should be so ashamed of? He was left totally exposed three times.
  15. Probably for the same reason fans of other clubs won't have the first clue that we have had "recurring viruses".
  16. No problem with him appealing and if it's overturned then it's up for a discussion. But until then he's a convicted rapist who doesn't think he's done anything wrong. Not a remorseful rehabilitated ex offender. Steer well clear. It won't just be sponsors that walk away it'll be fans too. The club can't afford to do anything other than take the appropriate moral stand. Just like it did with Montano. Success at all costs is not why I support a team like Oldham.
  17. Like Palios did this needs a statement and fast. After the disruption the Montano episode caused I'd be shocked if this is anything more than him being offered to us and a quick rejection. But for everyone's sake it needs nipping in the bud asap.
  18. From a Sheff Utd supporting mate of mine... "I've very rarely read as much praise for an away side on our forum as you lot are getting."
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