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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. I'm 6'2" and I can cope with the leg room. Yes it's not ideal, but the RRE is still a much better stand. So for me, swap. Should have done it years ago.
  2. No Diego, we don't. What we need to do is efficiently manage and run the sufficient facilities in those areas that we already have. As many have already pointed out. The car park is big enough, it's just a free for all. The number of kiosks are enough. They're just not properly manned or properly equipped i.e pumps that can pour more than one pint at once, enough food , enough staff etc. Hardly rocket science.
  3. I normally leave my seat (RRE) 5 mins before full time and stand in the corner by the exit to watch the final death throes. Then whip out on the whistle to get out before the masses. Yesterday however, I was in the main stand, and even though I wasn't blocked in, I was in the same spot I joined the queue for 50 mins before I got out. NEVER again. I'll street park in future. It doesn't help that the police never assist with the flow of traffic like they used to. They often used to stand on broadway and hold the traffic up so cars could get out. Not seen them do that for years.....
  4. Perhaps I should have put "spending on a lump like Colbeck".......
  5. I doubt Dale would want to break up the Dagnall/O'Grady partnership which seems to be firing very well at the moment. Certainly not unless some cash was involved. Which we haven't really got. Particularly not after recently spending a lump on Colbeck. Perhaps Rocky can provide some further insight?? I don't think Dagnall would have too many problems in League 1, not exactly worlds apart IMO.
  6. As much as I've always supported the change of home ends, the layout of the RRE gives us the club more options when it comes to housing away fans and allows Latics fans to occupy all 3 sides (!) of the ground. Not that there's that many of us these days of course.....
  7. Yeah. Click R3 (the right analogue stick) and it should change between screen sizes.
  8. She'll be pushing the wheelchair. Take her out, he's dead in the water....
  9. That STILL gives me goosebumps and brings tears to the eyes every time I listen to it.......
  10. I happened to be at Carlo Nash's house this morning with work. I asked him if he fancied a loan spell at Latics. He just grinned and was very non - comittal. Couldn't have gone there and not asked could I?? Thoroughly nice fella btw.....
  11. If he's worth 60k, then I'm worth at least 30k. And I'm a 36 year old, unfit smoker. Who can't play football very well. F*ck it. Probably worth 35k.
  12. My best was watching the stiffs play Liverpool, way back when the George Hill terrace was still there. John Wark cleared a ball at high velocity straight into my mush. Nowt broken, but could see stars for a week. And I dropped my pie. Devastated.
  13. I was sat about 20 yards away. He did it on purpose. A dive Drogba would have been proud of.
  14. Sorry Rummy, it's an actual account from a foaming commie. And just as likely to be bull:censored: propagada as anything the EDL posts. All the talk of "comrades" - Now THAT is ridiculous. Extremists from the left are just as loathsome as those from the right. But it's just not as popular to say so.
  15. I bet out of those that do, none of them use Azure. They have got to be THE worst excuse for caterers I have ever come across. If they were running a café on the high street, they'd be out of business within days. But they're not are they? They've got a captive audience of 3500 people who they can fleece with their substandard products and services on a weekly basis. The fact that they don't maximise this fleecing by either having enough product or enough bodies with which to serve the queuing mugs like us makes them even more of joke. How much can it cost to employ someone on minimum wage for a couple of hours to hand out pies?? It's hardly rocket science. Remember when they served out of date beer and then tried to fob us off with bull:censored: excuses like "it's the date it was bottled" in the RRE??. That says it all for me. The club should review the agreement with them immediately on the grounds of serious misconduct/breach of contract. It's one of few issues that the club are facing at the moment that they can actually do something about.
  16. I think that lad needs a few pies inside him. (not Rummy...)
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