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Everything posted by oafc0000

  1. If he was a perment signging then could worry about his age....he is only here for a month and im sure he is more than capable of holding the fort..
  2. Its all been a big Gerrard vs Lampard debate hasnt it.....when really..... going off england performances....nither of them should be in the bloody side!
  3. He is only here for a short time to cover for Crossely, im sure he can do a job for us.
  4. You can attack many England players but Owen isnt one of them. His record speaks for itself....games to goal ratio is brillant. He only dosent score when coming back from injury usally.
  5. Im going and im wearing my shirt..... If we get the stadium I will probably clap the decision....i wont rub it in the residents noses by cheering and dancing around as I have no issue with them....they have the right to fight against it for whatever reasons they choose....but i have the right to be happy and support the decison as well....
  6. oafc0000


    It would be nice if we could all wish each other well but there is just too many bitter Sctos out there who would love to see England fail. I cant support a nation that is looking for my nation to fail.
  7. I knew it was pointless to go tonigh and I reckon a quite a few others felt the same way.... That said...im shocked so few actually went... I will defo be there next time...
  8. We over rate our players and our manager is useless.....we dont deserve a place at the euro's
  9. We all knew this was going to happen. I am surprised it came as such a shock to Alan Hardy. Now isnt the time to be sticking it to the council...lets play along with them...it can only help us get what we want...
  10. Yeah it was...still needed winning though :P If we win on Sunday then the dolphins game becomes a big big game for us.... We should hopefully destroy them but the messing around coming to London could act as a bit of a leveler
  11. hmmm...i was going to rush....and i mean RUSH (otherwise I wouldnt make it) from work for the meeting....im not bothering now....its almost a certainy this is going to happen and it wont be worth the effort if its just defered....
  12. Am I right in thinking they wont annouce anything before the meeting.... Wont it be a case of the meeting starting, someone saying "have we got the report?" , "no", "meeting deferred till next month ?" and then they move onto the next topic on the agenda ?
  13. You have to put ur mind back to the late 80's and early 90's..... Football fans were very different! Rugby fans werent going around causing the trouble football fans where. You wasnt having innocent people die due to issue of crowd safety. The taylor report has done more good for football than bad. Its put us in a postion where we now question some of the things the taylor report brough us, aka all seater stadiums.... But we only question it now really, back in the early 90's I think the vast majority of people agreed that things needed to change. And things have! They have changed so much that now is the time to possibly relax some of the rules. I dont belive you would get "surges" if we brought back standing. You cant surge in these "safe standing" areas...to many crush barriers...
  14. The stadium was built for the use of Rugby and not football. Rugby has no restrictions against standing. Im not sure who the top power is on the matter. I always thought the FA agreed to the taylor report and imposed restrictions on what is allowed at different stadiums. At first only the Premier League had to be all seater and then they extended this to the championship (or whatever it was at the time). I think under FA rules its still possible to have terraces in league one and two...but soon as u get into the Championship you have to go all seater (i think you get two years to complie or something). So it would be possible to build a new stadium with terraces but we wouldnt be able to go up! Also, the local council would certainly reject any proposal for a new stadium with standning sections. I dont know if there is actually laws against it, but a local planning officer would certainly question the long term prospect of a new football stadium that wasnt all seater surely... Maybe someone more in the know could clear it up....
  15. I would love to see standing come back! I really would. Its just sooo much better! But I cant just let comments like this fly around without being challenged! Football was utter madness pre hillsbrough, something needed to change! The Taylor report was a massive step forward and brought so many posative changes. I think its only possible to NOW have a discussion about bringing back standing areas to grounds only because of the progress we have made in other area, thanks largely to the Taylor report.. We need to find ways of bringing back the atmosphere and fun....but we cant ever go back to those dark days....football grounds were death traps... Its down to the modern stadiums with proper stewarding etc that its possible to bring in standning...
  16. You clearly havent been to upton park :P
  17. Your confusing the issue of segregation and "safe standing" areas....and in the context the post was said in....
  18. But thats the thing, they arent really. The same type of people tend to go, the same if not more beer is drunk, the surges forward at a rock gig can be much worse than any football match. You can have 30,000 people surging forward with no crush barriers etc etc.... Gigs can be far worse than anything a football crowd creates in my experience... Also the majority of huge gigs are in football stadiums...its all a little sillly. I suppose standing area would be ok now we dont have fences....
  19. I answered yes..... But I think the chances are slim and I am yet to be convinced that there is such a thing as a "safe" standning area. All this said, its maddness that music venues get away with it and the football dosent...
  20. Biggest waste of talent at BP was defo Billy Kenny! The guy could of played for England, was one of the most promiesing young players in england. Kicked out of everton for drugs, came to us but didnt change his ways.... What a waste!
  21. No we cant, and I remember some nastyness towards him a while ago in the stands, which i cant condone. No matter how much i hate the thing. I was hoping, and it started to work, that he would see just how many people didnt want it and it would convience him to think of others and not to bring it. At the same time, if the poll goes the other or is very close, then i will just have to put up and shut up
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