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Everything posted by oafc_lover

  1. Was more a rhetorical question o4u. We all know what's happened to the money. But is it right? Is it for us to pay his bills or his debts? Is it fuck! The guy is an absolute piece of shit. I cannot wait for the day he leaves and takes his cronies with him.
  2. Exactly - so what has happened to our money? Say it covered 50% of them....do we own 50% of the boards? If he has full ownership of the advertising boards then he should either refund every single fan (without putting an awkward time scale on it) or use the money for something worthwhile. Otherwise, we have effectively just given Corney £25k out of our own hard earned. I wouldn't give that man a fucking bean. The more I'm thinking about it the angrier I am getting.
  3. I see Bolton have been slating our pitch, like every other club. Getting their excuses in early for when they don't bulldoze over us like some of their deluded oiks think they will. Well they only need to look at this picture to see the pitch really is not that bad. Credit to the ground staff. They've apparently tested a new method and it looks to be doing the trick.
  4. Just another idea but why don't we put pressure on Corney to spend some money sprucing up the other stands a little? I'm not too bothered that we have this perimeter boards instead of a scoreboard. What I am bothered about, however, is that we raised a lot of money for something that the CLUB would own. What he's now gone and done is purchase something with OUR money and put it in the name of one of his many dodgy little side companies. So yet again what do we get out of this? The way I see it, all the money from it will be going in his pocket not ours, when at the end of the day, businesses are sponsoring the club, not him. I want clarification from the club that 100% of the money will be going into the club. Even 1% less than that is fucking criminal. Back to my original point - give the other stands a lick of paint. At the very least power wash the plastic side boards for fuck sake! Get some new 3D lettering on the front of the main stand and get rid of the old fashioned small ones. Really won't cost much at all. After all, you have over £20k of our money.
  5. As we've already proven...means nothing in this league. Anyone can beat anyone and I'd fancy us against any side right now. Positivity only in this thread, thanks.
  6. Suspect there'll be a good amount sold tomorrow morning when people are off work and can get there. Along with the last minute change of hearters!
  7. It says one of the first. I bet we're the first to only have it on 3 sides though
  8. Can of worms well and truly open! I suspect Mr Lee has funded them but if not, then this is a whole other level of shit from our board and serious serious questions will be asked. As I've said previously, I like the perimeter boards and think they'll do us good, but the way they've gone about it is frankly appalling and has caused a divide with the fans. I know you have ended up getting grief on Facebook and with everything you have done and continue to do for the club, that's not right. Keep asking the questions underdog or we'll be the next Blackpool.
  9. So the statement just now seems another pack of lies going off those minutes. What the f*ck was the big statement all about then kicking off at Mike Keegan for ruining our big chance at investment? More lies? Or are Ledman funding them because they're investing in the club?
  10. Be baffled. When you can't even feel your feet in December and I'm sat there having a cuddle with my bovril we'll see who the real winner is!
  11. I'm sure you'll get your scoreboard. It'll just be a very wide one that bends around the pitch.
  12. Isnt that the point in having designated standing areas? You can choose to. Personally I can't think of anything worse than not being able to sit down for that long in the cold, but I voted in support of it as I've nothing at all against those who want to.
  13. I didn't. I want us to maximise revenue.
  14. Well I wouldn't give a flying **** about a scoreboard if all it did was display Oldham 0-? ???????. Clubs like ours should be doing everything we can to maximise sponsorship and if it takes a modern LED parimeter screen to do it, then I say crack on! This will hopefully look smart and at least make the younger fans feel like they're in a proper football ground and not a dingy old rotten box.
  15. Understand those that may have a differing opinion on it but I actually think this is a better alternative. Room for constant sponsorship opportunities through the 90 minutes. The score can easily be displayed on them and seen right around the ground. They (hopefully) look smart and make the ground look that little bit less dated.
  16. I also got a reply to my email. Had to log into eticketing on the desktop computer to order them though as it wouldn't work on my iPhone or iPad. Also had to use internet explorer and not google chrome. Then called the ticket office around 4:45pm to double check they can both be in my name and he answered the phone and dealt with my query quickly. No complaints from me and I'm already looking forward to next season!
  17. Also the concession discount lasts longer doesn't it? How many is that? Got to be a lot of concession and junior season tickets.
  18. Just paid for mine outright. No added fees in the end even though it said before I confirmed that there may be a 2% charge for cards. Big question for me now is how do I get myself a season pass for the car park behind the new stand and how much are they? May be one for leeslover, I'm sure I've seen you post that you have one?
  19. Like previously said - given the concession prices don't increase yet, 1,000 isn't a bad figure so far. I'm getting 2 online when I get home.
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