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Everything posted by oafc_lover

  1. Yip, we all know deep down what's happening. But he has the best intentions and the club at heart so we can let him carry on for another 10 years. Maybe as a good will gesture to the fans he'll leave us the corner flags and nets so we can at least have a kick about on Clayton Fields when he's fucked off.
  2. Not really. Cooled down about it maybe, but certainly not changed my tune. What I think and what I am prepared to say on here are quite different.
  3. Point is we don't know if there has or not because of all the secrecy and lack of communication.
  4. Pretty much what I've said O4U, so not sure what your last post was about? Unless I've got the wrong end of the stick, in which case apologies!
  5. Easy to say "get your money back". How about Corney just communicates with us to clear the situation up instead of releasing statements that create more confusion and more questions? How about Corney for once delivers on his promises and releases a statement telling us that the club will get 100% of the income from sponsorship. If he has used our money to get these boards, they are (morally) the clubs, not his. Imagine donating to someone on JustGiving for lifesaving treatment and then seeing on Facebook that they've gone on a Caribbean cruise with the money instead. Be a bit pissed off wouldn't you. I'd much rather him do the right thing than go and get my money back. But if he's making money off my donation and not the club, then I'd walk to the fucking moon for it before I let that happen.
  6. You say you keep reading it. You must have stopped 8 pages ago because no one is questioning the quality of the boards. What is being questioned is the legality of using the funds raised by fans for them, where is the income from them going and who owns them. Sick of repeating it but this was a fan funded initiative for something to be owned by the club not Corney and for money generated to be pumped back into the club not Corney. The perimeter boards look class. That isn't in question.
  7. May least try and explain why you would believe it isn't illegal... Of course we need clarification. As I've previously posted, businesses pay good money to sponsor the club, not his side company. If the club are getting the money from these boards, I'm not arsed about a refund. If he's pocketing the income, I want a refund. If we get an answer before Saturday and he's getting the money, I'm sure plenty will give them a good kicking during the mandatory pitch invasion.
  8. I'm no Judge Rinder but spending money raised for one cause on something different and putting it in your company's name is most definitely illegal. It wasn't LED Media's money to spend on these boards. It was the club's money. Therefore we need clarification and potentially proof that the club owns these boards and the club will take 100% of any income from them. Then and only then will I be able to make an informed decision on whether to seek my refund or not. Whatever happens, this is yet another avoidable mess created by the incompetent pricks that run our precious club.
  9. If he has spent our money on them to then sell to another club he can fuck off to jail now for me.
  10. This was one concern I raised on twitter last week and got shot down for daring to question Corney. Re where the income goes - businesses pay to sponsor Oldham Athletic Football Club. Not Oldham Athletic Football Club & LED Media Ltd. Income from them should be the clubs and only the clubs. I wonder how many businesses would pass on sponsoring us knowing that only half (for example) of their cash is actually going to the football club?
  11. Can 1 player win both POTS and YPOTS? If I'd known that........
  12. Voted McLaughlin for goal of the season as it was a superb solo effort in his first(?) game playing as a striker. Voted Clarke as Player of the Season and Ripley as Young Player of the Season because I feel they both equally deserve an award for what has been an unbelievable defence all season. Says it all really when all the awards will be going to defenders...
  13. I'm shocked it took someone a full day to pull me up on that
  14. Agree with your sentiment and am by no means the swearing police....but come on dude. Doesn't need to be every sentence.
  15. His lack of goals don't worry me as long as he keeps being a threat and allowing others to come into play and score. He's a great asset that will no doubt get flack off some in the stands because of his lack of goals.
  16. That's just it for me. I've done a few silly things in my younger days at Latics, like call an awkward steward a knob head, thinking I was tough (knowing full well I'd soil myself if he was to come for me), but to spit at a steward?? That is another human being who is being paid to be there and 99 times out of 100 they are doing and saying what they are told to by their superiors. Family members of mine have stewarded at Latics for years and if anyone were to spit at them I'd feel like head butting their teeth out. All well and good saying they're young, but I won't be defending people with zero respect for other humans.
  17. Maybe for the best to not say we have the "lowest IQ in the league, no question" then. I think we have quite an intelligent set of supporters compared to other clubs. Only have to come on this board to see that.
  18. You're definitely in that large number of absolute bell ends, Andy.
  19. I think most of us can agree that the drum is annoying when it's played constantly for 90 minutes. Personally, I think at times it can really help with the atmosphere, but the kid needs to be smart about it. If he's going to keep using it, then use it to just start off songs that require it and then if they start going awol use it for a couple of bars to get it back together again. We most certainly don't need it for the entire game, drowning out all the singing.
  20. 33pts from 22 games in last years episode of the Shezurrection. So say 67 points (ish) and 77 this year. 72 on average over his 2 miracles. That would currently have us 6th. Get a decent start next season though and the momentum could take us anywhere! I'm excited. Don't know about anyone else!
  21. I've decided to have this one as £16 doesn't seem too bad at all. We can 100% POTD can't we?
  22. Corney - sign over every asset you have stripped from us (that you haven't already sold) and at least we'll then know you have intentions to not bleed us dry even more than you have. Until then, you're a cunt.
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