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Everything posted by Davros

  1. Its all pointless really coz i cant see them beating stockport!! so that ends that really! Id rather see there shed once a year in the fruit bowl...
  2. I dont feel threatend by them whatsoever im just wondering were some peoples loyalties lie!! Plain and simply... there is too much lovingness of Rochdale goin on at the moment... you have sidetracked me and drawn me into a big debate and my head is starting to hurt!!!!
  3. Yeah there is a fair chance it will be alternated still will effect attendances, how many people have you heard just off here who are latics fans who went to the 2nd leg of their semis! Lets just see what happens to the attendances if they were to come up and they had a big game against say leeds, donny etc and us at home to Cheltenham and see the comparisons of previous seasons... i tell ye there will be a drop!
  4. If you live close by fairy mcduff... but i DO believe there are people on here with split loyalties and i do believe it will have a direct impact on our attendance if they come up and we fail to fire on all cylinders!
  5. What you mean my namesake that is me! You saying im ugly!
  6. The one reason i wouldnt want dale to come up is because (sad fact but true) it would have a direct impact on our attendance, and if they come up and we play them theyre not exactly going to bring as many fans as say Huddersfield would! Can you imagine if say we were at home to Cheltenham, and say Leeds stay down and are at Rochdale a lot of our so called fans would be at spotland because they have a soft spot for them! Our catchment area is full enough of local team without some of our Loyal fans from Rochdale now jumping ship! The amount of people on here and around town who are latics fans (alledgedly) and are planning a Wembley trip to see Dale or went to see them in the semis is disgusting, its ok wanting a team to come up for the BIG derby but bloody buying tickets to see them at wembley - if you really wanna see wembley there are some international friendlys in the not so distant future! I believe if Dale did come up alot of peoples so called allegiances will change they will be at latics one week as if theyre number one fan and at dale the week after acting the same there!! Man Ure are our close rivals as are City, Bolton, Blackburn, stockport etc etc etc if any of them get to wembley or moscow i dont see people openly planning their trips!! Think the mods of this site should set up a new message forum for all chat Rochdale coz theyres a lot of it for some people who say they only want them to do well for a local rivalry!! Stockport are not to far either who went to their semis or is planning to go to wembley for them... point is split loyalties..
  7. Maybe they did tell the dale fans!?! Why would they want to tell latics fans about another teams tickets... Stu Vose hang your head in shame how dare the O/S not keep us so informed about our very near neighbours.. Im even supprised their wasnt a guide to mosow on our o/s
  8. Im just impressed they are doing the signing at the right time the earlier the better get them bedded in and training together for a good period of time!! Well done Shez & TTA promising moves... he is certainly learnt from last years mistakes of bringing in players too late(i know that is because of the playoffs)... I for one am already getting optomistic about next season!!!
  9. Its gone from a quadrouple to a more likely double... Come on QoS!!!
  10. Just you watch Kilkenny try and squirm his way back to latics now... a buddy to go pubbin in royton with!
  11. Just emailed a manure fan to tell him of our signing and this is what his reply was... "No way have you, that’s a mint signing for your lot, very quick and a decent defender altho he is versatile and im told he can play in mid too but not seen him play there, saw him for the ressies a few times looks good. he becomes pretty good on footy manager too" so that means he must be good....
  12. I really really do want Raef to win and that b**ch Claire to get the boot tonight!!! I will be watching nervously tonight... should be a cracker!
  13. Paul Scholes... he's sacked off the idea of a Chumpions League Final and come to Oldham instead as he is soooo excited at the prospect of playing Rochdale as all the other Olddale or Rocham fans are he just didnt want to risk missing out, just incase! My friends dogs, breeders grandma is bessie mates with Mick Wadsworth said he didnt want to risk long term injury in such a meaningless game... You heard it here first! ALLEDGEDLY! SCHOLESY.... SCHOLESY!!!
  14. SELL OUT AWAY STAND!!! Half of Rochdale fans are amongst us!?! People wont know what stand to go in... :-)
  15. More to the point how many of our loyal fans would then be at spotland???
  16. I for one agree... we have the fruit bowl cup every year which cures my once a year urge to go to Rochdale i need no more!!! The one fixture i do look forward to every year is Trannies Or Huddersfield but if they went down i wouldnt go n watch them in the hope they come up!! I think we have closet Rochdale fans in our midst and i strongly believe that if rochdale do come up it would have a negative effect on our attendance as some of the closset fans will go back...
  17. Neil Wood... Makes a comeback after setting Bosnia alight !
  18. And if the Jasper Jarrett who turned up for the other games were dooooomed....
  19. What has the world come too.... I wonder if any have the trademark United
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