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Everything posted by Davros

  1. I hate all this love of dale recently... I wont be goin to any match because im a full time tic fan, couldnt care who comes up between them because they'll be going straight back down again! True dale fans hate us and the feeling is only mutual! :-)
  2. IMO manchester didnt ask for this... the screen broke technical problem fair enough - if the rangers fans had have behaved whilst engineers were fixing the problem it would have been back on in time for the majority of the match... Bottles were hurled at them and the engineers thought ###### this (which i cant blame them) After watching the news the police being heavy handed was more than justified.... Its just a shame it turned out like this as the majority of rangers fans were well behaved..
  3. Ohhhh..... why have beeb anounced it before latics if its true! The beeb are usually a week behind when it comes to us!!! But then again Crewe or Oldham not really the toughest of choices if you ask moi!
  4. Im saying Cheltenham.. you all may laugh and smirk but just you watch...
  5. Add me too the list... well it is friday.. i have a Goooner to the right and a Luton fan to the left ohhh the joy..
  6. I remember this time last year, im sure the same people were saying the reverse... Kilkenny is much better than wellens... wellens goes missing in big games etc etc etc
  7. Glimpses of genius and glimpses of cackness!! He ran the midfield last night played some neat touches but let him self down by shooting wayward on occasions...
  8. Oldham Town, Oldham egg chasers and Latics in the reverse order... couldnt really give two toshes about any other team!
  9. :-) anybody with a business brain would know this was coming hence any that run out of stock or dont have the correct provisions dont deserve to be in business... Plus if people are paying staff more its because they need them because they are going to make more... never seen a business going bust because they had so many customers they had to pay people overtime.... The provisions have been made... beer tents - fans areas... its not as if this many people wasnt expected! Your point is invlaid! Sorry to jump in just giving my interpretations. You are clearly pesimistic!
  10. Aint that animal cruelty keeping that many cats in a backpack!!
  11. Dont tar me with the above brush!! Then again Rangers are the lesser of the two evils! :-)
  12. The majority ive seen have cans in hand but all seem in good spirits & friendly... not too sure how long that will last tho!
  13. Even if i had a russian standard keyboard i wont be able to tell you :-)!! Iv only seen gers fans so far i work a stones throw from Alberts square which is full of bogs tents and beer kegs at the mo, are they putting a screen up their or summert??... think i might pop over there tomorrow for a few!! Got a feeling after the game tho it may get a bit nasty tho!!!
  14. Agreed! But still think he won the ball wether he won it illegally in the eyes of the FA is another matter but he went for it and won it! Yip he definatley cant tackle has he has proved on countless occasions. Again agree(ish) 45/55 in favour of wigan :-) Dont think he had a disaster but agree with the rest...
  15. Of course he won the ball, watch where the ball is before the tackle and where it was after, also look at scholes foot hit it there!?! as for your other points yup valid. But i thought his first yellow was a good challenge he won the ball! Modern day footballers are wimps... bring back the good old days when footballers where men!!
  16. I think saying the ref fixed the game is going a bit far or was biased towards united... He didnt have a good game... fair enough Scholesy first yellow should of been a talking to yup he did go in from behind but he won the ball IMO 5-10 yrs ago he would of been congratulated for that tackle the game has gone too soft he won the ball and the player made a meal of it (bring back the good old contact days and shoulder barging).... Second one yeah should of seen yellow. As for Rio's handball at first it looked like a stone wall penalty but re played when the ball makes contact his arm looks as though its behind is back!! Scholes's apparant penalty yup he was hacked up but was about to run the ball out of play and wasnt denied a goalscoring oppurtunity (some you get some you dont) As for united's penalty thought was a bit harsh.. but thought even if scholes had of been sent off and united didnt get the penalty and wigwam did the result would of been the same Bruce would of seen to that ;-) I couldnt of given two toshes who won the title yesterday because i hate united and chelski just as equally, but thought id say it as i saw it. Its just amazing how different people with different loyalties see the same game differently!
  17. LOL! Some of the TTA comments are waring a bit thin!! Low attendances is what you get with a mid table mediocre season!! The real reason fans have been abandoning ship is because of cr*p performances like the northampton home match, hartlepool away, port vale at home to name but a few... Yup performances like that dont phase the die hard fans but how can they expect for people to turn up and watch some of the gash on offer at bp this season, I feel this coment has come 6 months too late and aimed at fans instead of players... I have been to the majority of home games this season but iv come out of most of them thinking why do i bother!!! Its a fact people will only turn up when there is something on the line which is sad but true!
  18. Rhodes or Hallworth (God Love him) Halle F Hall Barrett Barlow Adams Redfearn Marshall Holden Bunn Palmer Subs: Gerrard Warhurst Irwin Ritchie Henry
  19. Sorry didnt mean place pot i meant the one where you pick the first four home in that order!!
  20. The triffecta (i think you call it) was just over 4.5k from a £1 bet - All for writting the first four in that order!!
  21. Couldnt believe the national yesterday... id been giving Comply or Die as a tip to everyone at work and with me giving them 3 0ut of 3 winning tips for cheltenham they all lumped on i picked four horses - Comply Or Die, Snowy Morning (well that was actually my Mrs) King Johns Castle and Slim Pickings ££££'s all each way felt chuffed afterwards untill my dad told me how much i would of won if id have put them in a place pot thingy were you pick the first four home!!! Ah well HAPPY DAYS!!! Only thing is now any big horse race and everyone will be ringing me for my tips... wouldnt mind but i stole them all from the papers :-)
  22. Best - Everton and Leeds (Away) - Two amazing days out! Worst - Harlepool (away) & Northampton (Home) both left me walking away feelin rather down beat!
  23. YOUR ALL WRONG IT WAS YELLOW!!! Surely it had to be!
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