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Everything posted by Beardy

  1. I think its all about blind loyalty! I dont particularly like Manchester for shopping, nights out or anything really, but i feel that there are a few factors within many that feel that the club should stay in an OL postcode! 1) Selfishness, personally i dont want to move from what i has become a sanctuary for many, especially getting out of the missus way! 2) Accessibility, as above we get used to things and it would take some time to adapt to life in Failsworth. I lived 2 minutes from the ground and now i live in Shaw, i feel that a pain in the arse! (or just lazyitis!) 3) Identity, we are Oldham, a lot of fans feel as though things could change with regards the club name or Oldham the town be ignored in favour of the new surrounding areas. 4) Commerce, lets face it Citeh and Manure fans are everywhere, that will never change, but the fact that we would be moving to a Citeh hotbed makes it so much harder to create a new fanbase with more commercial sales. Im sure i will think of more when my kids go to sleep, but for now that'll do.
  2. Get down Failsworth!!! Naughty boy. Is that what you mean, like when a dog sniffs your testiebag?
  3. Ackey is your man! He was the PR guru for the 92 trip and likes the sound of his own ego!
  4. If anyone is interested i could rustle up some animal semen for ya? That is if you want dog custard?
  5. Ive said this from the start, the best way to make this a substantial business idea and bring money in on a daily basis, not to mention keeping everyone happy is to turn the Lancashire Club into a Brothel / Strip club!
  6. Bloody Hell Rude, you have gone Acronym-tastic!
  7. Nike, Adidas and Umbro had a generic kit design for many lower league teams which they were able to take up, then adidas would arrange for badge and sponsors to be applied and x amount manufatured. With those type deals the club gain minimum profit but maximum exposure as the general fan would rather buy a Nike kit than Stanno, Matchwinner CABRINI!!! With smaller firms ie Macron, they want to make more profit from shirt sales than individual sales, so will be willing to take a smaller cut from sales as they know the team involved have a larger fan base! That is what i am led to believe!!
  8. He is 28 as i had a good look at his ring (whilst with your mum!)
  9. Thats it, ive heard some right tripe on here recently but Zorro and Common sense in one sentence has taken the biscuit.
  10. They do for me too, but the spark has gone! I love my club, but not with the passion anymore. Oh and Regarding the porn, i watch 21 hours, i can spare 3 at least.
  11. Its hard to think of all those times on a tuesday or wednesday making a long away trip to some ghost town to watch us lose, and travelling the length and breadth, being out of work and scrimping and saving just so i can go to a game on the saturday and because some like myself don't go anymore we arent real fans.
  12. Fair enough, when did you quit as an admin?
  13. At the moment you arent a real fan, you are a customer to what seems to be a growing trend of clubs forgetting that we were here long before multi million pound owners!
  14. OK i had to delete some of it as it was in keeping with the thread, but you get the general idea!
  15. Ive just spent the best part of 30 mins typing a response to the Barry post and its now been locked, whats the point of having a forum if every fan doesnt get to say his peice, and before you say start a new one, i would but it would be way out of context now!
  16. I would have taken the 'Wall' out with an Uzi, bloody coke cans what happened to darts and sharpened 2p peices?
  17. Normally i would have ignored this post but my estimation of you has gone down! Some might say i hate the idea!
  18. Yeah yeah, you're just hoping he has been doing a member of the under 18s so you can get all the intricate details.
  19. I love the marketing team will cover in the short term, the marketing team cant friggin market, how the hell are they supposed to run the website too? Useless bunch of feckers!
  20. Right thats it, im ringing Jeremy Kyle right now!
  21. Hannibal would have to be Gregan, sucking on a fat cigar telling people what to do! Face, tough one as im not a gay, but Pav would do! Mad Murdoch, Joe Collbeck all day, you would be mad as a if you realised a football team paid for you. BA Baracus, Now most would say Rubes, but i reckon Keigan Parker could black up for this role. Obligatory girl, Chris Taylor falls over more than a pissed up Scotsman and probably the only latics player i would like to see recieving an oscar.
  22. I heard the A Team are on their way to make a football team out of a few spanners, pieces of :censored: and a paperclip.
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