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Everything posted by TheBigDog

  1. The first @Monty Burns post I’ve actually understood!
  2. The players do seem to like the management team and are buying in to their style of play - and it is coming across in their body language… with the possible exception of Rooney
  3. One thing that has been obvious to me is that Unsworth has been learning on the job this season. And as the season has progressed, he has got better at it. Even he would not deny that the early games and results were poor but he changed many of the players and the way we play to ensure that we didn’t fall any further. If he continues in this way next season, I have no doubt that we will be challenging for promotion. For the moment, I will take a top half finish and hope that his learning curve continues - if it does then I want to be along for the ride
  4. The thing is… it only takes thirty seconds (*) to respond - surely they can do that? (*) exactly how long it took me to write this post
  5. https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/2023/april/1704023-academy-update/ positive statement from the board
  6. We can question them, it’s just that we’ll be told that they know better… but sometimes they don’t …
  7. There were many fans who could see the quality that Vaughan has - he needed to get stronger and maybe work more on the defensive side of his game but he has talent. Yet, as you say, successive managers didn’t favour him either. Hah! We were right!
  8. Have a chat with them on Saturday or next Tuesday
  9. We’re getting more like a proper football club every day - Current teams worked with include Wolves, Newcastle, Roma, Club Brugge, Blackpool, Wigan and Barnsley… Get them season tickets bought
  10. No - I mean that this has been done to death now and simply repeating the same old argument is not really adding anything new to the debate. It can start again in a few months time
  11. Is it not time now to ease back on the Unsworth debate? I think we have established that: He is not going anywhere He has the backing of the board He has a decent support infrastructure with his assistants John Ebbrell and Francis Jeffers plus a head of recruitment in Steve Thompson He will be allowed to bring in a number of new (better) players for next season There will be a significant number of players moving on from the club He will have a B team set up to assist with giving squad players competitive game time With the above in mind, surely the debate should now be parked until early next season? We all have our opinions on the relative merits of the manager (with one exception in @Dave_Og) and all have by now expressed that opinion - so maybe lets park it for a while?
  12. I went to Brentford v Newcastle yesterday. Both teams brought everyone back for corners and free kicks. Brentford drop deep and play narrow when out of possession. Both teams bunch tightly to one side of the pitch when playing long from goal kicks. Both teams played long balls into the channels. Sound familiar? Oh and Brentford frequently use the long throw to get the ball into the box - again a tactic used throughout the leagues. Obviously the skills and quality of play is far superior to that in the National league. But the main difference is the speed of attacking and the technical ability of the players when on the ball. I saw far better players following similar tactics - maybe Unsworth needs to realise that the tactical approach he learned at a PL Academy is not quite appropriate for the National League? Better players may come in but hopefully Unsworth has learned from this season. He has to find a way of playing that suits the players he has and the level we are playing at.
  13. Highest scoring defenders in Premier League history - top three: 3. Ian Marshall 33 goals 2. David Unsworth 38 goals 1. John Terry 41 goals
  14. He did - only scored 3 in 13 since he joined them.
  15. Unsworth’s latest comment: “Our performance was terrific and I won't have it that it wasn't” The bloke’s bonkers
  16. I’m not asking him to blame himself, just to be honest about what we all see on the pitch. Either he genuinely does not see how mind numbingly ineffective our second half display was or he is being disingenuous and taking us fans for fools Call it like it is David - you’d get far more respect if you did.
  17. Poor pitch, lots of giving the ball away. Some neat skills shown by Stevens and good pace from Blore. Playing out from the back was easier as the keeper could always pick the ball up Nice kit
  18. I love it when a player coming on as a sub, has a PowerPoint shoved under his nose by some tactics coach and the player just stares blankly at the pad while nodding every so often…
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