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Everything posted by daniel

  1. Yeah I saw that, and in the last 24 hours a few of them had done minus miles. Presumably Frank missed it, as it was the group a bit further ahead and Frank had done 25 miles in 24 hours.
  2. Harsh that. Very comfortable away win, and well deserved. Not vintage by any means, but fully deserved.
  3. Mellon of course gets time from me, inheriting this squad of nobodies but he takes some criticism from me today for the 1st time. The subs were strange and made us worse, and we still finished the game with 5 central defenders in a 2-1 loss at home and were sat defending deep in injury time, whilst Hope and Willoughby are still sat on the bench. I’m not saying either of those are world beaters but after 80 mins we’d completely ran out of ideas and it needed changing somehow. Baffling.
  4. Dan Mooney won’t be signing. Just re-signed for Altrincham.
  5. Yeah thats a fair response, and something I had thought of in terms of how it would impact the establishments involved. I did however feel that there’d be no Latics fans who would go to this game solely because of Marc’s kind contribution and those going would still end up in the same pubs drinking the same amount, and so there’d be no impact in that sense.
  6. Just a thought, and I don’t speak for all Latics fans, and I don’t know how we’d go about it but why don’t we ask Dorking to donate the £1000 they are putting behind the bars in Dorking to instead donate to Franks cause. I’d certainly rather that than receive a free drink in a pub in Dorking.
  7. Another update on his facebook… ” UPDATE FROM FRANK Today is day six of the World's Toughest Row and, so far, Frank has travelled more than 242 nautical miles (approx. 278 miles). We’ve just spoken to Frank. These first few days have been hard, with a long 14 hour day rowing to get past the first waypoint and some motion sickness. His boat also temporarily capsized in a storm this morning, leading to his Emergency Position Radio Beacon (a device to alert search and rescue services in case of an emergency) breaking off and washing overboard. But there is a second one on the boat which is secure, and Frank is safe. Frank continues to find the positives in everything and is happy and safe to continue. We’ve been sharing your messages of support and donations to Alzheimer's Research UK with him and his son, who he talks to everyday. Please join us and get behind Frank by leaving messages of support below for us to share with him when he next checks in. : The World's Toughest Row.”
  8. Yeah, surprised no one mentioned this sooner. Disgraceful decision, and MM was rightly furious at it too. Big loss if indeed Kitch is banned, which I believe he will be.
  9. I’m not going to disagree as such, but I do somewhat feel there was an overreaction to our 1st half. We were poor granted, but it was your typical poor game overall with Solihull looking equally as poor as we did I thought. Hudson didn’t have much to do at all and they probably did edge it, but it wasn’t a 1 sided affair. I thought they were crap for 4th in the league, and shows with a bit of consistency especially at home we’ll get that top 7 fairly easily.
  10. Hopefully wrong on this, but seen on social media that Gardner has been injured this week and has been in the gym with Reid. Unsure how serious, and if he’s available tomorrow.
  11. Dan Mooney linked to us on Twitter. Scored against us for Southend on the opening game of the season. Has left Southend this week, with a mixed response from their fanbase.
  12. Looking to book train and read you can go via Birmingham city centre and on to Solihull or direct to Birmingham International as both Solihull and Birmingham international are around same distance to ground. Did anyone do this last season via train, and if so, any opinions on best way to go?
  13. From a selfish point of view, i’m delighted it’s off. Flown to Tenerife this morning, so was missing today and next week.
  14. Wrexham’s Hollywood owners donated £2000 to his justgiving. Great gesture.
  15. I think Kitching is Ok, as 1 booking was in the fa cup and I don’t think that counts in league games anymore. Thats how I interpreted it when I googled it. Norwood has already served a ban for 5 bookings, so unless he’s close to 10 I don’t think he’s in immediate danger yet.
  16. Not 100% but Hogan was allowed to play at Newport in the FA Cup, which was in the middle of the Altrincham and Eastleigh games which he was banned for both, so obviously FA cup doesn’t count in terms of serving a ban for bookings, so surely it shouldn’t count for receiving bookings also. Anything could be the case with these clowns running football though, so que Kitching being banned Saturday.
  17. Love Norwood’s interview, especially when asked about his partnership with Fondop.
  18. Hoping that Norwood just has some cramp there! Would be a disaster to lose him.
  19. Yeah, your right, commentator confirmed thats the explanation given by 4th official. Changed my mind in that instance, never ever is that an attempt for the ball.
  20. Can’t be a red anymore I don’t think. Double jeopardy I believe, where if that was on the edge of the box it would be a red, but inside a yellow and a pen.
  21. TNT may wanna get some new researchers…. We’ve not beat any of the top 7 sides…… Wrong!
  22. Yeah I saw that but he’s put something more on today, basically his scan results. It might well be his thigh and not his knee, but it sounds more serious than maybe he originally thought.
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