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Everything posted by Ketsbaia

  1. While there are plenty of crap chain pubs in the centre, there are some real quality boozers too. I'll post a few recommendations once the fixture list is published.
  2. D&G aside, that's a pile of utter cocksnot.
  3. Fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope? Oh, wait, that's four...
  4. Was that after a delightful through-ball supplied by the large-chested winger Brown Fox?
  5. Yeah, 'cos they've been, like, a disaster for this club.
  6. Not quite. Although the irony of the initial reply didn't escape me.
  7. There you go making assumptions again. You can't help it, I suppose.
  8. You seem to be making an assumption. FTR, you can be neither a doom-monger nor a happy-clapper. But go ahead and throw false dichotomies into the mix while you're at it. But getting back to your 'argument', if there's nothing wrong with looking coldly at what, as far as you can percieve, seem to be the facts of the matter, then there's nothing wrong with looking at them warmly either. Given you've already admitted you're only arguing about perceptions of facts rather than actual ones, surely both hypotheses are equally valid/invalid/delete as applicable?
  9. Oh and lay off the ad hominem stuff. Last refuge of those whose argument is seriously flawed.
  10. It's not just trouble you're perceiving, Corp. It's doom. You need to ask yourself whether it's worth it.
  11. Serious question, corporal. I mean, it's the one you've been asking subconsciously for the last few seasons. And in countless posts on this site.
  12. We're doomed. Doomed, I tell you. Tell you what, why doesn't everybody just stop going and have done with it?
  13. Granted, but at least he's now at a club he gives a feck about. And with him still here, I think even the happiest of clappers would have joined Corporal Jones's Doom BandwagonTM long ago.
  14. Don't go there. He recommended rocket Ronnie last time, remember?
  15. Sorry, that's just waaaaaay too reasonable. We're all doing our best to whip up a bit of messageboard outrage now our season's gone up the swanee and all you can do is sit there and type sense. Not good enough.
  16. If I recall correctly, it wasn't that near Mills Hill. I thought it was nearer the Foxdenton Lane/Broadway junction.
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