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Everything posted by BlueJazzer

  1. I mean one of the McNiven brothers, not beresford.... Eejit.....
  2. One for the away games - to a certain beatles song We look daft in our yellow fluo kit Our yellow fluo kit Our yellow fluo kit These song posts have got to be my favourites. Have a good laugh at some of them!
  3. We used to have a bloke just like this, who actually did score a few but still wasnt considered good enough. Even got player of season! Warney anyone?
  4. I may have been wrong, but when i was on my assesment day for the fire service back in 1996 (i think) i was sure one of the beresford brothers was on it too. He (if indeed it was him) failed. I didnt and have now got 11 years in,whereas he seemed to fade into footballing obscurity. Who'd have thought i made a better career choice than being a pro footballer?! Never looked at it like that before! Wayne Rooney can stick his ferrari's up his ass! Reason for edit - crap spelling! Probably why i chose not to follow a career path in teaching.........
  5. Funnily enough, i was reading sundays news of the world at work today and greegs was in the league 1 team of the week. In midfield!
  6. If u come and stand under the sonsors suite I'll shower it down like Caeser in the Coloseum....
  7. Just thought I'd drop a line to say how much I'm enjoying the free beer in the sponsors suite. Filled my prediction sheet in, Hughes to score first in a 4-1 win. 4728 attendance. If u see a handsome bloke in a pink flowery shirt, gimme a wave. Better still, sing me a song! Oh when the blues!!!!!!!!!! Hughes and O'Grady up front. Come On!!!! Keep the faith guys and gals....
  8. Oh god, nay nay and a million times nay........ Its in my station area and its rough as hell. Its a dump. I dont care how many apartments they build, and how much they charge, its still bloody Ancoats. As a wise man once said, you cant polish a turd. P.S. sorry if this offends anyone who lives in the area (my nan does), just telling it how i see it, usually at 3 am....... Anyway, back to the arguement/debate...... reason for edit : i spel like a 5year old sometimes!
  9. It'll bloody bother me! I'm up in the posh portakabins drinking free beer! Shame the lads wont be able to hear me cheering them on from behind the glass in my lovely warm box......
  10. I built a snowman for the first time with my niece. She's seven years old and its the first time we've had good enough snow! Happy day.....
  11. You know, if they said they would ditch all the pointless money spinning bus lanes, the speed humps and those plain daft chicane things then i might just change my mind about a yes vote. When i was a 6yr old in the late 70's I expected future roads (after all 2008 seemed like a lifetime away) to be as smooth as glass, and all cars would have magic rubber that would stop them on a sixpence. I never would have imagined that we would actually stick bumps on them on purpose! Just a thought........
  12. You know Teats, that has to be the best post i've read on here. Well thought out, well structured and put together. Dont get me wrong, ur not going to make me vote Yes but well done all the same. Certainly a nice change from reading OAFCzero's egotistical self important bull:censored: and seeing those smiley faces that i just want to punch and punch!
  13. Its amazing to see that crowd when u watch the utube clip. Looks like there isnt enough room to squeeze a rizla paper between the fans! Quality, dont think we'll ever see it like that again. Actually, we wont, the seats put paid to that!
  14. Hey careful, he's a mate of mine....... He's a red tho, so i dont mind a little bit of piss taking!
  15. I dont think they'll 'push it through' but they will find a way to introduce it anyway. They can dress it up anyway they like. Change the name, print new maps and leaflets and hey presto, welcome to the 'Manchester Toll Road'.........
  16. Well come on then Mr Oracle. Tell all us stupid ignorant people just how it will benefit us.
  17. But as i said earlier. The train doesnt stop near my house and i dont want to catch 2 buses to get to work. And thirdly, as an emergency services worker i cant get to work late because of public transport and make up for it by staying late on other nights. I dont drive out of principle, i drive out of neccesity. Bored of ur pompous attitude now, i'm off.
  18. Of course i get it you arrogant bastard. Will the charge actually affect you? After all it says next to your post that your from Warrington. The tram is going to replace an existing train that is of no use to anyone in Royton. Bypassing it thru the town centre isnt going to help. And do u really think that you will get all these new buses. There was an article from an mp in the chronicle (thats an oldham newspaper, not sure if u get near liverpool) that the quoted number of school buses fro the oldham area is just one more than what we already have. I'm not adverse to change or progress, i just think there are other ways to raise the revenue without taxing motorists that are alreading being bled to death with reported 500 quid road taxes and ridiculous fuel duty. And please dont bring up the petrol prices coming down, cos thats due to a fall in the price of oil, nothing to do with the government.
  19. So oafc0000, can you please explain why i am ignorant and selfish for not wanting to pay to go to work. I work damn hard and feel justified in wanting to spend my hard earned money on a car so i dont have to stand in the bleedin rain waiting for 2 buses that dont turn up. Maybe i should quit my job and be a layabout pj wearing staffy with a studded collar walking stella during the day swilling leech? You're arrogance to brand others ignorant or selfish is simply quite astounding and i for one think u are well and truly out of order.
  20. Neiladamsheadband, you're officially my hero. You just invented a brand new word - Strupidity - and I for one am going to use it all day tomorrow! Oh and on subject, did we get fined when Leeds stood up in the RRE all the way through the game last season? Or would Leeds get the fine?
  21. I think he's refering to Ernie Theobald Cooksey. News is he was a legend.
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