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Everything posted by BlueJazzer

  1. I thought u posted it because it seemed to suggest that Taylor is some sort of sexual deviant ...... Train, roast...... its all the same really!
  2. He's been listening to the oracle that is Bluejazzer.......
  3. I love it, but its just asking for a fine toothcomb all over the rest of ur car. Incidently i got fined thirty quid yesterday for that <------------ number plate! Arse! Go and catch some proper criminals!
  4. Apparently its a bloke called Ben Collins. Not like im a stalker or owt........
  5. Are those two pics of the same bloke or have i missed something (again)..............?
  6. Found a bar with a few absolute beauties in Norwich when we were relegated from the Premiership. Long long time ago so i cant remember its name. Closer to home... Duke o York, Shaw and on Friday night Farrahs in Greenfield. 3 darlings!
  7. I always liked Man Citys nickname for our very own Neil Pointon. Dizza. Classic.
  8. I cant, i'm on nights keeping you all safe in ur beds again, so i'll be tuning in........
  9. Hell fire! Be careful man, i was almost hung drawn and quartered for saying something along those lines last week.........
  10. You forgot to put Craig Davies on the list....
  11. Put it in perspective. We've lost a coupe of games but are still in reach of the top. After the progress over the last couple of years we're expecing to be in the mix come May. Could have been Carlisle fan writing it couldn't it. Now they're experiencing a slide, we're just merely having a dip. It'll come good. KTF
  12. I need to apologize...... For some insane reason i thought that Greegarse had conceded two pens in the last week or so..... Dunno why? It was a Hughes handball that gave away the previous penalty. I can only think i had his sending off against Hartlepool (?) on my mind. Anyway, sorry Greegs. Still thinks he's a bit of a donkey mind.......
  13. Did Hughes really blow the ref last week? Wow, no wonder he got booked!
  14. I'm not being negative. I love owdhum I do! I just think we could do with a quicker younger centre half. Actually, on reflection, I am a bit of a tit.....
  15. Don't get me wrong, he will win 99 out of 100 headers but apart from that..... I'm not a fan. 2 penalties in 2 weeks. Every time he chases anyone in the penalty area it's heart in mouth time? But like I said, just my opinion. Certainly don't think it makes me a tit! That Ronaldo is overated too.....
  16. I know it will probably upset a lot of u cos there are some out there that really kiss his ass........ But..... Big penalty giving away turning circle of the QE2 snails paced donkey! He's bloody hopeless..... Just my opinion.
  17. Hang on, you forgot to mention... 1. Porter coming back on loan to a heroes welcome and an open top bus parade round Derker. 2. Danny Whitakker being caught in a compromising position with Trikkinikki's avatar and being dropped for saturday. 3. Shez making a joke about murdering prostitutes on Top Gear and getting sacked by Russell Brand. 4. Leeds winning an appeal against the league and being given 30 extra points. Been a strange week........
  18. Shuffle the pack? Shez hasn't got a shuffle in him! Good grief someone will be sugesting something as radical as moving Chris Taylor to the right next....... I'm starting to get the horn for TrikkiNikki's avatar.... I really need to get out more...........
  19. So fresh on the back of some tart whining about a funny answering machine message, Jeremy Clarkson has now upset 188 people for making a joke about truckers murdering prostitutes. Now dont get me wrong, i'm against wierdos going about killing hookers as much as the next person, but, for gods sake.... IT WAS A JOKE!!! And a damn funny one! I was watching the program, i heard it, i laughed, i got over it. I just dont understand how a couple of complaints can lead to the dismissal/resignation/suspension of a celeb?! Apparently about 28,000 people complained about the Ross/Brand thing. His audience was 3 million. So that means approximately 2,972,000 people didnt complain. And then the rest of the country heard about it and a further 59,900,000 people didnt complain either..... Some people need to just get a life. Max Clifford reckons that this could shatter the 'promising model's' career? She gets her tits out in Nuts! This has made her profile go through the roof! She should be bloody thanking them, not whining about it!!!!! So anyway, back to my point. If an official complaint goes in about the Top Gear joke, and Jezza gets taken off air, then i'm off to Shephards Bush to storm the building and give Director General Mark Thompson a chinese burn, and possibly a wedgie of doom, just for good measure. Anyone fancy splitting the petrol money?
  20. Now hang on, when Danny Philiskirk signed for Chelsea I said that I had been told he was crap by several people he had played with. I was lambasted for it! Plays for England blah blah, Chelsea arent mugs etc etc...... Does this mean maybe i was right after all? Or maybe they were..... Rant over!
  21. Did we ever start that prize for the funniest post of the day? Cos this one wins by a country mile!
  22. I want to know if jsslatic is autistic? I cant even remember what i had for my dinner!
  23. I know Newyorkboss is reportedly one of the 3 amigos but do u think any of the players or even Shez is on here under a psuedonym? Gotta say if i was Chris Taylor, and not just a player but a fan as well, i'd be on. So if they are, wonder if they pay any attention? Maybe read some of the comments on here and shed a tear? Just for the record, i'm not a latics player or Shez..... I'm Brad Pitt!
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