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Ernie For England

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Everything posted by Ernie For England

  1. Wow, is that a post from RoyleArmy that hasn't been edited? Surely not!
  2. Maybe not but so many people have been moaning since pre season about brill not being good enough (i'm not one of them) and now that DP has signed a keeper, what happens? People are STILL moaning. There's just no pleasing some.
  3. stop moaning. There's a reason why DP is manager and not you.
  4. Heard off someone that pav is out of the leeds game. I don't know whether it's true or not so don't shoot the messenger but God help us if it is true.
  5. I know they have to be there, i never said they didn't. I'm talking about the decision to give the leeds fans the full RRE. Surely that isn't the police's decision to make?
  6. my dream last night was more positive. i dreamt (is that a word??) that we were 2-0 up at half time and even deane smalley scored! Sadly that's when i knew it was just a dream.
  7. but what's annoying is that they always use the "in consultation with the police" excuse. It's nothing to do with the police, it's about making more money so why lie?
  8. That's because you've seen us play once. How can you possibly judge us off one performance?
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