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Everything posted by laticsmad

  1. Would love to know where the money is coming from to make up the short-fall caused by relegation!?
  2. Just out of curiosity, why do we want another defender when , firstly, our defence is doing ok, and, secondly, we couldn't score in a brothel at the moment?
  3. Barry, Are you not seriously worried about the future of this club when reading messages from fans such as the above!???
  4. Barry, It all depends on what the new owners have planned for the club!!! If the objective is to plough forward with the Failsworth move and continue to neglect the here and now, then my answer is a resounding YES! We are not tools Barry and we do not, and will not, continue to pay £20 for nothing in return. I'm not a real fan I hear you say!? Well I have supported the club for 25 years so how many of supporters like me can you afford to lose before it becomes unviable!? You need to act here and now!!!
  5. Maybe but I dont want to be playing league 2 football next season. With DP in charge that is exactly what is going to happen!!!!
  6. BB8, are you happy for Penny to relegate us before he is sacked because the way things are going that is exactly what is going to happen!? BTW, agree that TTA were wrong to sack Ronnie Moore! However, you cannot compare the two as we are in serious relegation trouble this season
  7. Yes but surely the idea is to stop the rot before we get ourselves in such a position!?!?
  8. The way I see it is give Penny another half a dozen games to arrest the downward spiral (make no mistake it is) of piss poor, passionless performances. If not, then we quite simply have to get rid of Penney. Before anyone say the three amigos will not want to pay up his contract, well i'm sorry if that is their attitude they do not have the best interests of the club at heart and I do not want them as owners of the club!!!
  9. I didn't even go to the game but it sounded like a non-event. Seriously, I have no desire to be in league 2 next season but it is becoming a distinct possibility. I realise there are 22 games left to play and things can change pretty quickly but i'm worried! Can anyone who went to the game tonight point out the negatives and positives (if any at all) of our performance?
  10. 51 you say. wow and they say dementia only happens in old people!
  11. I' msorry but they would have to cut prises. Nobody is going to pay $20 for virtual non-league football. Lets hope it never comes to that
  12. I doubt they will be back on owtb after the abuse and vile that was posted on here about them after the exter game. TBH, I don't blame them either!
  13. I´m in Rio De Janeiro and it´s 35 degrees.....loving it
  14. 10 to 2 you say! Well I estimate the bus ride takes 40mins. So from getting off the train you have 30mins to find lever street (takes 10mins if you know where your going) and hope there is a bus running (whichI think there is). Good luck but I think you'll be fine if the bus is on time and you don't hang round.
  15. I would aim to get into piccadily for 1 or 1.30pm latest. Otherwise, you will be rushing to arrive before kick-off!
  16. Fair do's there are the extreme ppl who do kiss arse. However, after chatting to sara several times I know she's a top girl. BTW, where is all the supposed publicity the girls have received from the BP PR fiasco!? I can't actually believe they are considering a 2nd vist but good on them for not letting the numpties oh here put them off doing so.
  17. They've already said they're coming back again but are going to keep it quiet because of all the :censored: comments on here. I don't blame them one bit to be honest!
  18. Great, but why the underhand comment towards the American girls? Two girls travel halfway aroud the world to watch Oldham play and all we do is question their motives, or just simply give them a hard time! On the other hand, the same dickheads, whom claim to be oldham fans, can hardly be bothered to attend a game! I look forward to meeting them on their next vist to Boundary park! I will not be silenced by the saps! Drunken rant over.
  19. I don't know! Some people on here would argue with their own shadow given half a chance ;)
  20. I agree Barry. Not everything is meant to be discussed!
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