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Everything posted by laticsmad

  1. No use??? Your kidding right? We have the worse scoring record in league 1.
  2. lol, where was the humour? Don't give up the day job sonny ;)
  3. lol yeah you would read into it that way wouldn't you! try reading it again and....nevermind.
  4. If you think we are going to 'do a blackpool' my friend you are seriously deluded!!!
  5. nah it wasnt meant like that! Soz if you got the wrong end of the stick!
  6. Where in my message does it say not everyone has a right to an opinion? Not offering anyone for a fight here, lol sorry if it sounded that way. However, yes I would quite happily, and preferably, discuss a subject on here with someone on a face to face basis! That way rubbish can not be spouted.
  7. lol, no I am a gentleman! All I see is 2 girls who have come for abit of an adventure to England to support OUR TEAM OLDHAM, yet they are being crucifed by some on here! Sort it out lads!!
  8. I can't bite my tongue any longer! Some of you guys on here really are women hatting grumpy old men! From the start, I have known that I will not be meeting Sara & Amber whilst on their trip to England. I have, however, spoken to Sara on Skype occasionally and to say she is a pleasure to speak to is an understatement! I do not know where some of his hatred towards the girls has come from but it is becoming pretty pathetic! These girls have travelled 6000 miles to see latics play and all you can do is complain about how they are attention seeking wanna be WAGS! They didn't set out to gain attention, more so it was thrust upon them. Let me ask you, If you visted America to watch a relatievly unknown team and media attention was thrust upon you would you shy away from it or enjoy your five minutes in the spotlight and even use the situation to your advantage? Yes I agree they should have paid at the turnstile but they were offended and made a knee kerk reaction, such is life! We have all made the wrong decision on the spare of the moment. BTW, if any you wish to label me a Sara & Amber lover then please feel free, but I will expect you to explain your reasons through a face to face discussion when I am home for xmas. That is if you care to gather all the facts and come away from behind your computers!
  9. Aye, I agree with you an extent, but if you had just been insulted would you have stayed for the game!?
  10. Ok I have heard from the horse's mouth. They were made to feel unwelcome. Therefore, choose not to buy a ticket in the stands with the fans. Still very shoddily treated but I might give the club another chance now
  11. Do you not want the club to have more supporters? Why oh why would they lie about being refused entry?
  12. In real terms that will be £40! I want answers or I will not be returning to boundary park
  13. erm because if we leave things how they are we won't have any fans to take with us to failsworth!
  14. If your waiting for facts we will already be DOOMMMEEDD! ;)
  15. Read the rest of my reply. 'being oldham that is not very much'. Oldham never seem to get the true amount a player is worth when leaving!
  16. He was only worth what someone was willing to pay for him! Being Oldham, that is not very much!
  17. Perhaps they are not willing to invest any of their money in the states on their toy in the UK!? Perhaps they were desperate for the Eardley money, and he wasn't worth much more anyway? I really don't know if this is pie in the sky but it does seem to fit well with everything else that is going on at the moment. Hope not!
  18. A mate of mine has heard the same rumour and said that the owners are going to sell taylor because they are so skint!! A rumour that does the rounds I know! However, if it does happen I will boycott BP on the few occasions that I can attend! Keep the faith ( no thanks)
  19. I really hope this is not true. Otherwise, this could be the start of the long goodbye!!
  20. Mate, have you nothing better to do with your time! We are crap but your team is crapper! Who will go down is anyone's guess! Now go away you sad !!!
  21. Just maybe, maybe, if Scholes is the diehard oldham fan as is claimed--he will help us out! You know the type of deal, maybe sign for 10 game, that will help his ailing club, improve attendances etc!? Or am I living in cloud cuckoo land! If you were in Scholes shoes, premiership quality player who supported Oldham, wouldn't you do something similar!?
  22. And when exactly did we hit them on the counter???
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