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another fan

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Everything posted by another fan

  1. Course you need some, what is it they say? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and CHAINS excite me"
  2. How many would want Hughes to return, Not taking sides but wonder how a return would be received by the fans
  3. If I had known you were going I would have asked you to get me something because I would not be stupid enough to even contemplate going in this weather
  4. Reason for the ad is because apparently they have lost 70.000 customers due to their new policy on overdraft charges (Me included)
  5. So let the moaners show their arses and admit the fact that the club have got something right
  6. Having just been for a walk around Chaddie Park Definately not wrong to call the game off
  7. 0218am Boxing Day (extremely pissed) You are just too good to be true on Radio Gold Where have I heard this before?
  8. Latics beat City (2 - 1) 22 years ago today Son was born that day got really pissed that night
  9. Decency still exists on this site Excellent comment
  10. Received the same call on my mobile earlier (but asking for my son who is now at UNI). This implies that the records at BP are years out of date As others have said credit and good luck to the new market ing initiative. Really hope that it is not too little too late
  11. If I can get there I will be the short arse bald bloke wearing specs but no goatee beard and I am not Garry Glitter either
  12. Coach cost PLEASE anyone, am tempted if not too late
  13. Unfortunatly my dabblings are like watching Latics (more downs than ups at the moment)
  14. I had long thought that the Adertiser provided better Latics coverage than the Chronicle thought this has waned since Seans departure
  15. Last time I got blocked in the BP car park was when Andy Goram played for us and we got stuffed (by was it Swansea?) Tried to get out early but could not Ended up polishing the car inside and outside Was immaculate by full time What was the final score 6 - 1
  16. First team to have a matched scheduled to be screened on Sky postponed due to frostbound pitch ( I think. please correct if I am wrong) League fixture against Everton
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