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Everything posted by JonesyOAFC

  1. To be fair i'd rather have him at right back than Eardley... Alright, that might be taking things a little too far...
  2. I wasn't trying to say that he owes it to us to stay, it was more a 'cross the fingers and hope' type comment. I wouldn't hold it against him or the owners if he was to leave, i'd obviously just prefer him to stay...
  3. Terrible player. Can't cross, can't pass, his positioning is awful, constantly hoofs it aimlessly upfield, i'm struggling to find any positives to his game. The sooner we ship him out the better.
  4. True. Apparently we've offered him a deal which would make him the highest earner at the club since the new owners took over. Lets hope he repays the loyatly we've shown in him by staying put...
  5. Wouldn't really be a step up though would it, seeing as Donny are going to be back down here next season. Can't see him going there to be honest...
  6. The 'official' reason was that the beer pumps in the bar weren't working, and the bloke who went to fix them accidently disconnected the cable for the floodlights instead Anyone know when the Ipswich game is by the way? Might have a trip down s'long as it doesn't clash with any of our fixtures...
  7. He won't. He'll get sold to a Championship club, get completely found out at that level, and then slip back down to either League One or below.
  8. Can't understand why Maher isn't being played. The guy's proven his quality not only at this level but the level above. I'd give him a few more games to prove himself personally, with Whitts dropping out for a bit.
  9. Please, please get rid of him. He's awful. The second someone comes in with a half decent offer we should snap their hands off . He'd struggle a league below, nevermind above...
  10. Because he's awful. He'll get absolutely ripped to shreds at a higher level, that's for sure.
  11. God I hope this is true (So long as it's for a decent amount like...)
  12. He was superb yesterday. Never likely to be a prolific goalscorer, but he wins everything in the air, holds the ball up brilliantly, and he's got good feet aswell. I'd definitely give him an extended run in the team...
  13. Beating at it like a gormless ape, even when no-one is joining in, isn't an 'excellent performance.' At one stage he was banging it to deliberatly wind-up some of our own fans.
  14. I can't see any benefits to having a drum whatsoever. I hope he breaks the bloody thing.
  15. Not sure he's a 90 minute man, but he's a cracking player to have coming off the bench, especially if we're losing our physical battles up front. Wins absolutely everything in the air, and he's good on the deck aswell. Will never be a prolific scorer, but he's a very good squad player.
  16. I think the defence could have been a little tighter, but it was superb vision from Ricketts to set it up. He did 2 or 3 similar balls after that, which thankfully didn't quite come off for him.
  17. As much as I can't stand the guy (although those chants are way out of order), he looked class tonight. He shouldn't have been allowed to look class though, but for some reason, everytime he dropped off to collect the ball, we allowed him time to assess his options, and if he'd had an half decent strike partner to get onto some of his through balls the score line could have been different...
  18. Amen to that. Hopefully being capped for Wales has increased his price tag a little...
  19. Not sure why's he not been given his chance to be honest, maybe because there's a fair bit of competition in his position? He's certainly impressed me on the rare occasions i've seen him anyway...
  20. If we were to sack him, who exactly is there out there to replace him? I don't think there's too many managers currently without a job who are better than Shez...
  21. Still seems a bit unfair to say "what the hell is wolfenden still doing at this club?", and pick him out when he's just got back from injury, played his first game for a good while and put a decent shift in...
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