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Everything posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. Great typo. Edit: can we have suggestions for what sins Larry would commit for L**ds.
  2. F is for... :censored:in' Fed up of Failure to Find our way out of division Free.
  3. Ever read WACCOE Carl? It should really be called WACKO. They really do still believe they are Gods gift. You should have seen some of the names touted about on there. The one thing I will give 'em though is that they.... Ah :censored: 'em, they are a bunch of c**nts. Derek.
  4. Rick! Rick! Here is your coffee. Smell the deep luscious aroma. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Time to wake up. Meanwhile back in the real world - you know as well as I do that things in football may well supposedly work that way, but realistically???? There have been many a player, manager, coach or whatever had their eyes turned elsewhere without official approaches made. For example: Agent releases statement to the press and in these days of the immediacy of access of information, Boom! Person X is halfway out of the door before the first rumours are posted. There is more than one way to skin a cat if you want to tap someone up. It's not all George Graham and brown enveloped bungs in service stations nowadays . Derek.
  5. Hee hee - thought that when I read it Paul. It is though a recurring comment to those with a darker outlook on all things at BP - especially from those that I would presume to be the younger supporters. Ah, the blinkered exuberance of youth, wait 'til they have been at it for 30 odd years eh? Derek.
  6. Do you know anyone willing to queue for 30 mins on a freezing concourse to get a pint of week old slops? Say what you like about the fact that the Lookers was an eyesore - at least you could get a beer, see the scores in there and get see the game without gangs of goons bouncing up and down in front of you every two minutes. Anyway, I digress. So, as the internet rumours about Larry to the dirties increase, does anyone think that the Oystons may take a cheeky look down Sheepfoot Lane for a potential replacement? Derek.
  7. Past caring Stitch. I find the whole 'matchday' experience a thoroughly soul and joy sapping tiresome bore at the moment. So much so, that season ticket or not it is weeks since I have bothered turning up. Derek.
  8. If Larry gets the job at ER, I think he will be back in for Taylor and have the ££££'s this time to make a serious offer. Derek. Oops! Typo.
  9. Learnt it or just repeating parrot fashion? If he has genuinely learnt, then perhaps it is time to start putting it into practice rather than paying it lip service in tomorrows chip paper?! Derek.
  10. Yers need to join in more on here Stipey and the Inspector. Said it in my 'where have all the raconteurs gone' post from an age ago. There are places for us old 'uns you know - we know of things that went on when lots on this board were gleams in their parents eyes. Be a shame to let all the gen go to waste. KtF, Derek.
  11. How on earth do you remember all that :censored: mate? KtF, Derek.
  12. Did we have one disallowed Paul? Am sure we had the ball in the net that day. Obviously my memory was not what it was - must be the beer! KtF, Derek.
  13. Saw the title of this thread and without reading it, immediately thought of the two London trips where we had to get up before we had even gone to bed. I think Punkster is right as well Stipey, 5.30am start. We got dicked at Upton Park 3-1 if I recall - and didn't they miss a penalty as well? - perhaps that was the year before in the LCSF. It were bloody cold though. Millwall 0-0 borefest. Gillingham 2 years ago - fab day out in the rain SW. Yer don't know yer born nowadays! KtF, Derek.
  14. As I am so pissed off with the whole world of football at the minute, would anyone care to furnish me with appearances and goals stats for LH through his tenure so far at BP? Mainly because I can't be arsed looking myself. Ta. KtF, Derek.
  15. Harking back to the good old days of JKL, 'DW for manager'. Punkster for one fell for it more than once. TBH, I think he could do a bloody good job here. KtF, Derek.
  16. Anyone excited yet? I am absolutely over the moon. I go to see them after a week in Barcelona and have got the wife to agree to buy me a new mod suit for my birthday 3 days before. All I need now is my skinny tie and shoes. Roll on May. 'It's all a load of bollocks' KtF, Derek.
  17. A few seasons back I missed over 20 goals in a season at BP from both teams whilst questing for and drinking beer. So much so, that it became a ritual to be told to eff off if we needed a late equalizer. I am the king of missing goals. KtF, Derek.
  18. To be fair to Walshy mate, Strongbow has got to be about as close to death as it is possible to get without needing a tag on your toe. Talking of Walshy, did anyone think the goodbye to Taylor post had an air of his hand about it? KtF, Derek.
  19. You should see some of the names being touted on their board. Talk about over inflated sense of self worth. Macca in - it's hilarious. Time to lift the ban on the little Catalan me thinks Matt. Remember to send him mail to welcome him back ;). KtF, Derek.
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