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Everything posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. A comfortable 10th placed finish for us IMO, and the season will peter out by mid April. Doesn't matter if we are good enough to win them - we ain't getting there in the first place. Derek.
  2. Funnily enough mate I was just about to reply with the following: Dan is a well balanced individual - chips on both shoulders! Before you start - yes, I am fully aware that once in a while I have been known to get the odd bee in my bonnet . Derek.
  3. Yeah. If she is supporting them - she can go back over the border for the night . Derek.
  4. Truth must hurt then Garcon. Can you name an Oldham player that was worse on the day? He never got in the game other than the goal. Don't read the programme either, waste of money. Derek.
  5. Actually you don't know me at all other than by hearsay. Believe me, it is no hate campaign against any individual - admittedly I do have a grievance against the morality of signing Hghes but this is a football based post about who in my mind would be the better of the two for the club on a messageboard designed to express opinions and hopes for the club. I am fully within my right to express my opinion on those hopes and if I think that an individual and/or individuals are not up to the job then surely I am within my right to post those views without having sniping comments fom you at any rare opportunity that you deem to see fit to read my posts? Derek.
  6. For me it is too slow to make a devastating or even decent partnership. I would love to see Mental and Windass with a prolonged run, intelligence and pace. Derek.
  7. Nothing to do with using Windass as a stick LL. Getting on your moral high horse after too many shandies with me again LL?
  8. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW I love you Walshy. Suzy says we should have a beer soon with you both. Derek.
  9. Yes I do have moral issues, but they don't detract from my footballing perspective you knobcheese moron (the name calling is from the wife who is now giggling, but I can't say I disagree with her). Derek.
  10. They are all ass kissing, happy clapping sycophants anyway. Do I care? I say it as I see it. Derek.
  11. But goal excepted was our worst player on the pitch. In fact, their number 6 excepted, was the worst player on display. Derek.
  12. In light of the 'Hughes is off' type of threads of late I am going to put my own take on the situation. Today was my first chance of seeing the 'lardy dirty bastard that everyone hates but would love in their team' playing in our sacred blue. I can't believe how much I actually enjoyed watching him play compared to the frustration I garner from watching the head down approach of Lee Hughes. Windass is an infintesimally better footballer than Hughes purely because he adheres to the basics. He is willing to lift his head up and play others that are in better positons into goalscoring opportunities. He sacrifices his own self glory and adulation for the good of the collective. Of course, whilst we were having our 15 minutes of running riot in the first half he should have scored, Hughes is a head down within 20 yards player and everyone else. For me Hughes can go, for nothing if it be that he doesn't want to sign his contract. If he wanted top stay the ink would have been dried already. Give me a team player every day, some of his passing was sublime. In my opinion TTA would be well advised to stop chasing around after LH and turn their sights upon a better footballer in Windass. His up front play today was quality and long may it continue. Derek.
  13. Wednesday fans recollection Would like to comment on this particular incident at Oldham. We arrived via car from Dronfield around an hour/ hour and a half before kick-off and the atmosphere around the place was forboding. We took our place on the side terrace to the right of the away end and saw a large mob of Wednesday fans take the home end completely. The police started to escort groups of way fans into the away end from the home end during the match and eventually leaving around a hundred Wednesday fans left, Oldham re-grouped and charged the remainder. The Stainrod/Curran incident occured (to my memory) around the same time, Wednesday fans incensed both at what was happening on the field and then on the home end tried to rip the fences down and clambered over the suport wall where we were stood and ran down to the home end down both sides of the ground trying to help those getting pumelled at the other end. As i've moved to the Midlands one of my former fellow work colleagues originated from Oldham and tells of the story of what happened the season before the Wednesday riot at a match with Chelsea. The old away end was wooden terracing and Chelsea basically broke up large sections of the floor and set it on fire. Oldham were still clearing up the mess of the re-work the day they played us.
  14. Was it not Curran vs Stainrod before the RRE was re-distributed to all parts of the ground JP? Oh, and Stipey is right - long haired puff indeed! Derek.
  15. Paddy. If you can sort it for Richie to come back, then I will. It'll make Aspin feel better too. Derek.
  16. Since when have the club needed to notify the fans of anything? It ain't in my season ticket rules and regs that they need to tell us the ins and outs at BP. One good thing could come out of it all though. Hughes could go to Donny. Derek.
  17. Ring him and tell him it's your birthday mate. The number is 08457 90 90 90 ...... ......hang on, that's the Samaritans. Never mind, might come in handy after the match if it is anything like as absymal from the midfield quartet as Hudders was. Derek.
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