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Everything posted by oafc-latics

  1. Got this from Keep the faith! on 606: ================================================= .................GP...CS...GC D.Brill.........17....06...18 D.Flahavan...09....01...16 Brill's clean sheet percentage is 35.29% and he concedes 1.06 goals a game. Goals conceded in the last 10 minutes: 6 Flahaven's clean sheet percentage is 11.11% and he concedes 1.78 goals a game. Goals conceded in the last 10 minutes: 4 ================================================== he definately makes more high profile mistakes and doesnt make you feeling any easier watching but maybe he should be given another run and we might see why he was signed...
  2. at least we've got some more options with pav and taylor. i'd still be reluctant to start both of them though, DP said on the official that they were fiot but not match fit.
  3. id take anything from those four to be honest. we're past the time when playing a a bigger team meant a better performance and i hope im proved wrong but these teams look too strong for the division
  4. what got me was that you think we're going to get anything out of the leeds, norwich, charlton and southampton games.
  5. apart from when we lost 3-0 at their place? i gave up after that
  6. Exactly, they may be fit but are they match fit? i think we can afford for them to miss one game now as we have cover but not for another half of the season.
  7. id prefer that they missed a couple of games now and gained full fitness for the rest of the season rather than rushing back now and losing them at a crucial point later on when we need all players fit.
  8. its ok but youve got some work to do replacing the der's that went on for about half an hour at huddersfield last season...
  9. i wasnt sure between the two but he still hasnt shown anything worth a new contract
  10. in decline? wasnt february when the night at the dogs happened?
  11. if you think ritchie in is a bad idea and that penney should be given time then i agree
  12. give him some credit. he was given a tired squad that had players that obviously had to go and brought new players in that havent been given the chance to play together. i really think next season, with a full team we will be back into the top 10
  13. the squad we have now is mainly DPs squad. if ritchie came in, he'd have the same problem as penney did when he came in as he has shez's squad but with less cash. penney has had to rebuild and so would any new manager.
  14. dont think hudds will go up but we're going to lose leeds but sheff weds are down there so it might not be as bad as you think
  15. id have colbeck over lee. lee has been here for three seasons and hasnt shown anything promising. colbeck has at least shown he has something. anyway, his inconcsistency keeps things interesting...
  16. my dads mate used to teach richie wellens when he was a kid
  17. my mum saw any ritchie in the chippy a few years ago, does that count?
  18. yeah, i didnt think theyd sold buckley. are you sure youre not just making this up?
  19. you're definately looking at a glass half full but you have to be positive and go to win games. i hope your predictions are right and id take i point from colchester, leeds or norwich too...
  20. dalw wanted him, we didnt. and we got some money for him. good move... until he returns to BP next season
  21. i agree, he isnt but he is a bit of experience and he gets into the right places at the right times and has the potential to work very well with abbott.
  22. O'Driscoll Maybe that means we could get heffernan permanantly whilst donny are still searching for a manager?
  23. mind you if middlesboro are after killen you never know...
  24. with a couple of games in hand. we are a midtable team and only that. we might not be there at the moment but we will be att he end of the season. relegation would be disasterous but if we went down and came back up playing better football, wouldnt that be better than going up and finishing bottom? i dont want to go down but football is football at any level and id prefer to see winning football than depressing football. we'd probably lose more fans in the long run going up too.
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