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Everything posted by Ritchierich

  1. The underlying message though is that LJ is looking at all aspects of what it takes to deliver on the pitch.
  2. Absolutely spot on. I thought he struggled at times today with his decision making and positional play, but, clearly has potential so hopefully he is one of the ones that LJ can develop further
  3. He's right on that! To be clear, my original comment was not intended as a dig at LJ, frankly, he has really impressed me with his thoroughness and I am really looking forward to next season. For now, he has to work with what he has.
  4. Haha, in one sense you're right but it just appeared the tactic was to try and have them relieve the pressure by lumping it long to them so the could use their strength and height to hold the ball up....problem is, neither are good enough to do that
  5. I thought we were pretty poor today, lots of misplaced passes, nothing much upfront and left their players unmarked so many times in the second half it was untrue...they could/should have scored 4 after the break. Baxter had a poor game I thought and Tarky and Brown do not inspire a huge amount of confidence at the back. Big Jean was immense as always, winning everything in the air but the back four continue to provide the opposition with chances as they just don't seem to talk to each other. I don't think if I've ever seen a player as happy/relieved to have scored as Barnard and the way the squad celebrated with him said a lot about how his efforts are appreciated. LJ pretty well gave up on any idea of trying to win the game by bringing on Iweliumo and Smith who managed to win not a single header between them and we were desperately hanging on for the final whistle In the end you have to say its a good point won but its yet another reminder of what a poor, poor division this is if Swindon are anywhere near automatic promotion.
  6. Called off due to "safety conditions around the ground"
  7. ...which one have you been applying to your typing?
  8. ....I thought he lived in Cheshire? Perhaps that's what you meant by down South?
  9. sorry but what a nonsense! By this logic, in ten-fifteen years time there will be no managers as you are not allowing anyone to join the esteemed group that includes such luminaries as Phil Brown, Dave Penney, Kevin Keegan et al.
  10. Sky sports showing the goals as they go in! ...described us as free-flowing!.....LJ promised us attacking football, more crosses and 2-3 goals per game....so far, so good
  11. For clarity, are you referring to Hitler, Jesus or Tony Blair?
  12. Very happy with this appointment; Young, fresh ideas but with enough old school common sense Not afraid to tell the players a few home truths Already up and running; watched 5/6 games and already picked team and tactics for tomorrow If smaller clubs don't give young managers their first chance then we're all stuck with recycling the same old faces I've supported Latics for over 40 years and not going to turn against the club for being far sighted and backing a hunch on a talented young bloke.....leaders are leaders regardless of age
  13. Frankly, the players have let themselves down this year so hopefully enough of them have enough personal and professional pride to put in the required effort to get the points needed to stay up, regardless of who the manager is
  14. Would self-immolation in front of the main stand just before kick off on Tuesday be an overreaction or should I just get behind the team?
  15. I'm sick of too many loan players, I'm sick of players who think they are better than they are, I'm sick of players on Twitter, I'm sick of players who don't think their (part time) job should require a bit of effort, I'm sick of players who would rather be somewhere else and most of all, I'm sick of players that simply don't care.
  16. Dowie is the new Scholes.......neither of them are coming so can we just move on?
  17. Doesn't really matter as he'll be sold in the summer anyway
  18. TP should haul him over the coals for that, we're in a feckin relegation scrap and he decides he is the League One Messi
  19. "Just because the UK banks are rubbish, doesn’t mean that there isn’t ways to make money especially if you have money. What was it, 240 new billionaires created this year. " .......does anyone have a telephone number for any of them?
  20. It's a funny thing football, it is entirely possible that it is easier for certain types of players to play at a higher level: sometimes it's more time on the ball to pick a pass, or, in MS case maybe a decent supply of accurate crosses. I also think we are forgetting the fact that he has barely completed a full season of league matches and has improved considerably in that time. Either way, good luck to the lad if he goes on to play at a higher level, the irony is he may well end up on a decent contract but back out on loan to a league one side
  21. Interesting thought really, do you leave it until the last week of the season on the basis that you will know exactly what you need to stay up and the atmosphere would be great etc or just get it played next week and try and get the points on the board?
  22. The thing is, we can't blame TP because he has said all along that he doesn't want the job. He's just doing it until SC sorts out a manager. Problem is, it is beginning to look like SC has no serious intention of spending any money on a manager for a while yet. Big gamble!
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