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Everything posted by 24hoursfromtulsehill

  1. If I can get out of work early enough, I'm up for watching in London somewhere. I'll know what's happening the previous Thursday. Only about a 3 in 10 chance.
  2. I agree with this. There's a certain air of meaninglessness this season - torpor is the best word I can think of. It'll be hard for the administrators to rebuild the integrity of the league after this. Keep banging in those 11-pointers and it's yours to lose, where "it" refers to a tainted, pointless title.
  3. No chance I can make this one, thanks to the evils of football on TV.
  4. New Blue's 11-pointer could give the rest of the league the kick up the arse it needs. It's impressive in the context of this lacklustre season and poor, poor league.
  5. If I had £24 million I could lose it by bankrolling Latics for 30 years.
  6. Exactly why I chose not to study Eng Lit - didn't want some crusty communist university types telling me what a book says and doesn't say.
  7. It's true enough. You might as well write this season off. And it's only November.
  8. We keep coming back to it though don't we? There's only one way to silence the doubters.
  9. Must be catching. I haven't read a book for a while - probably the longest I've gone without for about 20+ years. One explanation is I read a lot (of :censored:e) at work. Another is I've got plenty of attention for short form reading (on here, Twitter or in the LRB and the papers) but none for the longer form. Short stories are ace - I've had the JG Ballard anthology on the go for a while.
  10. But everyone knew that was a false position and it was only a matter of time before I started piling in with the 11-pointers, what with my prediction skills being so much more superior than everyone else's.
  11. I'm a bit surprised there was popular demand for a weekly points total column. Some people are addicted to humiliation and embarrassment I suppose. It's a very poor league this season. Everyone seems to want it given to them rather than going out and taking it. Nice to see Ex_pat and Harry Bosch down where they belong now that they're no longer illegally favoured by the administrators.
  12. It is defo a city of pubs. What that'll mean in practice is we either all end up in different ones, drinking alone in some cases, or all end up in the Spoons, possibly missing quite a bit of the game. The stadium is absolutely miles away from the city centre isn't it? Taxis? Buzz?
  13. I might give these a go. I had no idea you'd purloined your username from a book. I thought you were actually called Harry Bosch.
  14. A general election now wouldn't be pretty for Labour. It turns out that the alternative to centre left politics is far left politics, the alternative to which in turn is far right politics. It's possible that in just six years you can replace a majority centre left opposition with a far right one - in which I include the SNP. General election is making a lot of sense though. It just means May won't be beholden to any one group of dissenters, one way or the other. I still reckon we're not leaving the EU though. I got pissed the other week and had a rash bet: I win £100 if we're still in the EU at the time of the next election. Bring it on!
  15. Article 50 been triggered yet? No, because there's been no vote in Parliament and there won't be one because May currently can't win. The wait goes on, alas.
  16. A Crown of :censored:. And there he is, smiling wearing it.
  17. Bristol Latic was on Pointless a while back. I didn't see ze incident but by all accounts it wasn't pretty.
  18. Fair point well made. You never know with the powers that be. Maybe they'll change the rules as soon as their favoured son or daughter hits the top of the table, or even wait until after the end of the season and make up some bull:censored: reason to give it to Ex_pat...or another lickspittle. No one can say this is an exciting season but it's still got qualities. Just takes one person to want to win it and it could reach the level of "mildly entertaining".
  19. I'm defo in for this one. Not sure about stopping over. I'll check the late trains back to civilisation. Last train back to London is 2301.
  20. Stevesidge very impressive this week. Went early and it's paid off bigtime. Honourable mention for rudemedic with a great attendance prediction - the higher the attendance, the more difficult it is to pick up points, so it's a top effort to get so close. He's still :censored: at everything else though. Ho hum.
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