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Everything posted by 24hoursfromtulsehill

  1. What matters is what happened that specific night in that specific room with that specific person. What would Ched's defence be if he were accused of robbery? Would he argue that his victim had previously given to charities and therefore can't be robbed?
  2. Do you need some help with the tables? Disjointed continues to impress but the jury is well and truly out on whether he can change tack when the situation demands it. You can look at his predictions from last season and this and legitimately question whether he's ever seen us...or even any game of football. Sadfaces for Joe P, as always, Ex Pat, the loser, and Harry Bosch, who's going through that difficult, hard-to-sell, second-season phase. The flash was bright but it really was just a flash. The truth is they're all absolute :censored:. Things can change in the unpredictable game of predicting but if you're not David Collinge or better in the table, you can :censored: off. You might as well not bother posting.
  3. People pay people to drink tea? :censored: off world.
  4. My mistake. I would still call that tailgating, but you're right that you need two in the conspiracy with both understanding their roles - unless you're one of them Peckham Rye ninjas who ropes in the unwitting commuter into doing their fare dodging for them as naturally as other people put one foot in front of the other to walk.
  5. ^This. Just use your contactless card. Saves all the :censored:ing about queuing at the ticket machine and it won't take you over the minimum day ticket price. But both grown-ups will need one. Top tip: parents often take kids through the luggage gate when they get to the barriers because the tailgating technique can be difficult to master.
  6. It's perfectly logical. Ex_pat is a massive fraud - not a back to back champ. Hence the mess he's making when he's not getting help from the powers that be. The most impressive prediction this week is from youngen. Properly stuck his neck out there. Brilliant when it comes off like that.
  7. We're still on the bus. Running out of beer and time.
  8. Change of plan. I'm now getting the 1253 from Brommers.
  9. I can't work out whether the BNP Special is any good for me. I'm aiming for the 1153 from Bromley South, which is the 1137 from Victoria. Gets us to the Dog and Bone just after 1300.
  10. The headline in The Times was "Woman in Ched Evans rape trial had 'asked for rough sex'". I think I can see the what the defence's line of argument will be. Ghastly man.
  11. Seconded. Are you getting on in Brommers as well?
  12. You're right. Barnes is winning with 35%. If it's not Waddle, it's an absolute travesty.
  13. Happy with the Southern Belle. Can't for the life of me remember the name of the place we went to last year - the one with the Dartboard where I scored a flawless 32 checkout (D8, D8). Edit: I'm reliably informed that the darts pub is called the Dog and Bone. Just round the corner from the station. Oh dear. Yep. I'm seeing this too. Bus from Meopham (where?) to Gillingham takes 40 minutes, which makes it a right old trek. What time is everyone getting on at Brommers?
  14. The most surprising thing about this post is that you're not even pretending to be the champion anymore. "If they start scoring goals regularly (hope), this could start changing the table." Hope? :censored:ing hope! If? There's no such thing as if when you're predicting, which you would know if you were a genuine champion, which you're not so you don't. No point hoping for outcomes that match your predictions. Too late by then isn't it? I've always thought you've underperformed in this competition. Occasional flashes of magic and then nothing for weeks. Disjointed still the favourite for me. Just that adaptability question mark to address. Another relevant question is whether he has the stones for a long, attritional winter.
  15. Waddle's clearly better than all of those people put together but I'll vote Rick. Surprised Leeslover didn't mention Giggs. Did you ever pay me that tenner? What about the Rooney / Owen one? Or was it two?
  16. A very extreme way of avoiding the misery of Oldham Athletic.
  17. Certainly has. He's at the forefront of the newly formed Beckenham Mafia.
  18. I just found it a bit weird that someone was in a bank, let alone two people.
  19. Fair enough. Did your mate happen to see any cash going IN to the Corney account?
  20. Did anyone read that I-met-Corney-in-the-bank story? I don't think it's cynical to probe it a bit further. This lad meets Corney in the bank, by chance. (Who uses an actual bank anymore anyway, unless you're in retail and need coins?) They get chatting, as you do, in the bank that no one goes to, about all things OAFC, at which point this lad is invited by Corney to witness him paying £140,000 to Latics to cover overheads. I'm not calling bull:censored: but I'm not far off. If true, there's nothing to get exited about. If not true or only partly true, the provinence of the story becomes very interesting indeed. And a touch scary.
  21. They're not threatened by darts - but they are threatened if you show them a pictorial representation of something in the world, like a man throwing a spear at a mammoth. There's a south London train contingent. Nervous Tic and I are getting on at Bromley South - the Victoria to Gillingham slow train goes through there. Slow train means quality time with cans of lager and probably less time in Gillingham.
  22. ...and Her Majesty's Most Loyal Civil Service comes up with The Great Repeal Bill, which means the long grass of green paper (minimum consultation of 12 weeks), ponderance (no maximum time), white paper, consultation, pondernace, huge drafting exercise (no maximum time), parliamentary committee scrutiny of draft Bill (likely because of the huge constitutional aspects), second reading debate for a couple or more days (if we ever get there), line by line standing committee scrutiny, which could take longer than Crossrail or the last Companies Act, report (of a Bill different from the one introduced, further amendments, a great many defeats for the government in the various Lords stages of the Bill, attempted reversion to the original via debates on Lords amendments in the Commons, followed by royal assent. At which point (unlikely we'll get this far before the Sun expands to swallow the earth) we start negotiating. To give an idea of the potential length of time involved, one common ministerial answer to demands for a speedy government analysis of, for instance, a select committee inquiry into fertilisers, is "it'll be done by spring"...to which the obvious supplementary inquiry is "spring of what year". 2020 for the Great Repeal Bill? Later? 2025? Never?
  23. For me, disjointed is emerging as the favourite, but it all depends on resilience, a key component of which is adaptability. He showed :censored: all of that last season, but let's wait and see. Can't say I'm sorry to see ex_pat struggling - just goes to show how risible his "claims" to last season's title are. Not a champion, not serious, no class. Relegation possibility. Absolute joke of a predictor. The MK Mongs of predicting. Sorry I haven't been providing quality analysis for the past month or so. I've been on a lucrative Far East speaking tour after being tapped up by businessmen who bought me pints of wine.
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