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Everything posted by JoshOWTB

  1. Has anyone actually come up with a sensible solution or proposed a change if the trust is not working well as it is? Name calling and shouting at people over the Internet is not going to solve or add to anything. Think this thread has made things worse. Maybe the trust should propose a panel of 6-10 fans to come together with the trust board (I think there is a board) to discuss how things can be improved and how the trust should change. This panel should be those aggrieved with the trust and also those who are happy with it, maybe also a club representative who isn't on the trust? The panel should also look at how the trust can increase membership, better engagement with the trust, non-trust members and the club (including getting more fans - old and young). Also they can investigate and even involve other club trusts to find out why they are working and use that best practice to get our trust better. Or if the panel feels the trust needs a complete overhaul then perhaps that is best. Just my two cents...
  2. Trying to donate but it's not working for me, will send a couple of quid a month when I sort out paypal. Just out of curiosity how much is it costing you a month to run the site? Hope we don't see a "Digging into OWTB please read..." thread in the future
  3. Good match cbp - was incredibly close, you were winning for most the game! Now on to the really tough one...
  4. Never been so pleased to concede in the 95th minute
  5. Which players didn't get a contract then? Well done to those which did, look forward to seeing them play in the future.
  6. No they don't, the certificate of ownership relates to the land and not the development. Anyone can apply for a planning application for any land as long as they have the land owner's approval. They can only build on that land with the land owners approval too - so I assume we either pay ground rent or have a lease for the ground for a nominal fee. The club probably own the asset but they also have the debt associated with the build and ongoing costs including the possible ground rent.
  7. I can't open the links but if the certificate of ownership is the last (or second to last page) of the planning application form this needs to list all those who own the land - the planning approval stays with the land and therefore you need permission from who owns the land. It doesn't mean they own the stand but they own the land it sits on.
  8. What train are we aiming for? Does it save money to book in advance? What time does the game start?
  9. I actually did well this week (in comparison to others), for the first time ever. Nice little cup warm up.
  10. Dayton, ffs.... Should've got more than a point watching that!
  11. Here we go then... Bradford 2 - 2 Oldham (HT 0 - 1) Harkins 14,643
  12. And just look at the poll on this forum: http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php/topic/45016-fao-simon-corney/ 90% of forum users want Corney to stay. And I'd say this forum is usually a lot worse to the players and management than the average fan who doesn't use the forum. I blame modern football, let what happens in the boardroom and background happen. So many fans think they can do a better job because they got Oldham to the Champions League final in Football Manager but they have no idea how much money and work goes into running a club! And then they complain when Corney is silent and complain when he speaks up!
  13. Do we have a better option? When we do we can debate whether Corney should leave or not. At the moment he's the best we've got. There would've been much more uproar if Koukash had bought us and moved the club to Salford!
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