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Everything posted by footy68

  1. Please I beg you not another :censored:ing pointless poll
  2. Can we have a fourth option of ' I couldn't give a :censored: for another inane :censored:ing mindless poll'
  3. The ticker that amused me was Peter Odemwhingie is sat in the QPR car park.
  4. That's all we can do, the do gooders see that their human rights are protected, which means free speech has to be observed. Fortunately some media outlets do not have to offer free speech as per the Sinn Fein lot, and should be encouraged to deny these people the coverage they desire.
  5. Terrorists rummy, they're all terrorists. They use terror to put across their point. They either can't or won't sit down and discuss their issues. Just because they don't represent you, or me for the record, doesn't mean they don't represent somebody. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, whatever the cause good or bad.
  6. Representatives of 'the people' are the politicians, not the EDL. I also said 'organisations such as the EDL' not directly the EDL. Can I ask, who do you trust to do correctly by you and your country? I don't see anyone at the moment. What I do see is industry in decline, manufacturing outsourced, a health service and benefit system buckling under the weight of immigration and poorly run departments.
  7. Sometimes organisations such as the EDL make politicians sit up and listen to what people are saying. This doesn't mean I agree with what the EDL stand for, just that on odd occasions the representatives of 'the people' should act as just that. Maybe then certain groups and leaders would never surface in the first place.
  8. It must be a goalie thing, my youngest likes them.
  9. Both my boys who had boundary blues tickets (early2000's) had to have photo id
  10. Ask the club. I'm sure they have legitimate reasons.
  11. As a former front rower in the lookers, getting wet doesn't really bother me. If that was the case I'd stay home and watch premier greed.
  12. Tell you what, there's a few here right now making Mellor think he made the right decision. For :censored: sake, get behind the players that want to be here.
  13. Personally I hope it's the worst fixture we could hope for.......at 15:30 that day I'll be watching my son get married
  14. Not sure the consequences of failure will have the same outcome lmfao
  15. Back to the bad old days of sharkwatch et al.
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