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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Im going to say there is a direct correllation between the decline of home advantage and the attitude of modern fans.
  2. Yes loads do wish him to fail. I don't think he will however.
  3. Youre failing to convince me that Kelly, Dunn, Jones, Winch, Green is somehow a myth.
  4. True. But I forgot about Green, so five midfielders for three spots. I really cant remember our CM options ever being this strong in at least a decade.
  5. Youre right you know, that does sound crazy.
  6. Four starters who would get in most teams, for two positions? I cant remember that happening before.
  7. Bad scene when Postman Matt is havin a go at someone for bein too negative!!!!
  8. Angin that. Happened to me a few Ashes ago at Headingley ?
  9. So true. The comments of BP60 had a noticable bitchy edge until he got his sugar.
  10. I too thought it was all bollocks until todays insinuations.
  11. Tbf Kelly would have been taking training whilst all this was going on.
  12. Club must have finally totalled up the cancelled season tickets.
  13. Was going to ask that but in my head it sounded silly!!!
  14. Is it just me or do the seating blocks towards the RRE look more pronounced or steeper?
  15. Madness!!!! Even Ronnie Moore said it when he was here!! Strongest division in years and somebody still says it. Borderline banning offence in my eyes.
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