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Everything posted by leezyverpunk

  1. Anyone else up for this? Bargain evening beats sitting in wotchin Eastenders n that! I am gonna have a scav around for some dosh to make it but dont need loads anyroad so should be ok!
  2. Agree 100% Slurms - gives us some noise - us punkies like a bit a noiz dont we mucker?
  3. Got to disagree on this one, thought macca was possibly our only effective midfielder on Satdi. I wanted Smalley off coz I felt for him, he seemed to be really struggling and thought Shezza could have put him out of his misery earlier - I didnt boo though! Would love to have seen Woolfy come on on left wing and Tayls moved to right side - would have caused a new set of problems!
  4. I remember me fingers going pure white and numb in t'owd Chaddy - great memories - always fun playing Stoke and Boro - always a few in our end - eeeh them were t'days!
  5. Al be there - do do do do de dooooo! Come on punx Lezbe Avenue (a great album!)
  6. Scotland - it would be nice to watch a British team competing in the Championships - it aint gonna be bleedin us is it - now where's that wall again - AAARGH!!!
  7. Every referee every week that come to BP and continue to spoil our games by blowing their whistle every 2 minutes mostly giving a free kick for our opposition and letting away teams continually waste time by delaying dead balls, giving their players five minute lectures after a foul and then adding 1 minute injury time - excuse me for a minute while I just headbutt the wall - AAARGH!!!
  8. Call me old fashioned but this is what grounds should look like - raw and terraced - priced for the working class, only for the hard weather beatened fanatics. I only started going about 82 but it was about the same as the film - that's when grounds were grounds - non of this namby pamby all covered all seated atmosphere-less drivel of today!!!
  9. That is what I do - over 10 months - and a very minimal charge on top - I now have an excuse to go to every game without feeling the pinch - tis magic!
  10. By all accounts what a dfference a couple of days makes...all doom and gloom and no atmos on Satdi, old songs and jollities and a great performance Tuesdi, if only I attended away games! Well done Blue Army and Boys In Blue ... now let's push on on and off the pitch!!
  11. I am sure nothing would make you happier. We could then get someone else in to get rid of the 'brilliant footballing brain' and replace with someone else, Then when they can't hit a barn door we could get rid of him and the new manager etc.
  12. Sorry everyone, this is aimed at happyterryb
  13. No you can't make me so nurrr!
  14. Me sister's nan's dog lives next door to Russell Grant and he says 8 coz he saw it in Uranus.
  15. Unfortunately don't do away games so cant be involved. I sit bottom right of Chaddy End and sing at every opportunity. I do feel though that a lot of old favourites are unknown to a lot of fans so seems like a complete waste of time trying to get peeps joining in to songs they dont know. On Satdi was difficult enuff to get anyone to sing anything. Me and me 3 mates tried in vain to get somet going but we forgot we were in a library. P1ss poor real p1ss poor!
  16. I agree 100% mucker, totally - would let Taylor do more damage on his matural side tooooo!
  17. He worked hard on Saturday and as ever won most balls in the air - just need someone with the nouse to get onto these flick ons. Would love to see Hughes buzzing round Ricketts with Davies floating on the left side of attack and Taylor on the right side - think we would get plenty o goals then!
  18. I know Mystic Meg personally and she says 12!!!
  19. Have not read any of the above posts - what a complete load of tossers our fans can be - all happy when things are going well, all moaning when not so good - all baying for the sacking of RM then we get someone in whose all footballing career has been based on playing proper footy on the deck the way it should be played and soon as results start wobbling mee mee mee get him out. I think Shezza should be asking for the crowd to be sacked after Satdi's pathetic excuse for an atmosphere. Whilst I believe in everyone being entitled to an opinion, sometimes it just defies belief and all logic. We have a bloody good squad of players that arent playing well enuff together but ffs give em time. We AINT going down and just may make the play-offs but I am sure we wont be getting sore necks watching whatever happens unlike under BT and RM.
  20. You thought you had won - you were wrong, you were wrong!
  21. leezyverpunk

    Reuben Hazell

    Shouldn't even be up for discussion - has been brill - Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruben - lar lar la lar la lar
  22. Great attempt everyone -well done - but I win!
  23. Sounds good - could get my lad to learn these old abusive songs - he could tell his friends at school, they could tell their friends and family and we could start a new generation of Latics fans with a cutting edge - bring it on!
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